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Show MARKED CHANGE FOR BETTER IN MARKETS James A. Pollock & Co.. investment brokers. 109 South Main street, supply the following received over their private pri-vate wires yesterday: From Logan & Bryan, Now York Tho wholo list was buoyant and advanced ad-vanced vigorously throughout the day's session. Tho marked change for tho better in sentiment wbich has been recorded re-corded during tho past few days has apparently in groat part been engendered engen-dered by tho rather well defined prospects pros-pects for an early passage of the banking bank-ing and currency bill. "While opinion differs as to tho merits of tho moasuro, still it is generally conceded that if restraint is exercised tho effects of the new legislation are not likely to be destructive de-structive as far as tho country in general gen-eral is concerned, thouhf of course, many alterations in existing methods of conducting banking will have to bo mado. Tho chief criticism appears to bo that tho bill will ultimately produce inflation, infla-tion, which prompts us to say that if restraint is exercised that evil results aro not likoly to ensue, and in that connection con-nection it is only reasonable to assume that as soon as it becomes apparent as a consequenco of actual operations that certain defects should bo remedied, the administration may bo counted upon to do that which will bo of the greatest benefit to tho whole community. When ono stops to analyze tho present state of general trade, the conclusion is roadily arrived at that further adjustments adjust-ments in that direction may bo essential, but, it being the function of the stock market to anticipate and discount coming com-ing events, it would appear that the unsottlomcnt witnessed during 1913 has done much in a stock markot sonso in reflecting the existing statuB of commercial com-mercial and industrial affairs, and consequently con-sequently we incline to that view which we havo expressed so ofton rocently, which, in effect, is that socurity prices around prevailing lovels present great attractions, particularly for tho long pull. From Paine, "Webber & Co., Boston Renowed heavy buying was evident all day. Coufidenco has greatly increased in the past few days, and the passage of tho currency bill will add greatly to tho list of uncertainties which have been removed in tho past fow weeks. Tho buying of tho local coppers was good today, and in most cases the advances ad-vances wero sharpivith a small volume of transactions. Wo think this -upward movement has a substantial basis and will be carriod much further. Courageous Courage-ous buying of any of tho coppers at present prices will show a quick profit. From tho Gallagher curb letter, Now York Industrials wero higher in sym- Bathy with strength in other markets, lis wore helped somowhat by advance in southern California. Cigars sold at 05. The precious motal shares were featuroless. Think some of tho laggards can bo bought among them. Suggest Belmont, Bradon and British Columbia. |