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Show BgS' Wrapping and Express Office ' , jtfg ir pJlflTUV Red Cross Stamps For Said IH Glove, Co 1 I Now for the greatest crowds, the biggest Saturday business in the whole year j(t I K Mindtul of the importance of the day, we earnestly urge you to come out in the forenoon. I noway excursion! BbSMH ih 1 rates now effective. MflH I lull It m Do you realize that there is very little business in the forenoons, even just before Christmas? yHlS" IX 11 M So, come in the forenoon and enjoy the pleasure of quiet shopping with undivided attention. maa I " " J O $ I E Ours is the ideal Christmas gift store. There is quality in whatever you select there's newness, there's style. ILtE' 1 ? H We are doing our best to give satisfactory service, but where business is so tremendously heavy some things will go amiss. HHWKH AT if Wo can only urgo patienco in these final rush dava. Whenever possible, please carry small parcels. You havo no idoa how much tho consideration will help us. ' PSmKSNRhH ? ftf K Perfume Jree J5& rfS) . nxn fej) 1SL ly 0ur Entir: StDck ot li I' ErTSS BAGS Talf Price ifl je' lS J purse to ""'match" ' the jyfc 1m K nation. This is FREE, vT2wr Ty sJt' -yS?! dainty" colored linings. frjb jljlj - but usual price is 90c JZ ?tvc0--- Values from 4.25 to ) - fflffi B an ounce. fM&XtS .Jf&&dfrt XSObI'JC $24.95. At Half Price. ggh I Christmas Specials Sachet Powders' "g Tues- Acceptable Gifts in the fa j . t , -.ir r - Carnation, worth, an ounce 50c Reduced ' ITt-v-a f.' Q cnt- ll; in the Millinery Section gok Queen, worth, an ounce 5oc Linen Section Gift uomestic section a i . . Ping Pong, worth, an ounce 50c J . - Crepe-de-C hen e For a party dress mp K One lot Of Trimmed HatS, Re- Eutaska, worth, an ounce 50c( (fjF JtveminCierSs would make a delightful gift for your daughter; j 1 gardless of cost, $2.25 each. IL hf Napkins! The very thing for mother SSide, yd 65c fife I All Misses' HatS-choice Variety Violet, worth an ounce 50c &h note CrocadeCrepedeChene,27in.wide,yd....55c P I B of stvles UU P-;o Rose, worth, an ounce 50c I in four of the prettiest patterns we ever saw. Brocade Ratine Design IS woven of IATX I 01 St 1CS Flail X riCe Blue Rose worth' an ounce- -$1.00 an OZ. ?650 a dozen, reduced to $4.25 dozen. silk, are desirable colorings such as Copenhagen ft 1 M 1 lot IJNTEIMMED SHAPES Special, A few beautiful bottles of imported and Do you want to give something useful blue, wistaria, tan old rose-the newest cloth for V $150 each domestic toilet water; all good odors. Values to as well as ornamental? EMBROIDERED LINEN evening coafe , 46 inches wide; was $o.25 a yard; ts V All .fW nh,rlh,cr W dllr vplvpt $3.75, to close out, 75c. PILLOW CASES will fill the bill. Hand embroi- reduced to $2.2o a yard. m riuRiDMPrice An elegant assortment of imported and deFed P",re .linf .hemstitched ends at $3.75 a GermanRnbingt-for making Bath I m pmsn ape& idii j. noe. domestic perfumes in cut glass bottles and packed ?au Madeira hand work designs and hand seal- Robes, dressing Jackets; designs are suitable for jk , g . in Xmas bo.xes. Values from 75c to $7.50, at loped ends at $9.50, reduced from $12.50, and $7.75 both children and grown ups Jg H I ni iPf A rt"tr P: H 3 T FnPP HALF PRICE reduced from $9.2o. 27-m. width was 39c a yd., reduced to, yd. .25c s i 1 H 1 U11CL rl IIKS llli x i it Quny lace centerpieces are always ac- 32-in. width was 45c a yd., reduced to, yd. .30c !1 I aild LeSS toeTL cepftable .Pte, hae a imusnally toe - Automobile Robes -Heavy all wool I K . ,r 7 ; mirror and compete line of toilet articles Values sorfment of genuine hand made cluny with pure robes with fringed ends in pretty plaids; some I B ChrtSimaS Merchandise Som 85 "to Sl Se I i lo 65c linen centers that are wonderfully cheap. have plaill C0l0r backs, others have contrasting itfh I PntiVA Utia nf inanirnrp -pbnnv u t, , t ' 1 u ' i i 20x20-inch, were $1.00 each, reduced to. .. .75c paids. Size is 64x76 inches; price was $10.50. WW W JK entire line or manicure seis, eoony, Hughes' Ideal hair brush, rosewood 20x20-inch, were $1.25 each, reduced to...-. 90c Reduced to $6 75 each. ' fiB Wf i white ivory, bone or pearl; values from back with double black bristles. Regular $1.25 20x20-inch, were $1,50 each, reduced to. . .$1.10 c, r j a jtj n lj; li, $2.25 to $5.00 HALF THESE PRICES. for 75c 24x24-inch, were $1.75 each, reduced to. . .$1.25 Satin Bsd kpread-- Heavy satin or Mar- jrjJB : a L , . u u,.-,t.c v seilles spreads, with scalloped edge and cut cor- f. K few fhlte 1V01 bafch brnshe!' oj- j T . . .n ners; pretty patterns; fine, closely woven, soft fin- )f I i Afhite-iMd if Sfe t $1.2b Silk fueJ Q I P worth $1.25 (jJC - ST M.Sk Hose 95c for $6.50. Reduced to $d.2d each. JJ W A few white ivory shoe horns, ) flfP jfWF 4ffiF &f SSbT Initial Pillow Gas es-NizAe. from fine A worth 50c ( QQjSyt 1 -JjCAilC- B3 8- -!S8?BtL Women's colored white musline, have hemstitched ends and an em- Wig jV A few white ivory manicure tt-ri' SBk silk h88' Mgh spHc" broidered initial and wreath; former price was 'jP 1 W pieces, worth 50c I Mm S U TM5"" ed heo1 dubl ?L25' Reduced to 79c a pair. ? II m A few white ivory buffers, worth $1.25 i WKKfT SaT solefi5 lisl Uued t0P3' O D f White ivory puff boxes, regular $9.95, G 11 SgjT TlZ- Children's Bags and Purses f I $7.50, $4,50, $3.50 and $2.45. Half Price. llB Tl 1 .V nr.v Reduced j?h I f ivory clocks 11.95, $60 . Children's little silk bags with cord W 1 K, F'50 aTld 2'9- EDiLE THESE 'WJ) Oil handles-imported from feei7nany75c size, 50c; A. K ivory Pitcure tra ;t5tA fl) il H ini H If IrOlP Children's little leather muff bags, reg- V m $195, $3.95, $2.95 and $1.45. HALE $LJt 3 li J4 11 li & lb Ibli ular 69c for 50c; regular 35c for 25c. gjffi I WhStvoii trays, $2.25, Women's and Misses' Suits UNDERWEAR Basement Store AJf5 y 1 $1.95 aud $2.25. HALF TBCESE PRICES. Basement Store Women's union suits; color, white; regular $1.00; cQin purge to match the bag- 75c and 95c vaiues jiWk ( I Our entire stock of women's and Bpodai cscsuii. . for50c. WS 1 Reducaons of a Half and Third SSSS ir smts Whlte 0ny; A fan would make an elegant Christ Y 1 Silverpiated Ware, Brass, White te pV , h stvks f) 1 f i tt J Torvo ues up to $2d.0O for $9.95. Children's flannelette bath robes; regular $1.25; Pearl sticks Or DOIie StlCKS Willi AT W iVOry and nana DagS Wnmpn'c anrl Mip;' nnQ- specialise. ti. . , beautiful lace net or spangle centers. Values from M r 1 1 j. -ino ;n cc rr vvouiciib diiu iviiibib ooatb Women's flannelette short kimonos in a good as- 7 to S15 00 vour choice S4 45. $fH 9 Quadruple plated silverware, m sets or Basement Store sortniout of coors an(1 plfctcrns. raguter 75c: e; 48e. J7-00 10 lb-uu yur Lnolce ;i0- t MJ? in single pieces. Values from 25c to $30.00 Women's and misses' coats 3-4 Two in one aPron dresses, made of extra good Pearl opera glasses with , Lemaire or 'm reduced one-half. length made of rough materials; collar and qmm Marchand lenses. S4.95 to $24.45 at Half Price. gJjV fl ' Sterling Silver toilet Sets; two, three, cuff trimmed with Persian velvet. A $15.00 Women's silk taffeta skirts in an excellent assort- n assortment of Solid gold brooches I four and five-piece sets; also single pieces. Val- coat for $3.95. ent varietv ' and scax-f pins, values from $2.50 to $10.00; i2 ues from $1.95 to $45.00. One-third reduction. GLOVES-Basement Store . Mia .30 of these prices ; tfk I , White ivory clocks, val- YOUR Women's 1-clasp English cape gloves; regular Children's eiderdown bath robes in all colors and ; BrasLk tV'iuesi CHOICE n'Td vomen'K A Pretty Handkerchief or a 1 WBS QeSK sets, values UilWiU1 special, 75c aud while aannelette. Eegular $2.00; special, $1.60. Hninf Pnllor MllnrW ?4-9,5 . jt. -v ia Boys' gauntlet gloves and mittens; 50c and 65c r,VTri . OT Tnnrn 0 Dainty LiOllar TOT Mllaay TO fl ( Bronze book racks vai-l (mg pair. SHOES and SLIPPERS Handkerchiefs, dainty and sheer, with X 1 y RIBBONS BASEMENT STORE Basement Store "hemstitched and embroiled edge. Values to- 1 to $3.95 - Mail In Satin and Taffeta All Widths and 45c infants' felt slippers, regular 65c 25c. Special, 10c. I r Jewel boxes, vaiues I Wpll O Op? ' colors. ' 89c children's felt slippers, regular. .1 ..$1.25 Fancy collars, in black, navy, white, A 1 to $3.45 U 2c yara: regular 3c. 5c yard: regular 10c. 98c women's felt slippers, regular $1.35 trimmed with dainty net jabot Values to 75c. H ' , ' yard; regular 4c. 10c yard; regular Inc. , , - .i i. i c. CA 17 . , - lUl An awni'tniPnf nf wnmm'q hand ba?S 3c yard; regular 6c. 15c yard; regular 25c. $1.19 women's felt slippers, regular ...$1.50 Special, 10c. T U ii asSOltment or women b iid.ua uda, d - 8c 10c n d !Teular 35Ci J wnm.nq feifc oimners regular S1.75 , ,ji r.-r-' ? V genuine seal, goat seal, walrus, patent leather and 10c Bolt, holly or red and green Christmas ribbon, f wt! oZ Fancy box handkerchiefs, 3 OT 6 ill morocco. Some lined vith real leather; some with 50o best novels, by the best authors. A complete 5 iental, fntWeZS; Vin box ; also 1 handkerchief in fancy Christmas fold- A light or dark colored silks. it A AC VBtr2e cBSti & DnIaP's eat booka that are valued to Jf- men,s eaJner suppers, reuar ipx.ov Special, 50c each. T l' , ii x ti4 4-1 $1.50 each; 48o each, $1.49 men's leather slippers, regular. ..... .$1.75 ,w . ' ? Values to $8.00; all at one pnee 'TJ aou itotoDdHyiMd parted ia art ad .co.y. i.25 women's leather house slippers, reg. ?1.50 Initial box handkerchiefs, 3 m bOX, all ffb L $1.00 worth of Christmas Cards 10c lV , PUwBnon. Special, 65e box. IIJ |