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Show air Tonic . tBSS? Vigor keeps the scalp clean VfTf' Promotes growth. Checks IHV; .cs not color. w DOLLARS Kl,blamo tno obi hen if she iML tlurine tbe cold weathor. omo of our VAT SCRAPS wfe maker aEI-?0nt raUona anfl "watch her oatket. Wo can't bo nndcr-.Ranything nndcr-.Ranything in the Poultry Sup- Jer-Walton Co. jMPiBtate. Phono Ex. 717 Today Will Be the Biggest Day in the History of Walker's Store. The Values Are HereThe People -Are Here. Come With the Crowds : : Unmatchable Bargains Today in All Departments Today, 10 to 12 a. m. Today, 10 io 12 a. m. Today, 6 to 0 p. m. Today, 4 to 6 p. m. Today', 4 to 6 p. m. Today, 6 to 9 p. m. fil $2.50 Bath Robe Blankets at 50c Irish Dimity, 29c. 59c Women's Underwear, 48c. S2.85 Flyer Sleds, .$2.49. 25c Shadow Lace, 15c. 2 95 Women's Union Suits II $1.95. 'White imported Irish dimity, 31 Shirts and tights, lino Swiss ribbed'; A- large 10-iuch sled with steering Shadow laces and bands up to 0 ' I Light blue, pink, tan and grav of- inches wide, Tn striped and check ef- very reasonable. Main floor. handle. Annex. inches wide. White and ecru. ..30. g l fects, complete with cord aud tassel, fcets, for aprons, waists, etc. TnHv l in fi n m . Silk aud wool, hich neck and long I K Aiinex.- 2 t() p m. 95 ShaWn MilTOr 45 Tday' 6 t0 9 P' m' ovo, ankle length; sizes 30, 38 I Today, 40 to 12 a. m. rday' 10 lo 12 a m' $1.25 Boys' Cordurov Pants, a' Targe u-inch glass, in a ''heavy Imported Straw Slippers, M?liu ,loor- I I 19c Kimono Crepe, 12 zC. qQP nickel framo, adjustiblo to different $1.10. 1 IK $o.2o Comforts, $2.10. F f (1 kado c 2g l in brown or , Jr men and women, lined with soft lodav, G to 9 p. m. 1 Bordered .bod comforts, covered with .inchei , ride, heavy quality; a va- graylwa Today, 4 to 6 p. m. 4 fleXlblc Si?- C1 r w it B Si silkoliuc on both sides, plain colors; ricty of patterns and colors. U ' J Socond floor. 8-nn r.. ri e u 1 cone man &itB- Men s Dept. $1.7o Womens Underwear, RW border to match. Annex. Anuox. : ' JjiO.UU t-Ut OrlaSS 150WJ, SI 50 I fflll : ; Tn, v 9 . A. large S-inch bowl of beautiful dc- Today, 6 to 9 p. m. s I l&i m,,,,,, 1ft , 10 Today. I to 4 p. m. JOdd3r, to -1 p. m. Eicil. a rcfil,iap .$5 value. rn , . TT , Shirts and lights, whito or natural; I fM Today, 10 to 12 u m. Bune-tlow Anrons 49c ysJ2SL 50c Men s Sllk Hose 3 for food seasonable garments. 1 $3.25 Wool Nap Blankets, $2. SiIk LtTi- NZ HZ Today, 4 to 6 p. m. . . oor- 1 S; h qStyW-kat3Ln. snTXnt Oc Hose Supporters, 39c Today, 2 to 4 p. m. 1 I ' Main floorj om-mm num. These aro fancy silk, put up in at- sired. Mam floor. - tractivo holiday boxes; assorted col- c.i -n c. qiv,- I I w Today, 10 to 12 a. m. Today, 2 to 4 p. m. Today. 2 to 4 p. m. ors, Today, 6 to 9 p. m. 5 Child s bweater bets, 1 15c Long Cloth, lie. 10c Outing Flannel, 72c $1.50 Bath Slippers, $1.00. Today, 4 to O p. m. ?5c Collar and Cuff Sets, 54c $2,98 I 91 Plain white long cloth, 36 inches Fancy striped .Tack Frost outing flan-' For women, mado of eiderdown with 50c Boys' Neckties, 25c. 0lliy a limited quantity in the new Tn..tre.d. or4'oxford' of angora wool, wide, soft finish for women and chil- nel; fleecj1- quality; a variety of pat- Iamb's wool soles; assorted colors. Boys' four-in-hand ties; each in a shapes. White and ecru. v,tu ,nK" turnover collar, now shape M drcirs underwear. Annex, terns. Annex. Second floor. 1 fancy box. 35c and 50c values. Main floor, cap and full lcggins. "nd floorJ - jX ( frA 1869' 1 reat Coat and Dress The Great Doll Purchase ( jjT1 1S59' 1 (f(imh Purchase from Goldstone's from Two Local Importers Wtiwl&fy I 7Z7t at 50c on the Dollar &t 3 LeSS 'ZZU. m. L 1 8:30. Toy Dept. On sale in the ready-to-wear department on second floor. On sale in the toy department in the annex. 7:30 to 8:30. Toy Dept. J1 "The Store With the Real Christmas Spirit" Special Edison Phonograph Bargains We have never been so busy in our phonograph department as we are right now. Since we announced about a week ago that we were offering Edison Phonographs at about OrJE-THIRD the established price we haven't been able to wait on all who called . . ' to see these bargains. As most everyone knows, every Edison dealer is under contract to sell these goods at a certain price. This price is fixed by the factory and is the established price everywhere. every-where. So when we give you One-Third off this discount represents an actual saving to you. This opportunity afforded you now while our Special Holiday Sale lasts. Come In and Select the Style You Want Jm Pay $1 Down jA. and $1 Weekly ( yil " $24 00 EDISON HOME ys EDISON GEM ?ab jj. i $13.75 $39.00 - cft S $125 Edison Amberoid, New Hornless Type, Now $82.50. Edison Records 20c Each These- machines are all new and guaranteed in every way. Used phonograph outfits, .. $3.50, $6, $9, ,$11, These low prices and such easy payments are moving this stock fast, . so if you want a, genuine phonograph bargain call today and .make your selectiou. ;J STORE OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL 8:15 , ESTABLISHED ROYAL DAYKES. MGFo WHOLESALE AND ' 1862 13-19 E. FIRST SOUTH SX retail WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTERS EDISON PHONOGRAPHS GOLD NUGGET BUTTER 1 I excels all others iu uniform- I Jjlj ity of flavor and purity. I ; B It's made in the most I H sanitary creamery of the 1 B I west and of selected in- 1 lijfl gredients. I J1 NELSON & RICKS CO. B j 1 Kot in any butter trust. I jH La Vallieresl I Hand-Carved Cameo La Valieres I Our regular $10.00 grade, with a hand- i soldered link neck chain, will be ape- ' clnllzed UNTIL XMAS FOR $3.75 H COMPLETE. A Hint to the Male Sex "The Ladies Are Crazy I H for Lavallieres." 1 H CLINE S I f 1 E. Broadway. ! JL JL Near Main. JL JL fBIBUNE WANT ADS PULjh Hj |