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Show F1K COM OF 'BEET BfflUE Commercial Clubs of Salt Lake County Discuss Problem. The afnllated commercial clubs of Salt Lake county met last night at Sandy, principally for the purpose of discussing tho beot-supar Industry; Thcro were present representatives from the commercial com-mercial clubs of Taylorsvlllc, Crescent, Murray, Sandy iind Snlt Take. J. W. McITcnry of Murray, president of the organization, or-ganization, presided. Most of the tlmo was occupied with the consideration of the complaint that farmers farm-ers are not receiving as much for thulr beets In Utah as In adlolninjr states. The prevailing price here fa 51.25 per ton for beets having 15 per cent saccharine, whorens It Is asserted that In other slates an high as 5fl.'J5 Is paid for the samu beets. There is also somcwlmt of a demand de-mand that testing of the heels to determine deter-mine the percentage of saccharine should be made not by the sugar companies! but bv an Impnrtlal expert. After considerable discussion a committee com-mittee was appointed to Investigate prices of beets and also tho matter of who should make the teal. Tt was the sense of the meeting to bo nhsolululy fair to both the farmers and the factories. Another An-other meeting wan determined upon for January 6 at Sandy to hear representatives representa-tives of the factories present their side. This subject disposed of, tho nucstlon of the congested street car traffic between be-tween Murray. Mldvalc and Sandy was discussed. A committee was appointed to investigate the possibility of securing extra earn to relieve the congestion. Just beforo adjournment II. C. Carpenter, Carpen-ter, assistant secretary of tho Utah Development De-velopment league, gave a short talk on the advantages of organization and affiliation. |