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Show j A ETDIOUTjOUS PRESIDENT. Yuan Shi Kai, who still calls himself president of tho Chinese republic, although al-though ho bus becomo a despot, continues to enact a hypocritical role, the absurdity of which ho may not soo, but which 'vannot cscapo tho attention of tho civilized world, liis last ruso is a petition which purports to bo signed by General Li Yuon DTeng, vice president, demanding that the Chinese Chi-nese parliament be dissolved because of its inactivity. It will bo recalled that only six weeks ago Yuan Shi Kai expelled ex-pelled from tho parliament all the mem-bora mem-bora who had taken an attitude in opposition oppo-sition to his government. This action practically eliminated the parliament, but Yuan, knowiug that the eyes of tho , civilized world were upon him, cast about for an excuse to get rid of the t lawmaking body altogether, and he has ; chosen the ridiculous petition of the vice president. In view of the fact that tho United States government has recognized tho Chinese republic, President Wilson will bo placed in an ombarrassing position by tho conduct of his Chineso colleague. J Tho pretended republic over which Yuan exercises control is nothing more than ' J a despotism, but with Oriental cunning and predilection for subterfuge Yuan seeks to commond his autocratic government, gov-ernment, to tho world by various ox-' cuses. It is amazing to read, for ox-amplo, ox-amplo, that the petition cites the conference con-ference of the thirteen original American Ameri-can statos to revise tho constitution as a warrant for governing China by means of a servile administrative council coun-cil that obeys absolutely overy bock and call of the tyrant. Tho conference of the thirteen states paved tho way for tho present constitution consti-tution of the United States. It created tho greatest and the freest republic that over has existed. It taught the world that a mighty nation was possible possi-ble with liberty under law. For ono reason or another all tho ancient republics re-publics had flouristied for a short time and had perished. Thoso who advocated advo-cated aristocratic forms of government declared tnat a permanent republic was impossible, but the fathers of our country coun-try suoceoded in establishing a permanent perma-nent republic which has pormittod the widest industrial development, together with individual freedom and distributive distribu-tive justice. It requires, therefore, the utmost impertinence on the part of Yuan Shi Kai, who is merely the slavish slav-ish catspaw of European interests, to appeal for American consideration by : such obvious trickery. j |