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Show WORKING MAN HEARD. He, Too, Indorses the Stnnd of The Trihui.e. Editor Tribune am another that Speaks from the d nths of o long and bitter experience What great rojjolcing It was to my Wife and 1 to rend In -.our nrufl valuable papei that gambling must t k-: that the good people of Salt Lako will not tolerate It. Your cartoon of Sunday was so true tr life Let us help those that have not yet drank the dresrs of the cup of sorrow. Oh the misery I did bring to my family. I was rl?ht on the brink of destruction before I realized th -daninutloii of It. How thankful I am that I realised the extent ot tho Injury that 1 was working on myself and family. Let us help ihoso that don t riallz tho wrong, for there are so many of the wrongs that wo do not hear about that are all caused by gambling. I can not understand why the good pc-oplo of our City do not arise und put down this wrung. I very Often he.ir people that are In business say that gambling Is a help to n cliy. Business ne i.. let me tell you I am paving store bills now that ought to have been paid n year ago. So. Mr Kdltor don't rton this Kood work. Yours, VVORKlffGMAN Salt Lake- City Movetnber "S. 1906. |