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Show II.SURANCEASENTHELQ FOR D1SGHIM1NATI0W Charged With Issuing $100,000 Policy With No Premium First Year. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 23. --Charged with unlawful discrimination in favor of Benjamin '. Warnlek of this city. In cunne-ctlon with ihe Isiainnce of si life Insurance policy for fpm.ooa. Mat-old Pelrce. the general agent In Philadelphia of the New York Life Insurance company, was given a hearing before Magls-Irati Magls-Irati Ternan today nnd held In J'.Tj0.O03 ba 1 for his appearance in court. Peirce. it is charged, caused to be Issued u polio on the life of Wamlck for which the bitter did not have to pay the first yenr'n premium, Wh.ch amounted to Gets Liberal Offer. The principal witness In the case is War-nick. War-nick. HO ald man named K A. Riley C me t" him and told Dim thai ho could grt War-nick War-nick n tl'O.MVI policy In the New York Life Insuran ompany through Pelrce without Warnlek having to pay a cent of the rtist e.-ir s premium P.elllv exp olned. Wsrul.-k said, that by obtaining this ,ollcy Pe.r.--wotild be abbs to get a special bonus from the Company and thus get more commission than ho could otherwise obtain. To this Warnlek asented. making the proviso that It must be regular and within the law, as he would not accept It otherwise. Gets Policy; No Premium. About a month or two later the receipted policy was delivered to him without his ay ng uiy premium thereon. Warnlek said h nuh-KQUently nuh-KQUently decided that the transaction was Lot regular and requested the conn any to take, back the policy. He informed bis attorney atout tho matter and added that he knew nothing of this pror-ecutlon until he was summoned sum-moned to appear In the cas'. Says He Has an Answer, Agent Pelrce declined to discuss the case after the hearing. H-. .'aid that he would have a complete answe,- to the charge, ot the I roper time. The prosecutl n was b oug t under a Stale law to prevent dlscrlmlnn I D nnd th- uwar ling of rebates In Insurance p.o-miums. |