Show IT0 PLACATES EMPEROR But Latter Is Urged to Order a Few Assassinations. 8KOFL. Korea. Nov 2 Marquis Ito was rerelvrj in a farewell audlener this afternoon after-noon by the Emperor Marquis Ito will leave tomorrow on a Hcial train for Kuan. his iifflruit task or placating tho Emperor of K--r having born Accomplished. JavpUMQl cen'Iarmen and polio iro gaardlnc the lmp. rlHl palao.. and the rel lences of ih Cabinet Minister! t prevent nny attack upon thi m by .tJ-ctor to the new Ja- nncs- Ko-rean Ko-rean aSTe-m-iit The Emperor has been urired to r-pii'llat' th- arrc-ment and cause the s-aaaatnatlon s-aaaatnatlon of the cabin-t aflnlatara who signed it |