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Show SOCIETY Judge and Mrf William H King enter-tbined enter-tbined at a prettily appointed dinner last evening even-ing Ir. honor of Mr and Mrs William Bart-llng. Bart-llng. who will leave in the near future for Mllf'.-nhi. i ! iimiv e ,-ra) weeks. A tall cutglas va.-e of pink and white carnations formed the centerpiece, with trails of plumosa extending to the rorners of the table The place-cuds were hand-decorated In water colon col-on Baalds the guest of honor covers were (aid fdf Mi and Mrs. W. W. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Theo Whlttemore. Mr and Mre Frederick J. Hill and Mr. and Mrs. William Dale. Mr ani Mrs. Oorge Brlee entertained Informally In-formally at dinner last evening In honor of Miss f. Inn Duncan Of Knnsas City, A mound of yellov chryaanthanwima frme,i ihe een-terpiacs, een-terpiacs, the plac--caids being hand-derorated .th the ome flowers. Covers vrcre laid for Ight fter .llnner r. b llghtful musical hour was ep-nt. lha -".l"sts being Mrs. A, A Kerr and Miss l"unean. Un O W. Powern entertains at a large bridge pxt this afternoon. Mls Frances O'Meara was the hostess of a recond card affair yesterda- afternoon. In honor ol 51ri William P, O'Maara. JThaj decorations deco-rations were of pink and yellow. Nine table were filled with the players The ""Jit" Card club met on Monday evening even-ing with Mr and Mrs A. . Hoppaugh Six tonlaa were fliicd with the players, tie prises being awarded to Mrs Harry Rdwards and nt. ier. The club's nasi meaUnji will bi lieid ol the home of Mrs. Klward. Miss t'osgTlff has returned from t'hlcago after a pleasant visit of several woaka with frb rids Ml:' r.!l7iib"th t'osgrlff Is In Denver, where he will Mt for a couple ,,f weeks. as Mi-' orge Wran "HI entertain on Sat-uidny Sat-uidny evcnlno Mli --- H' l"n Iluc Ingham ha. returned from Omaha. Whr she has been the gaest of her sKter. Mrs. l.ynn K"inprr. for the past three weoka 4 Attornev-denernl and Mrs M A. Ureeden win cniertaln Informally at dinner on Thanks-Khlnic Thanks-Khlnic day Mrs. Oeorge R. Hancock entartalnatf Infor- mnMy'ot luncheon yesterday afternoon. Covers were laid for tweiv. Miss Carrie O'Xell of New York Is the guest ..f mi.-- Plannla Hfreeden for a couple of days. Ulaa tyNall will leave for bei home the latter port of tho week. ... Mrs E N Uottsford and Mls Toaephlna Bottaford b'v' ralurnad to Bvanaton, wyo. , after ependlnc o couple of days In the city. ICMa I-oreen I-ear entertained the King's Daughters of the First Presbyterian church lat 'i il'ip n h -r bom; The Khakespcore section of the f.adles' r.lt-vrary r.lt-vrary club win meet this morning at 10 .dock ut the clubhouse. ( ,udKe and Mi A. H Sawy.-r mid MImh Hnala Sawyer have returned from San Fr.in-,1s. Fr.in-,1s. .. Where they have b. en visiting r. ., -lives' for the 1-oet l oeks. laonor White loaves today for Ogden. "she will si.etid ThankKivlng as the ,,.,! of Mies HelenWergcl mi and M'" M u, fCenaar of St rjoula w.r. ajucatfl In Iho city yaaterday, an route to Uoa Ang-les ... vt,s M O Joliaaon left last evening for the ..Vt. Whore ah. wlU jnand several weeke. Miss D Ha Kl hards has returned from Chicago. Chi-cago. The Sewing club will meet this afternoon Kith Mi" ! BuaklnkThnm. v. .n I Mis H C Bdwarda are now al home to their friend, ut 161 North State street Mr an I Mrs. EXj K. Bx-th lefl laal evening for southern California. Mlss Helen Wens" of Qgden. who has betn BMaaBBBnBanaBBSSBaTaBfaBTataBTaafaTaTaBBaH I a student at the t'nlverslly during the past term, will spend Thanksgiving with her parents pa-rents In Ogden. a . Mr a:id Mrs. Nephl Clayton have returned from the Fast. ... Mr and Mrs I,ee Wood are now r.t home In their .lew house on North State street. ... Mr-, i! Frank Clark and Miss Mildred Ott have relumed from Kavsvllle, where they were the guests at a house party given by Ulaa Granger. |