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Show REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Changes in Salt Lake Soil Entered of Record John Be hats to Alt.ort Flshsr. warrants dx-d to lot iv. l.Iork 1. Jonvs subdivision subdi-vision , J Wept) C, Wllk- to Joseph A Pettlt. "nrrKiity deed t ?xW tods Of lot a. block pint C LtN .rvllln Gardner to Alice E Moyle Tvannni deed to part of the north om corner of section 10. township I south, ranee 1 enst I,,. lark Bldradga Company to Kmllv i Wltbeck, warrmity deed to 7 -. J nid souUiHast from ths northwest oi lier of lot ;. block 3. ii-acre A 1,275 s. L, Valley l T. company to It. L,. Bsadlay warrant dead to -xv rode -t lot k. blOOk 34. plat I! 033 Phc l T. Klnihsll to Harah L. Dlnwoody. wurrunty rler.l (,. puri ..f lot ; I.: . k IS, plut A Maiwasel j wnik. r 10 h it Biaei warranty dce, to lSx ro,ln nortbaast fn.m ihe utbwest corner of lot block 7i. plat r ioi I ii C Oourter to diaries . Qrawltz, warranty dsed to lots S end 6. Liberty Park addition ... GvO James II Whltecar t.. I'r. I'tan , wth runty deed to 8x3 rcds of lot block 1"J), plat A 700 Huicb Mi-Kuv to llos. M. K:. witrranri rk-ei to one-bait intrrc.t In 'T fsetxC nsls wf lot .". block II. plut ; 1 Cos t inn to Joseph Rasmussen, oi- ranty deed to lots 13 nnd M, I. lock 8, Central Park Su0 s. iiue Kichio to j a Prltseh, warranty war-ranty de..i to one-fourth im.rt in hiot?k 12 to Tt. etc.. Croscenl Besch.. 3vi C. E. S. Shepherd to Murrav Shepherd, warranty deed to 3x0 rods northeast from th southwest corner of lot block X plut ; js Jam- s. i-nv...n to Thomas Drury, wnr-ranty wnr-ranty deed to liTxIlO1- f. t n..ithv-' from the wuthvust corner of lot 6, bliK'k 8, plat i 1.1 JO BJgle u Tburber to Roily A. Boyd! warranty deed p, lots 1J anil 18, block 1. Jeffron Street subdivision Z,A Aoron Keyser to J. G. K. Sthmblt. pjult claim deed to lot tS, block i. City Park 40 O. O. Gates to Charles P Hlythe. quit claim deed to part of lot 3. block Zt pint A .. i Lyman E. VYealsnd to Thomos Holmes, warranty d"fd to 25x123 feet, part u( lot 8, Kourth S-iuth Street a1ditlon 300 Thomas' Holmei to Borah a. Baxton, warranty dc.i to SSsItt f''-t. part lut . Fourth South itrael addition 1 Marj Oorrington to h it. Oorrlngton, warrant d..u to fx 10 rods southeast from 1 ro-ls t-uuth of the northutht coiner coi-ner of lot I. block 94. plat A 50o Sarah a, p.vui to steiin if. fin, warranty war-ranty deed to Interest In lot j. block 4". plat A j William B. Inneit to Josnpb B Bennett, Ben-nett, warranty deed to part of the southwest corner ot cection township town-ship ' south, icngr 1 west 25 J M Pergua n to L. H ParnsWortn, liustie. warranty deej .yt a ,1 ... Iil-s. I; Hunter's subdivision 300 Muk-tfV O'Brien to Maude L Browne, warranty dead to lots I, 20, 31 and 22. block -. Muryirond nibdlvlslon l.uoo J ftf. r'Tttue-in to U H Farnswortli. trustee, warrnnty deed to lots 7 and 8. block 2. Hunter1 subdivision J.V) Jessie Duncan to L. H Parnsworth, trusles, warranty deed to 211x9 mds or lot ... block 61, pUt C 2,350 John Allcoik to Joseph B. Hullett, Jr.. warranty deed to part of lot 4, block 31. plat E lt P. 11 Knight j Atinb s. Wedgwood, wiirrunty ded to sx4 rods north.H--t lroni 2 rods east 01 the southwest corner cor-ner of lot I. block Is. plat G 1.SJ0 Mary L. Smith to Jan" Smith, warranty war-ranty deed to Jot X block 2, Muaca-tlne Muaca-tlne place l.Cvt S. flaya to Elizabeth lloughnn. quit Claim deed to part 01' lots 12 and 14, block L plat C. Wilkes IiiiiKham 1 Ell P. Olllett et al. to Ermu V. Sne-daker, Sne-daker, quit claim deed to part of lot 3. block 17, plat B 1) Ells P. Glllott t al. to Laura A. Sne-. daker. quit claim deed lo part of lot 3, block 27. plal R pj Eetato of I. I c-arrlngton to II. It. Harrington, decree dlst. to part of lot 4. block M, plat A Ei-tj.ti of Mary a. p. Qanington to II. R CarrlnKton, decree dlst. lo port of lot 4, block 84, plat A Estate of E. F. Carlisle to Maud Carlisle Car-lisle et al . decree dlst. to pari of sec-Hon sec-Hon 35. township 1 eoiith. range 1 wen, etc Ertattt of Charles Auer to Gronwar T'arrj'. admdilstrntoi ' deed to lot 1 blo-k 1.1. plat J , yj, Surah A. Paul to Maud Walkor, njM of attorney, ipiierul Timothy Olorenehaw sfildawti t., part ol lot I, block IS. plat G 5-tuii ol l'tnh to (h-oiK. Hunt, patent to loin JA unl 5P. section 3C. township 3 rang; 1 vsel prj |