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Show IRRIGATING COMPANY FORMED Will Water Big Area in Salt Lake and Utah Counties. Special to The Tribune. RIVKRTON. Utah Nov. 28. A meeting ol the stockholders of the West Mountain Canal and Irrigation company was held at Rlverton school-bouse rm ntly for the purpose of perfecting a permanent organization. or-ganization. The Incorporators have liled on scco'id-feei of lh'- incorporated w.i-ti w.i-ti rs of I'tah lake, the point of diversion being north M degrees 48 minutes, east l.'l'v feet from corner of sicibms i". and "C. south line, township .'. sou h. range 7 treat, Salt Lake liu.se and meridian The water is to lx? raised by a pumping plant to a height of ISO feet to 175 feet for the purpose of Irrigating about five thousand n.riH in Utah COUnty and ten thousand i " in Salt Lake county, running north irom the point of diversion in I'tah county coun-ty to the line of Salt Lake county, thence west and north In Salt Lake county. The total length of the canal will be twenty miles The capital stock is placed at $450. (W. divided Into shares of the pat value of fc each Five thousand and fifteen shares of the ..-.pjtj stock was subsi rioed for at the milling The following otfl-,.;s otfl-,.;s were elected P R. Lloyd, president, C. M. Nakes. vice-president. Directors: Hugh J. Cannon, K. M. Herbert, of Salt It.ke; C. R Walter of South Cottonwood, William Bennton of Taylorsvllle and Joseph Hutchings of South Jordan. |