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Show 8CHRECK BADLY BEATEN Twin Sullivan Gets Decision t End of Twentieth LOS ANGELES. Cal , Nov. 2S Jack iTln Sullivan was given the decision over Mlk Schreck of Chicago at the end of the twentieth round tonight. Sullivan was a leu to seven favorlto In the betting In tho first three round! Schreck had t hi-. auantage. forclnn the lighting snd landing tereatedly with left hand swings on Sullivan's Sul-livan's body. From the fourth on to the finish, however. Sullivan found a perfect de-ftnse de-ftnse against Sehrcck's body blows ond was not hit about the head half a doien times during the entire Prht. The Chicago man was plalnlv In roor i n-Oltlon n-Oltlon and looke-1 ns it he could have re-diced re-diced ten pounds or more to the advantage of his flghtlns ability Sullhan lacked the blow to put Schreck out. although he lands l scores of limes good and solid on both CSos und body. |