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Show HIERARCHY MADE VERY BAD BREAK Mayor Morris Speaks Plainly. Thinks Church Should Have Kept Out of Life Insurance. In-surance. Tongues of Salt Lakers Loosen as They Move on way to Now York. Mayor Richard P Morris, Councilman Ruion S. Wells and Judge F. S Richards left ye8tenhi for New York City, In accordance ac-cordance with the instructions of the City Council, to confer with tho officers of the Mutual Life Insurance company as to their refusal to take the tLOO&OOO water bontl issue, as they contracted to do The party left h. re :tt 1 10 o'clock, taking tho Overland Limited at Ogden; Mayor Morris Talks. In a talk with a Tribune representative at Ogden Mayor Morris expressed hlm-. hlm-. If us hopeful that the Mutual Life people peo-ple would still take the bonds. "There are yomo mere legal points to be settled," sold Mayor Morris, 'and I have no dOUDt but that when they are pointed out to ns as tho objections of tho Mutual wo ran clear them up. Judgo Richards Is along for tho purpose of making tho necessary legal explanations " Lhurch Made Bad Break. Mayor Morris was asked if tho fact that the Chun h had gone Into the Ufa Insurance business had anything to do with tb. r. fi; .1 of th,- big concern to buy the Salt Luke City bonds. "Nothing at all," replied tho Mayor, "but I think It wis a bad break Just the same. The church has other duties." Wells Charges It to Tribune. Councilman Rulon S Wells, who Is the general agent for Utah of the Mutual Life in reply to a similar question, said: N'ol it all If your paper bad not raised a stir about the matter, and If there had been fewer soreheads in Salt Lake thero would have been none of this trouble.'' Can Explain Later On. This was not exactly logical, but tho train was pulling OUl at the time, and a more lucid statement of the case could not be sei ured from Mr Wells He will probaldv ho able to explain the anomaly on his return A special dispatch from New York to The Tribune last night said: Want Test Made In Court- "Edward Lyman Bhorl general counsel for tho Mutual Life Insurance company, being III, F L Allen his assistant, was seen In regard to the romnanj's postponement post-ponement of act eptance .r Salt Lake City's million-dollar water bond issue. In explaining the notion of the company In refusing the bonds up to now. Mr Allen after explaining what the bonds wero for and the manner In which they had been voted upon, said The only question with us has been as to tho legality of the bonds W'o are not sure of thorn In thl9 respect, and have suggested to the city's counsel o frlendl test case before the courts to prove their validity. Further than this there are no new developments. Tho Mutual Life Is unite anxious to hno th. bonds If th.lr absolute legality can bo established.' " Will Stop nt Waldorf. While In New York Mayor Morris and his fellow-ml6slonnrles will stay at the Waldorf. They should arrive tlieru Sun-da Sun-da night The options on water rights secured by the i Ity from the farmers expire on July 1 next and unless the bond matter l. straightened otrt b that time and the money secured to protect them, tho r,p. Hons will lapse. During the absence Of Maor Morris, Councilman A J. Daxis is acting Mayoi by .lection of tho Council Wednesday night. |