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Show AMUSEMENTS o SALT l.AKK THRATRE John Drew, In "Tho Dnko of KUIIkraiikl." a farcical romance ro-mance In UllS acts, by Robert Marshall To lt through tho performance of a play enjoying an almost continuous flow of genuine genu-ine wit I a remarkable experience But It Is tho xrrlocco that ""apt Marshall s lateM play afforilK Thr Is not a commonpl&c expression In It. Ther are no dull moments The hearer can rest his mind unly between tho acte. Tho plot Is of couiso full of Improbability. IJut t' this Improbability Is 1un much of tho comedy's charm. It enables tho author to Indulge In delightfully whimsical things. It gives his originality free play It bring:. Int., the affair unusual situations. Things happen hap-pen la an unexpected way Ideas oro advanced ad-vanced that r.re unlo.uo. Tho characters are not bound by old methMs It Is all very odd. all very amusing, all extremely brilliant bril-liant Four characters aro tho Important ones the Puke a rich widow, a member of parliament par-liament seeking marriage with the widow, and a young onion of the aristocracy The Duke wants to main.- th young woman. Having been rejected, ho gets her by a trick into a caMlo ho happens to have and keep! her there a prlMonor with the design of compelling com-pelling her t.i mnrry him The member of parliament alsti and for hit nke tho widow-Is widow-Is mad" a prisoner alM There have been many dinner ncenes on the stage, but no other oth-er has been so clever a tho one with which tho Imprisonment begins Life In the castle is o managed as to develop the affection ot tho young woman for tho Duke, but eho does not disclose It until he protends thnt ho has dc-Ctdad dc-Ctdad that h- doesn't want fter. when with h:it Is put forth ss a womnn's natural Inconsistency, In-consistency, sho will not allow him to give her up. Tho widow and tho M P have a tlmllar experience Mr Drew in the character of the Duke dltplwys all tho admlrabl.. qualities thnt have made him the most popular society comedian of the Ume. Even as a juller ho Is tho perfect per-fect gentleman of charming manners. As tho aslnlno member of parliament. FerJlnand Qottschalk was a constant cause of delight Tho character la "no rich in opportunities, and Mr. Gottscholk mado the moat of them In the rolo of th aspiring widow. Fanny Hrough displayed talent of a raro quality and n k-en sense of the humor of the ehar'aetor bringing out Its richnM With line art Margaret Mar-garet Dale, as the young woman loved h th-l'lik., th-l'lik., showed a pleasing capacity f.Jr the part. "The Duke of KllltrrnnkU" will bo played ag;iln this evening and tomorrow nf t.'rr.r,-,,, and evening. " Tho clever little folks of the Pollard Opera company will pramnt An American Mil llonalre" at the Clrand this afternoon and will close with ' A Gaiety Girl" tonight. "The Igcar Student" will bo sung at the Salt Lake Theatre next Monday and Tues flay evmlnge and Decoration inv matin..- bv tho Bngham Young University Opera pany, dlreetel by Professor Lund. The prices arc popular and tho eale beglnb this morning. |