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Show CATTLE MEN PROTEST. Claim Rates to Market Are Excessive and Unjust. "WASHINGTON. May :5 The Interstate Commerce commission today heard arguments argu-ments In the case of tho Cattle Raisers' association of Texas against practically all of the railroads running south or west from Chicago, except the Great Northern and Union Pacific. The charge includes tho statement that the freight rale on cattle from the cattls-ralslng States to the (tattle markets is unjust and excessive; exces-sive; that the terminal charge at Chicago Is unjust, that the rate for leedlng cattle en route In excessUe, that the freight rates for the shipment of cattle lni e boon raised from 6 la 'J per cent, per hun-dr,-rl pounds sin, e li'.is. and that the present pres-ent servlc- Is not so good a9 the former. In answering the barges, the railroads do not dmy the Increased rates, but do deny that tho higher rates ar? unjust or excessive. |