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Show PvETAILEPS ORGANIZE. Merchants of North End of Utah County Perfect Organization. Special to The Tribune AMERICAN FORK, Utah May 2S The organization or-ganization of the merchants of the north ond of Utah county has been almost completed, com-pleted, lacking only the adoption of by-laws now under way of preparation. Tho organization organ-ization will be at the north end of i'tah county and Its object will bo for mutual protection pro-tection nnd the general betterment of the re-tall re-tall conditions in this end of the county. The officers of tho organisation are as 'follows' Joseph M. Klrkham of l.ehl president. William Wil-liam Hays of Plaaannt Grove, vice-president William Chlpman of American Fork, secretary. secre-tary. William Thornton of Amorlcan Fi.rk. assistant OCrstAry j Joseph Broadhent of l.ehl treasurer who with the following f.rm tho board of directors Messrs Samuel t Goodwin Good-win of Lehl. Alexander K. Thornton of American Fork. and William Clarke of Pleasant Grove. Alex W. e"unnlngham left hero today for Sngnr 'll Mi, where he goes to oversee somo extensive brick laying at that place. Ho will bo gone all summer Messrs Alal Farnest and William Iowe left here lust einnlng for Portland. Or . where they will nwalt the opening of the (air They will return by way of Lou Angeles over tho new route. The Independent Telephone company of Salt Lake !ty has nc eoted tho franchise as wa.' net forth In the ordinance. The agree to pay a sum of W down within thlrt davs of acceptance, nnd $i0 each vear after the first five They will also pay to the city forty cents unnuall on all the telephones Installed In-stalled In Amerlcnn Fork nnd Will allow lb-city lb-city tho use of two freo telephones. |