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Show PRUIT PICKERS I Take Oilers Down Line I in Jig Time, Slugging Contest Goes Very Much Against Home Team. Durham Retires in the Seventh, and Carney Proves Duck Soup. PACIFIC NATIONAL LEAGUE, j Standing of the Clubs. H p. w, i. pc. Spokano 20 12 8 -0 OKden 12 S .ew . Salt Lake M 7 11 3S9 H Bolso IS U Yesterday's Games. i i 7. Spokano 3. Boise 15, Salt Lake G. Today's Games. Spokane nt Ogden Bolso at Salt L&kC There arc mrm-ntH when one wants to be alone aiul vesterda was one of fl them Otto Floto's big show was not the only one In town, a fact realized by the tVK) or so fans who suffered through nine Innings of a punk exhibition of tho National same as It should not bo nlay-oil nlay-oil It was a case where the merry ha-ha H was given the Elders by the Fruit Plck- am to tho tuno of 16 to 6 ifp to tho seventh Inning Durham was (rotting nwny with his gami although IhO Idaho gentlemen were banlng up against his eti nights and breaks good and hftrd. In fact, so kindly did the farmers take to his delivery, although not many of the swats were going safe, lhat the blonde halrou slab artist evidently evident-ly acquired a case of cola rect as he ask-ed ask-ed to be taken out In the fifth or sixth inning, but was told to stick through Pour runs had been made by Boise up to ihl point, two coming In the first on Smith's two-base slap to left, Mam-mond Mam-mond elnglt. to right center and O'Brien s error. In the thini singles hy Hammond, Sehlls nnl Knox resulted In n brace of tallies and then came the fatal seventh with Salt l..akc two to the good Little Oorgle Hanson was the tirst man up and hit one on the nose to centre. Durham Dur-ham took his ascension at this juncture, not seeming to be able to locate the rubber rub-ber at least not to Actlng-Captnln Ia-hy's Ia-hy's satisfaction, and the Mk pitcher wi pent to the well bark of th grand stand and "Levi" Carney was called In to per-I'orm per-I'orm .i fi w st ints In the pit, h i 3 li T Y.-r going to cont'-r Wlilli- at -"nv time in his career Mr. Carney may havo 1 11 given to understand that he was a tw trier 1h win have to produce stronger evidence than he showed yesterday to onvlnce the agriculturists from the wilds of Idaho that he la IT "We hail soup for dinner today, ' remarked re-marked Kert Si hils. "but It was not of 1 in dn k vatiet) ." "ln new pitcher looked good for a brief period Btoltz Hying out to Toser and Smith fouling in Mclntyre but then Hammond touched off the fireworks, which caused a general dodging and ducking for home among the special rs Carney trave th Boise outfielder a pass and Heinle Schlls dropped aiound with a three-sack smash to center, which Toser would undoubtedly have captured hud he not tilppod in one of the numerous numer-ous gopher holes In that icinit and performed s head stand nhieh nearly got him a Job with t h circus troupe Mclntyre Mc-lntyre scrat.'hed a Texas leaguer and cute Dicky Knox lammed a fast one a tdock over the left field fence--, cleaning up the sacks. This fusillade enabled the young crayon artist at the score board to earn his salary for a few minutes, and he was kept rather busy during tho remainder of the contest as four more runs caine In for the Fruit Pickers In tin- eighth on hits by Hanson Smith, Hammond Cellackey. Thornton's error and .1 wild pitch The last 8 ore 1 .ime In the ninth, when Miss Knox doubled reai hed third on an out at flrtt and mlnuetted In on Hanson's long fly to right Salt Lake's runs were made In the first, third and fifth innings, the first being brought In hy Carney, who singled, stole second and rame across on l Brli n's biff to renter field The. Hon. Jackerinn Thornton was tho main squeeze in the third and gave an Indication that what Is known as tho "batting eye" has returned to Its own Delmas and O'Brien were on the bases when the big first baseman came up and scuttled home when Thornton drove the pphero clear over the carriage fence In right, winning not only a homo for himself him-self In the Palace of th'- Fans, but also the honor of making the first homo run Of the season The other (WO runs for the Elders came in the fifth and were brought about by O'Brien s single. Thornton's three-sacker to center nnd Leahy's shot between Smith and Mi Intyte With two down In the seventh, O Prien doubled and Thornton Thorn-ton reached first on Kellackey's muff o' Schlls' throw, but were left, n Leahy popped one up to Schlls In the ninth It looked like the locals might stir ud something, Delmas starling the proposition proposi-tion With a two-base hit to left. O'Brien hit short to left, hat the next hre batters bat-ters sent up files to Schlls. Knox and Hammotid and the funeral services came to a close. The hitting of Hammond Schlls. Hanson, Knox. Thornton. O'Brien. Halm and Delmas with tho outfield work of Knox and Hahn w?r the features of the game. The score: AD. R H. TB. PO. A. E. Smith. 5 2 1 2 2 2 0 Hammond, ef 4 4 3 3 .1 0 ft Kellackey, lb 4 1 1 1 r, q j 6chlls. ?b 5 2 2 4 3 S 0 Mclntyre 2b 5 1 1 0 ft 0 Knox. If I 2 3 S 1 0 Va.llnder. p 4 a 0 0 ft 1 0 Hanson c 4 2 2 2 7 1 0 ICcFarlsn, rf. . . . 2 n 0 0 1 n 1 Btoltz, rf 3 0 0 0 0 0 Total . 41 15 13 II 27 10 2 SALT LAKE. AB. R H TB. PO. A. E. Camay, et.. p. .....4 1 2 2 1 2 0 Stlrkne- rf 4 0 0 ft 1 0 1) Del mas. m S 12 3 2 3 0 O'Brien. 2b S 2 4 fi B 3 1 Thornton, lb 3 2 2 7 S 1 2 Leahy, c 5 0 ' 1 1 4 0 0 Purhnm. p 3 0 ft ft ft 2 0 Hahn, If 4 0 3 1 3 11 0 Junn, 31 4 0 ft 2 2 1 Toxer. cf 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 Total 41 C 14 22 27 13 4 Sooro by InnlngB Boise ...2 0 2 0 0 0 6 4 1 U Hit 2 0 3 0 0 6 4 3 1-13 Errors 0 0 0 1 ft ft 1 0 02 Salt I-ako 1 0 3 0 2 ft 0 0 06 Jilts 2 1 3 0 3 1 1 1 214 Errors IflOOftOOll 4 Karncd runs. Bolno S. Salt Iake 6 Two- bas hlt. .smith. Knex 2. 'Brlrn -'. Deltnas. Thrn'-bnso hlt.i, Srhlls. Thornton. Homn runs. Knox, Thornton Sacrifice hit Hon eon. Stolen haAm. Smith. Hammond 2, Schllit Stoltj;. Parney Bases on balls, off Durham 1 In even ev-en I rip lit (C!. (T 1 'arney 3 In three InnlnKs, off Yn.iil. r 2 111 tunc tnnltiKS Hits off Durham Dur-ham 6 In seven Innings, off 'arney 7 In threi Innings. ,ff VUblnaer II In nlno Innings. Struck out. by Durham 4. by aiblndor 4. Balk. Durham. Left on t.ases, Boise 4. 8aH I-aki- in. Base on errors. Boise ',. Salf IjLko 3 Umpire, lleRae, Tlmo, 1 Attendance. 500 Echoes of the Game. John Drew, tho - Duke of Kllllerankl" was present at tho came and he nearly forgot for-got his linos when Schlls diaKRe, out that three-base crark In the seventh Inning, as he "rawther" favored the I'tah outfit. Boise's Chance of socks evidently had a "nervine tonic" effect on the ancient Fruit Pickers. The purple BOCk propoaltlon failed to make ENjd pi Hie opt nine; fame, so ( "jiii-laln "jiii-laln Mclntyre decided to switch and sent th Khtic on th.- ed wlt'i the original white sti ''kink'?, stowing up g. ) anil strong Thev bal been washed, however, so cut out the glKSlIng over tho "strong" part. It Is about time that tho local management manage-ment dug down Into the cr.in bag and brought on a carload of pitchers Thry aro nerdr-d "Redeemer" Thornton is the way ,Sam Potts talks about hint to Harry Joseph, but Harry got the money (ine c.f the leading ouestlons among tho Eld'fs Is "Where Is 'Rod' Norton?" The shoop are refusing to oat tho a'fulfa In thn outfleM. wliil. the K"lhers say they will dig lurgrr holes than those which Tocer and MaeFarland foil Into yesterday, If no pay Is coming to them. ii'.vlng to the non -appearance of the ground keeper at thi clubhouse, rarney was touched up f,.r a watch and Js In hard c...ln day beforo yesterday. Ti'Brlon s catch off Kellnckoy In tho fifth was cofalnly a poach, ai ersa Knox's en-ture en-ture of a crook from Tozor's bat In tho eighth, which was labollod for two cushions cush-ions Schlls followed up with a circus stop of Ounn's ground-r to rlcht betweon. first and second Dicky Knox said he didn't think much of Thornton 'oauso the big follow boat him to It on tho homo run gag. "I've, boon saving that all eeaaon," aaid Richard "and thon coma down hero to the Lake and hao that blc walloper beat mo to thi floral decorations decora-tions truss him. I say!" Ogden 7, Spokane 3. OODEN I'tah. May 23. After bolng ehut out for five innings In thn gams with EMfcans today, th locals found Mclnnls t.anl In tho sixth and before th hitting waa over four rum wire chalk'-d up to Ogden'a crr- iit. Thn core Bnally strd 7 to 3 In favor of thn homo team, ripdon s llmely bunching of nit.-!, with soveral bad errors by Spokane, la rePoruiblo for tho winning. Score. OGDEN A.B It. II. P O. A E Clark, lb 4 1 1 10 0 u Bluth. rf 4 I 1 . 1 ij Hauson. c 6 1 2 1 2 0 Olmlln, cf 4 1 0 1 0 0 Eulmor. 3b 4 1 2 3 1 0 Htrwlg. If 4 0 1 I 0 0 Bare. 2b 3 0 1 3 3 0 Brlseno. M 4 0 0 2 fi 1 Thompson, p 4 1 2 0 0 Totals 36 7 10 27 16 1 SPOKANE. A B. R. H P O A E Raymond t E 0 j ; 2 0 Furrlt. 2b .4 2 2 1 0 2 Baxtor. lb 3 1 3 7 1 0 Martlnke. if 3 0 1 7 n 0 Lewis, rf .4 0 1 Q ft 0 Stanley, c 4 0 1 1 1 0 Swain. 3b 4 0 1 1 1 1 Gllpatiick. cf 4 Q 0 4 0 1 Mclnnls, p 4 a 0 1 3 j Totals 35 3 10 24 T 6 Score by Innings Ogdon 0 0000430 7 HltS 0 2 1 1 0 3 2 1 10 Errors 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 Spokane 1010010003 Hits 3 0 3 0 0 2 0 .' 0 10 Errors OOOOaitOO S Summary Stolon bases Stanley. Swnln Two-has hlti Uluth. Hauson. Herwlc' Thompson Throc-baao hit Ferris. Struck out IS) Thompson 4. by Mclnnls 1. Bsks ,.n ballf Off Thompson I, off Mclants 1 Hit by pitched bull Bart Sacrifice hits Martlnke Bluth. I'ft on haos Spokane 7, Ogrtcn 7 Time of gain, l.JS. Umpire Sotloy. Attenjl |