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Show C0LU1OUS CONCENTRATES. Contents of the Mill Bins Now Coming Com-ing to Valley Smelters. With as many ns thirty teams plying between the plant at AlLa and tho furnaces fur-naces of tho American Smelting nnd Refining Re-fining company in the valley, the management manage-ment of the Columbus Con is rapid! overcoming tho congestion at Its mill-bins, and before the close of the week sh..il. find relief To reduce the glut It will he necessary to move about 14to tons of concentrates con-centrates that have accumulated during th period of bad roads and with this accomplished the delivery uf flrst-class ore will begin. Of tho latter It Is said that at no pevlo'i since the operation of the properties was begun has there boon ns much in evidence nor has the outlook at the yropertles been as favorable to the. distribution of bread-moneys in addition addi-tion to the teams being used by the Columbus Col-umbus Con. in the delivers of its product, there is the number employed by the Continental, and the road between tho camp and the valley presents a scenp that is not unllk that of former days In the old camp 1 |