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Show An Ugly Cave-in at Dixie Mines Properties and Plant Thrown Out of Business, as Is a Force of About Sixty Persons. An urIv cave-In. prcclplintcj by tho heavy rain-fall nnd consequent BeepagSi has put tho Dixie mlnea and Brneltcr, operated i the Utah ft Eastern Mining crmpan nt Sin m City, near 8t. George out of coxntnlssion snd momentarily, at nil e'ni- deprived about ?uty persons Of emjilnrncnt The Interruption fmIiI Mr C. H. rioollttle, the coiiipanv'q (in-sultlnc (in-sultlnc engineer, wan of th class that I'oulil not ho anticipated, and while, he regrets it exceeding! and will proceed directly to overcome ' It. several weeks win undoubtedly ' required gel back Into th ore bodies The CSVe-ln extends ex-tends from :i point above the tune! lavel to n station nho-.it 12.". feet below the collar col-lar of the new shaft and until this Is reopened, re-opened, the extraction of ores will be prohibited The res.ilt Is that the smelter has been closed down and the camp 19 temporarily in mourning. The interruption interrup-tion said Mr. Dopjlttle, falls upon Harry T Roiios the efficient general superintendent superin-tendent of the plant and properties at an Interval that was most untimely as ho had begun on ft record for the season, which promised to exceed iii previous ones. Of I he ore hodlcs. it l said thftt they have never been In a condition to respond so generously in the deserving gentlemen by whom the proposition ! controlled, nnd while the calamity will Incur a loss as -weii as an Inconvenience, It will have been overcome In tho next three weeks, s-tid Mr Doollttle, who departed de-parted for the ramp Inxt night. |