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Show 'FRISCO WINS SHUT-OUT GAME Waldron Makes Only Run in Ninth. Kid Mohier Will Be Out of Gams for Some Time. Collides With McHale in Sliding Back to Second National and American Results. San Francisco 1. Senttle 0 SAN FRANCISCO, May X..-By scor- rt-on in, l.i' .mil -hut uut Soattlo. In Holding Hold-ing Waldron's hunt. Shields thr-v wild tO first. Tho runner took Bl i ornl "1 another bad throw got to third on Bpencer's hunt, and came homo Oil Hllde- brand's lone hit to center, in the fifth 11 looked as though Soattlo would si ore hut .'i porfect throw by Spencer headed off Houts .it the plate. Mohier win be out of tho game again for some firm McHale Mc-Hale having with him In goitlng back to second and Injuring his bruised Hi Mil.li r. Score: R. II E San Francisco 000 ono (fl 6 1 Soattlo 000 000 000 0 " 1 Batteries Wbalen and Wilson; Shields and Dashwood. Portland 3, Oakl.-.nd 2 PORTLAND. Or May 2.', -With "tfcCredle. Portland'! riRiu 0lder on soi-.-n.i hsc in ih.i elehth Inning of today's: game with Oakland, First Baseman Mitchell knocked out a noma run. scoring two runs anl winning th" tame for tho local team The Kiuno until then hsi! been slow. Xoithvr Hogan nor Ji rss a' his host. Score. K. IT. E Tortland 1 100 000 02 3 7 S C'akland iu ftftil ino 2 10 2 Batteries Jones nn.i klclean, Hocaa and Ixihmon. t'mplro Klopff Tacoma 3, Los Angeles 0. LOS ANGELES. Cel., May 85. Tacoma shttt out Iis AiiReloH tiwlay and won easllv Althouirh Ixis Angeles made Ave hits, two Of them two-hoggors dOUbla pla'; baad 1 off their run g ttlnB. and thr were unable to got a man across tho pitte. Tacoma floldt-l a fast, snappy, errorless gaino. A slngl ciT(r by Iaw Angeles lot In a run Score it. h K Los Angoles CO") ftftft ivwi 0 ft i Tacoma . 000 100 "02 7 11 Batteries Gray and Spies; Fitzgerald and Graham. L'mplre Davis. |