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Show A WOMAN'S VITALITY DEPENDS ON CARE WITH RE-GARD RE-GARD TO A VERY SIMPLE MATTER Mrs. Ford Gives cn Important Chapter Chap-ter From Her Life Thp.t Ought to Interest Many Perplexed Per-plexed Women. "I wish I could help other women get rid of rertnln physical troubles ai completely com-pletely as 1 have succeeded In getting rid of mine." said Mrs. Ford recently. ' You know," she ontinued, "that a woman's health depends chiefly on the I regularity of one function. If sh- falln to keen that properly regulated she has no end of physical misery- I suffered from that one cause for two wretched years, during one of which I was kepi in bed all the time. I tried medicines enough to cure any Illness, but one after af-ter another failed to help, if all medicines medi-cines did what is claimed for them there would be few invalids in the w orld " "You certainly must have found one I In the end that was worthy of confl- j deuce Judging from your present appearance." ap-pearance." "I certainly did find one that gave the utmost satisfaction; one that did for me exnetly what It promised and no mistake. mis-take. Why I was suffering all the time practically, from sickness of the stom- I nrh. dizziness or swimming In my head I and pain In my back. Now I am en- I tirely free from discomfort of that sort. 1 I am not only able to keep on my feet, but to do my work as a teacher, und i to enjoy the pleasures that como through the possession of sound health " "What remedy effected so grer.t B change? How did you find it? How oulrkly did It act? Every woan will be Interested to hear these things. 1 "I am glad to tell others that my troubles were all relieved by Dr Wil'-llams' Wil'-llams' Pink Pills, which are Indeed a woman's friend I heard of them first from an acquaintance In Arkansas who had found out their merits by actual use What she snld prompted me to try them In September of 1904. and within three weeks 1 experienced such relief that I knew they must be adapted to the needs of my case. After using them for a short while longer I was thoroughly thor-oughly convinced of their helpfulness I ceased to be an Invalid. I became and have since remained a well woman, and the reason why Is simply that I took Dr V llllams' Pink Pills Mrs. P.. B Ford lives at Pushmataha Miss The pills which she so justly-praises justly-praises cure the chief nllments of women wo-men by thoroughly renovating the blood. They make uterine action reg- i Ular and painless, banish headaches, languor, nervousness, create appetite, promote digestion, put color In the complexion, com-plexion, build up strength and. in a word, enable women to reach and maintain full physical perfection, p;ry woman should send t-, i ho r Williams Medicine Company Schenectady, Schenec-tady, N. Y . for a valuable booklet entitled en-titled "Plain Talks to Women " It' w ill be mailed free In sealed envelope to the address of any applicant Dr Wil- I Hams' Pink Pills are sold by all druggist? drug-gist? They are safe as well as effective, effect-ive, They do not contain the slightest trace of opiates or of any other harmful harm-ful drugs |