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Show I Salt Lake Photo Supply Co. Exclusive dealers; developing, finishing. Hummage and Furniture Sale Saturday, May 13, First M E church. Burton Coal & Lumber Co. CoaL lumber, cement. Telephone EOS. Marnane & Co., Hay, Grain and Coal125 K. 2nd So. 'Fanes 1995. A Good Suggestion. Mr. C. B. Walnwright of Lemon City, Fla, has written the manufacturers that much better results are obtained j from the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In cases j of pains In the stomach, colic and chol- I era morbus by taking It in water as hot as can be drank. That when taken In this way the effect is double In rapidity. ra-pidity. "It seems to get at the right spot Instantly," he says. For sale by all k--lng druggists. CASTORIA. Bear, i tie 1 to K ;n(i Yol Mjjg Bocgf.! TYPEWRITERS REPAIRED. All makes by nn expert. The Breeden Office Supply Co.. 60 West Second South St. 0GDEN AND RETURN $1.00 Via D. & R. G.. May 15. Special train leaves Salt Lake 9:0a a. m. Returning, leaves Ogden 11 00 p. m. Annual encampment G. A. R. Everybody Every-body Invited. NO PERSON Would Make Such a Proposition to the People of Salt Lake City, ns Have Our Leading Druggists, Druehl & Franken. Did you ever know or hear of a person per-son who would offer to return every cent you paid him if he could not build up and create strength and vitality for old people, weak, sickly women and children and the convalescent: create an appetite, cure stomach troubles; make those who are. too thin fat. rosy and healthy Or cure hacking coughs, hronlc colds, throat and bronchial troubles? This Is exactly tho offer our well-known well-known and reliable druggists, Druehl & Franken make to every person In Salt Lake 'Ity. Druehl & Franken say Vlnol Is simply the most valuable and delicious preparation prep-aration of cod 11 er oil known to medicine. medi-cine. It is the greatest known strength creator and health restorer It makes the blood rich and pure. It tones up the tired, weakened digestive organs. It strengthens c-cry urgan In the body to do its work as nature Intended, and wherever it fails they will give back the money paid them for It Thousands of unsolicited testimonial leUer.i, which Is the best proof of merit any medicine can have, prove Its value. We advise every sick and ailing person In Sail Lake City to try Vlnol on Iiruohl & Franken's guarantee to return money II it falls Remember you get it at the store of Druehl & Frankon; aluo Smith Drug Co., Druggists. Dr. Hanchett. office lemovtd to 401 McCornlck block. "Going some" nt "Walker's the greatest Linen Pale we ever held now ! We can show the very finest line of Imported wall paocrs in the city. Also Leatherole, the new wall covering. W. A. Duvuil. 110 W. 2nd So. Royal bread is made by machinery, nnd machinery does not sweat. Our Crown label on every loaf. Rummage wile at Phillips Congregational Congrega-tional church, Saturday, May 12. TEA We look through your grocer to you; beyond, but through your grocer, to you. Your iocer rcium )tr mobcy a you don't Ilk Schilling' Ut.i, OGDEN AND RETURN $1.00 Via D. & R. G.. Sunday, May 14. Leave Salt Lake 10:35 a. m. and 1:45 p.m. Returning leave Ogden 2 50 p. in and 7:00 p m. Everybody Invited. CAST0 The KiritiYouHaW1 Bears the fcUjnatura of CeWT7 I |