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Show FIGHTING NOV IN MANCHURIA Japs Report Sanguine Engagement. Losses of the Russians Are Estimated at Three Hundred. Many Killed nnd Wounded Are Left on Field of Battle; Jap Loss Nominal. TOKlO. May 12 Tho following telegram tele-gram from army headquarters In Manchuria Man-churia was oftlclallv given out today: "On the morning of May 9 the enemy, censlstlng of two rglmenls of Infantry. fl" .-.otni is of cavalry and one battery of artillery, made an attuck In the vicinity vicin-ity of Tlngecheng, from the direction of Ni iishani hciigtzii. which Is fifteen miles east of flngecheng, Make Resolute Attack. "At 1 o'clock In the afternoon the enemy ene-my made a rc volute attack. Under tie- cover Of the artillery the Infantry advanced ad-vanced to within lou metres of our line, whereupon our garrison assumed the of-f. of-f. nslve, attacked and dispersed the cne-u-' . Left Sixty Killed. "The enemy left ty killed and 110 Wounded on the field. Resides these, soldiers sol-diers dressed In Chinese clothing carried away many killed and wounded; "The en. ni) s loss, a are estimated at 3fV "Our casualties were ono killed nnd fifty wounded." |