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Show Buried by Cave-in at the Jordan Mine Swnn EHf.son Crushed to Death Bencnth a Mass of Rock. Special to Tho Tribune BINGHAM, Utah, May 11 Swan Eila-son, Eila-son, while working In the Old Jordan mine at Bingham yesterday morning, was caught by a cave-In and crushed to death. Tho body was rccoverod. He was married mar-ried Ab ho wa.s alone .at the time, nothing noth-ing definite Is known of tho accident, except ex-cept that tho body WSJ burled beneath a mass of rock, with only oho foot protruding. pro-truding. Tho deceased was about BO vears of age and an old-tlmor In the camp. He was working a lease from tho United State Mining company. This Is said to have ben tho third time that Ellason had been burled during his txjH-rlenco as a miner. |