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Show DUNNE TURNS DOWN DEMAND. Stands Responsible for Order Permitting Permit-ting Guards to Ride. CHICAGO, May 11 A Joint committee representing the Chicago Fcderaiion of Labor, the United Garment Workers of America, the International Brotherhood o; Teamsters, the Printing Trades coun-. coun-. '.I the Hull. ling Material Trades council and tho Associated Building Trad s council received 4 rObuH at the hands of M yor Dunne this afternoon The committee com-mittee waited on the city's chief executive execu-tive with ;t request thai an order permitting per-mitting policemen to ride on the wagons of the firms r.gHinst which the teamsters are on strike be countermanded, on tho ground that the police' were being used in a manner to discriminate against the rlkers Mayor Stands by Order. The Mayor told the committee that he had Issued the ordei enubllng the police to ride on ;ho wagons; that he would be personally responsible for tho effect of that or.l.r and In so many words said that he did not consider that the police xbeedlng their rights or powers at ,-. He held that under normal conditions condi-tions the wagons would be moved at a p:'ce that would preclude the possibility ,,i ill.- p,, ke ping up with them on font Ho also derlured everything In the situation warranted tho police riding on the wagon:' Edward Jasper. nhi was struck on tho head With a stone during a riot May 5. died todai Abraham Robinson, a non-union drler. v.ih k iked senselesi from his wagon to.lav by a stone thrown from a crowd Mayor Uuiuk's committee to investigate investi-gate the strike Issued a statement today that the commission had decided to suspend sus-pend until further notice all sessions b.--jcause of lack of power t.. compel the attendance at-tendance of nev witnesses. Use Oil for Power. It was reported that the Union Traction Trac-tion company had arranged to burn oil Instead of coal in furnishing power for street car cablo lines. It was said that a contract had already been drawn between be-tween the Traction company and tho teaming contractors for the hauling of oil. General Manager Roach of tho Traction Trac-tion company denied, however, that tho Traction compam had cancelled contracts con-tracts with the coal company or Intended to do so On testimony by Rev. W. K Weaver Of the Ninth Presbyterian church. Joseph Blau was held to the criminal court today to-day under bonds of $1W. The minister testified that Blau had been one of three men who assaulted him about two Teks ago. believing Weaver to bo a rtrlke-hroiker Mr Weaver snld hn had no vindictive feeling against Blau. hut considered It a duty to see that the assailant as-sailant was punished A severe rain and windstorm today reduced re-duced to a minimum opportunities for rioting At times the streets More swept by bllndlim- sheets of water, making traffic traf-fic of all kinds temporarllv impossible. The storm was so heavy as to .usable scores of telegraph, telephone and electric light wires, adding further danger to tho use of the streets and affecting alike alders and opponents of the strike. School on Strike. Tollce protection was ordered 6Cnt today to tho Hendricks public school. West Forty-third Street and Shields avenue, In consequence con-sequence of "a 6trlke" of 70) pupils, who refused to go to school because non-union drivers for the Peabo.lv Coal company had taken coal to the building John Bernard a union teamster, was shot in the hand and thigh tonight by a colored man employed as a driver at the storo where Bernard was employed before be-fore the strike. Since the commencement of the trouble Bernard has been a picket around the place and when several of the negroes who now drive wagons for the d pertinent store met Bernard and some of his friends tonight they offered to light them. The Invitation WBS declined and one of the colored men. drawing a revolver', fired at Bernard. Il was taken to tho hospital, hos-pital, where his condition 1s said to be serious. His assailant escaped. Cabmen Annoy Women. Cabmen today added :i n.-w annoyance to the list of discomforts Buffered by women as a result of the strike While torrents of rain deluged tho str ts women passengers. In order to reach the larger retail stores, wero forced t leave hired conveyances, in some cases n block away, pickets warning all union drivers not to approach the carriage entrance. |