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Show I FUNERAL DIRECTOR. EBER W. HALL, O NDFRTAKER. RE-nioved RE-nioved to 22.' South West Temple,. f333 FLORISTS AND CUT FLOWERS. THE R08ERIB. CUT FLOWERS, ".oral arrangements. 142 Bo. Main, phones 4 OS. OPO MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES. R M'KENZIE, MONUMENTS AND hi udstonee. Largo stock. 422 So State. ?Z -- MONEY TO LOAN 1 ARB" YOU TUB OWNER OF A VA- ant lot'.' Have you owned that Ipt, lay couple of yean? Have you heen prevented pre-vented from building on It through lack r funds? what If you had borrowed tho inonleV from us to Improve It. and tho rent for this period had been applying rn the loan? You'd feel pretty good about It now that every class of realty Is steadily advancing In value. Don't delay any lo igcr. Got tr-.o monev from Ui now and h t the house pav for Itself, for we will agree to look entirely to the rente for the payment of the money we advance. Open ' i inda ! evenings. B lr I AKE BEt i RTTY ft TRUST CO., F. E. McGurrln. President Security Trust bldg., 32 and 34 So Main SALARY LOANS. DAYS OR MOS , eaay.terma Emp Credit Co.,16, 49 8 Main MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL AIM 1-rlca 1-rlca of value, at Netl York rates of Interest. Inter-est. Uncle Sam 3'J E 1st So. I CHEAPEST RATES ON FURNIT1 RE, pianos, etc.. without removal Room 3, - m t Utah National bank. h2134 ! ON FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF chattels 400 Progress Bldg. Phone 1761-Z, hgffj 5 PER CENT. OLR OWN MONEY. To utilize a surplus of funds we will, till further notice, loan on Salt Lake inside in-side Improved property at five per cent : HE HOME TRUST AND SAVINGS CO. Glen Miller, President fi S and 10 W. First South. g1924 ICOO TO 151,000 ON REAL ESTATE; 5 i - r cent Interest and up Houston Real Estate Co 151 Main. elB6 HEAPEST MONEY IN CITY ON furniture, pianos, valuables, etc. at rates he ape t thatl anv one In city, easy terms n Keith bide. clfiS ' 1 W iLL NOTICE THAT MOST OF Ihd reputable, loan brokers advertise In The Tribune That Is because The Trlb-L,r.e'p Trlb-L,r.e'p classified columns are the largest MORTGAGE LOANS MADE ON FA- orablc terms. Frltach. No 12 E. 2nd So I bt!93 C N MORTGAGE; NO COMMISSION. I omeroy. SC W, 1st North 'Phone 2231-Y Ugl 1'UN T BORROW TROUBLE: BOR-row BOR-row money Salaried men or women uc-commo-luted on their note, without mortage mort-age or Indorser; easy payments; con-f con-f dontlal. Cherry. 407 D P Walker bide e!517 ON ANY PROPERTY; YOU RETAIN possession. The Strlr.cer Co., 70 W 2nd So. N UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS EL-rr.tr EL-rr.tr F. Darling & Co . 4 East 3rd South 11000 TO 50,000, ONE TO FIVE YEARS, farm ot city proDertv Tames K Shaw, hdef Walkv rr.- tank. rr3 ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS. MIL-ler MIL-ler tk Vlelc 303 McCornlck bldg. AT LOWEST LIVING RATES, ON 5 lanos, furniture, horses, vehicles; easy iirrms. F. G. Wood. 149 Main et . R. 210 rm PRIVATE LOANS, NO REMOVAL-I REMOVAL-I rate; easy payments. 210 Atlas block SALARY LOANS FOR DAYS OR mos.. eaav terrrio. Lmp Credit Co . room K. 49 S Main hH30 I WANT ALL THE GOOD LOAN'S I ran secure. n; commission, no Eastern company; no third party; low rate; many I notions. Russel L Tracy. No. 11 e Flrat J '"Jtb i,401 WHEN IN NESD OF READY CASH. co ub. Creecent Loan Co , C3 Hoopc- blk M DENTISTS. DR J. A. DEN IKE, DENTIST SfH-3n2 A lerbach B.'dg 373 ! I)R A. SCOTT CHAPMAN. DENTIST V"-". Srott-Strevell bldg ' Phone l&l-Y.' LOST. BETWEEN -ID E &ND 1ST SOUTH I 111a Lion House or between Lion House nd V and 2nd at?, circular brooch set With 11 opals and 11 garnets. Return 1 !7 E. 1st South. Reward. 7gg I STRIP OF CARPET ON 2ND OR in: on rd. 'Phone 2374-K. Reward. 17S2 ' ON MAIN OR WEST 2ND BOUTH 1 -iret, lady's unall t.utont leather )jurse oiiuilnlng tlo In gold and small change. I i'"l tiller will pleaio return sajiio to :hi Dooly block and receive rowan VOKE OF PLE GREEN POLKA rn'.T filk, cream lace ruflle. Finder pleajie ro-1 ro-1 im to 130 F 8t and be rewarded 1720 1 BAY HORSE VTT 1800 LF.S ; HAD halter and chain on. Return L3u No 7th , v, eat. Reward 17 q FOUND. LADY'S BICYCLE ON CITY DVMP Owner call at 44 Po-u street. j BICYCLES. 1 THE BEST ONLY. IVER JOHNSON. 1 iaccle, Natrotual and Indian, Exclu- blVC agent6 for Bdlaon Phonographs r.-c- "ds and bUnks. Send in your mall 6r-ilwra. 6r-ilwra. A fi-- -GPl-liand whteia ehuan ! t.'heapest place in Salt Lake to buy tirea , of all kind Aleo sporting goods, verv cheap. 2$ S. W, Temple. hl8&3 H WANTED. VACANT LOTS ON THE NORTH bench: givi price and locations must be Cheap. G. L. M , P. O. box 433. 1779 To BUY CHEAP BUGGY HORSE FOR cash.. Address Q 25, Tribune. t"i3 MAN WITH EXPERIENCE IN BAK-ery BAK-ery and few hundred dollars to take half Interest in nw bakery outeidc city; references refer-ences exchanged. Address Q GO, Tribune. Trib-une. 1671 LARGE. SUNNY ROOM FOR GEN- tleman, with veranda, not over half-mile from monument: with or without board: references exchanged; Q 55, Tribune. 13T8 A GOOD PONY OR HORSE FOR BOY Inquire 17o P st.. or 01 Merc, bldg. 1043 TO BUY A SALOON; GOOD LOCA-tlon. LOCA-tlon. Add. R. E. Meier.. Gen. Del. K3&5 TO TRADE HOUSEHOLD FURNI-turo FURNI-turo and piano, all nearly new; also rub-ber-tlred buggy and good cow. for good work horses, i.15 Terrace a , off ISth So bet 12th and Uth E. 1MB ALL KINDS OF T ('ES l' MAKE clean ond repair Mre. Jennlo McDowell, professional lacemaker, M8 W. 1st So. 167 IF YOl' WANT YOUR HOUSE OR lot sold, list now. Cromar, opp. postof-fico. postof-fico. hMTB LIVE YOUNG MAN WITH SOME means as partner In clear factory. K B Milton. Box IM, city. "-l1 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR MEN' S eM-o!T clothing, hats, nhoes. trunks, valises Send poptal CG Commercial at Bell 'phone 21I6-X RZlX ALL KINDS BECOND-HAND CLoTH-Ing. CLoTH-Ing. trunks, valises, best prices iiald. . Commercial st Reply by postal card e16' HIGHEST PRICE FOR 2ND-HAN 1 1 H. H. goods Aestem Furn. Co, 2nd-hand ntnre: 'nhnnei Hell l?Jt-Y. Ind 1C2.'. i4l?JJ TO RENT OR BUY, BARBER SHOP or good location to start one Add re I O 2u. Tribune GREAT WESTERN IRON & METAL Co dealors In rcrap iron, metals, rub-bora, rub-bora, bottles. rag, etc. Carloads a specially. spe-cially. 2,'iij-24i1 Sj. 1st West. 'Phone Ind 1821, Bell 2-13S1-Z. b2C77 HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR IRON, brass, raps, bottles, rubber, copper, etc. Utah Junk Co . 63 E Sth So 'Phone 229 2o07 A LITTLE AD UNDER THIS HEAD attracts a wonderful amount of attention It la because The Trlhu ne la the recognized recog-nized want nd medium of Salt Lake City SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND Btovea Matsen, 261 State 'Phone 2123-K. h971 HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL DE-fcrlptlons. DE-fcrlptlons. Western Furn. Co. 2nd-Hand Store. 'Phones; Ind.. 1625; Bell, 1794-Y. hl.'?2 WANTED HELP. BRIGHT YOUNG LADY. Ifi OR )7, TO operate private telephone exchungo; no experience required Apply todaj In own handwriting Address Q 4o. Tribune. 1 77 AT ONCE MAX Pop SPECIAL CON-tract CON-tract work, advertising department of large corioratlon ; good pay to commence with. Apply with references between 10 and 12 a. m. to W. II. Tnwnev, Kir ts-fonl ts-fonl Hotfl 7 I GIRL FOP. OOOKlN't; AND GENERAL housework. Apply 77(i Brlgham I'M MECHANICAL DRAFTSMEN. WRITE P O. box lliix. stating experience 177i GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 409 1st St. n703 GOOD BUTCHER FOR SHOP IN M I N-Ing N-Ing camp; state experience, salory wanted and give references. Address Q CI, Tribune. Trib-une. 1713 MAN OF GOOD STANDING FOR mouth or two lo assist In sole paid-up shares local corporation, good pav to rlghl :n. Address Q 2. Tribune.' I7o", AN APPRENTICE GIRL FOR DRE8S-maklng DRE8S-maklng at 60 North State. 72S GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, no washing; one that can took; wages- jr. p-r week. 62 W. r.th So. City, .las A. Luke rs$ A GOOD GIRL FOR OEN'L HOI BB work . small family. Apply 1013 First et IMS AN EXPERIENCED COOK AND BEi ond girl; liberal wages; G3.r, E 2nd So. IC77 PRESS FEEDER. TRIBUNE JOB Printing Co. i.Vjs GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK one understanding cooking preferred. 270 E. 1st South LADIES DESIRING HELP. APPLY 614 Temple ton Bldg 1375 LICENSED HARPER- Gi M ID WAGES. satisfaction guaranteed. 2:70 Grant a- Ogden. 1.71 COMPETENT SALESWOMAN AND flit. 1- for laell-s' e()Vf, iier :irtm' nt In r-- "all Hi Ad.li. - P o .., i.:T3 staling experience and references 1239 MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE, positions guaranteed; S weeks completes; expenses made while learning; call 01-wrlts 01-wrlts for particulars- Molar's Barber College. Col-lege. 62 E 1st South St J69S BEST PLACES FOR GIRLS AT MRS Olson's emp. ofllre. 174 E. 2nd So 171 YOUNG LADIES, BETWEEN THE ages of 13 ond 26, who are desirous of ,,t,- in.. irwaitawHO ""li iiiht 111 111 111 riiy no experience necessary; salarv jj.ud from the start. Addreso 'Manager, P (1 box C90. b2462 A GOOD SHOEMAKER, AT 100 SO. Main GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWK. email family; &47 E. 2nd South. IF YOU WANT HELP. CONSULT THE Tilburuj ads None of them aro prlntec free PERSONAL. KNOWLEDGE FISHER'S FOOD Remedj cures cll female diseases. 'Phone Ind 3K'3. 177 East First So ith "i3 AUTOMOBILES. HAYNES-APPEHSON, 3 MODELS Deseret Auto Co . 71 So State at mi CLOTHING. MEN'S AND YOPTHS' SPITS ON easy weekly or monthh payments Hub Clothing House, X West South Tempi.. 1719 HAY, COAL AND GRAIN. HARVEY A- CO., 110 W SO TEMPLF Ball 'phono 1662-Z, ind. 12H jj CONFECTIONERS AND BAKERS. BHELLED NUTS. OILS EXTRACTS turns, .lellb-a, pie finings, crushed fruit eoda water sundries, confectionery sun-Plies, sun-Plies, etc H. A. Tuckett no E 1st Bo si 1230. WANTED HELP. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN-erol GEN-erol housework, tnmll family, good wages 9f6 Enst Hrlgham. D1968 YOUNG WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework; small famllv; proorl wngea 421 E 4th So LADIES TO MAKE SOFA PILLOWS at home. t5 uO doxen. Inclose stamp for sample ond particulars. Material free. Address Royal Exchange. Dpt 234, Cincinnati. Cin-cinnati. O "STROCKS EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, restaurant and household help. Headquarters for laborers. 43 W. 2nd So. 'Phones 4C1. 743 THESE ADS ARE ALL PAID FOR. and therefore come from tho best people. peo-ple. The Tribune does not print freo wunt nds In ord'-r to mnk- a showing. WANTED- SITUATIONS, WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE day. Phone 1079-K 1762 WIDOW WANTS POSITION AS housekeeper for one or two gentlemen; good cook O 64, Tribune. K.ll YOUNG MAN WISHES WORK OF any kind; dishwashing In restaurant pre-ferred pre-ferred Address ej 48, Tribune. 1640 WANTED AGENTS. WANTED A PARTY WITH CAP-ital CAP-ital nr more to tnke exclusive agenc ' tor n high-grade visihio typewriter in Utah. Address 'Typewriters, 1284 10th ae. San Francisco. i?ii 1 1 UPHOLSTERING. S T, MATTRESS & MFG. CO MOVED to 1ZS W. 1st South. 'Phonea 3299 hl&lO ATTORNEYS. J K. DARMER. LAWYER. OFFICES 1S-19 Commercial block 'Phono 949-Z. w274 BOARD AND ROOMS. NICE ROOM FOR 2: AIO SMALL room for one, both with board, in modern home. 137 N. W Temple. 1761 GOOD BOARD AND MODERN RMS ; 27m W So Temple; tel. 933-Y. 1727 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board 60 West 4th So. 1585 PLEASANT ROOMS WITH BOARD, for gentlemen; private family; 14-60 per week. 06 E. 1st North. Phone 2"0. 1400 $25.00 PER MONTH. FIRST-CLASS board. Special rates to 2 or more gentlemen gentle-men occupying the Same room Modern house, central. In paed district. 71 N State at. m Nil ELY FURNISHED ROOM, WITH Li aid, cver thing modern ::4 So. 2nd E 19S ROOMS AND EXCELLENT TABLE service ut 211 E 4th So. Both 'phonea 22S5-Y h21J NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AND good board, close In. 224 V 1st South Phone 11S7-K. THE AD EKTISERS UNDER THIS heud in The Tribune aro likely to bo tha uoi in '.own, utwusN nicy arc progreaslve enough to advertise in tho paper that charges for the service. It pays to advertise adver-tise fn The Tribune ROOMS WITH OP. WITHOUT BOARD 14'j Scclal Hall, oetweeo Brlgbam ami First So. and State st. al316 SPIRITUALISTS. MEETING EVERY SUNDAY NIGHT, 10 cent- "Nothing like it in Salt Lake." Mr Arnold will te your name, 011r o.--1 lipatlon, nam. s of members of yotlt family. fam-ily. Private conversations, answer wrli-lei wrli-lei iuestlons. Hall ESgSt Third South 1770 SPIRITUALIST ' M TER1ALIZ1NG s.-i, nee Thursday night; spend an evening even-ing With your spirit friends Vrnold- Dlckson a pvi 3 YEARS IN CITY. WE TELL ANY-ihing ANY-ihing you wish to know Including fou name without asking questions The only mediums win, hae .1 reputation for correct cor-rect predictions. Hours 10 to v Arnold-Dlckson Arnold-Dlckson 26S Bast (bird South st. 'Phono 2417-K Spiritualist seance Thursday night Hall above address All Invited 1429 MRS. P FONTYN. CLAIRVOYANT and tranco medium. 267 So. W. Temple wm TYPEWRITERS. HAMMOND, SUPPLIES, REPAIRS, etl H, N Winter, At . 49 M tin st Phone 9G7-K. 288 WiE RENT ALL MAKES. TYPE-rfTiter TYPE-rfTiter Exchange, 62 W. 2nd South. d451 ENGRAVERS AND DESIGNERS. ETCHINGS. HALF-TONES AND CUTS De Bouzek Engraving Co g"2616 AUCTION SALES. LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEC- nd hand goods. O. K. Furniture Co., 300 South State Phones- Bell 1:06; ln.J , h1S23 C E OSTERLOH, AUCTIONEER AT your service. Sell anything, anywhere Household good3 a specialty. Address 634 S Main OPTICIANS. ALEXANDER OPTICAL CO.. ATLAS b'ocl( eag SAFES. NEW OR 2ND HAND. CASH, TRADE or terms. Sorensen-Stoutt Co . 43 E 2nd zUK PLUMBING AND HEATING. ERSK1NE BROS.. PLUMBING AND heating. G3 W. 1st So. st Tel 2021-K. ACCORDION PLEATING. 6UNBUR8T AND ACCORDION pleating. Mrs. Jennena, 2'J) Third East Bell Phono 3047-IC 1IM HOUSE CLEANING. WALL PAPER CLEANING A SPE-ciulty. SPE-ciulty. Leave addrc-ka at Smith Drux Co Both 'Pnoue-g 23i. gl&63 MINING EROKER. BfViLLIAM 11 ALEXANDER. 617 AND ols AlUa block. ii67 FOR RENT. 1 ROOMS; 1 L08ET WATER, BATH and elee blinds, ground Moor. 37 So. 1th Basl 1786 COTTAG-E ! LARGE ROOMS, PAN-try, PAN-try, closet. 244 W. 3rd North; 12. 17s8 BARN TO RENT. CO W 4TH SO. ST 1 7 1- FURNITURE AND LEASE OF 7-room 7-room modern house for sale 'heap; rent low, h,ir (i S I. depot. Address J. .1. G.. Tribune MoiiKKX 7-P.01 ij iloPSfi INQUIRE 2U Dth East K-46 LARGE, MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. G blks. from P. O. HI 6 50. 6- r. brick cotttiKe. iu E. Sth So., 116.00. Boihwell & McConaughy, ct Auerbach bldg 1641 2 ROOMS. CLOSE IN. WATER AND closet Inside, 4S 2nd East 1679 C-ROOM MODERN HOl'SE. 520 SOUTH 2nd VI at or 'Ph 1626-IC, 2860 Ind. 1460 J 0 B B. HALL EOR RENT FOR special meetings or bv the mo . top Moor Auerbach bldg . nj Bee 1 R. Jepson, 162 So. Main. Bell "phono 703-EC THREE Rooms 69 FIR ST 1602 ALL OR PART OF WBI4L-FURNI8H-ed ' ottogc of 6 rooms for tho summer 453 E, 4th South at Hl3 69 1ST ST., 8-ROOM BRICK. THOR-oughly THOR-oughly modern Weir, 36 W 2nd South. 1199 7- ROOM HOl'SE, COR 4TH E. AND Sth So , papered and painted. $15 per mo. 'Phone, Bell, 71-A, Murray exchange. hJI37 STORE. 145 W. 2ND SO. INQUIRE AT premises. h2331 Pl(l UI.-VT in- a A 1.1. A RAP.P.KR shop in Bingham canyon, doing a good business, VX, in JP per nn-k. A bargain to the rlghl man. Address 1 11 Johnson, Bingham, Utah Ii22gi one HALE OF COTTAGE; BLE trie light water cellar fnd luwn. Including Includ-ing chicken yard. Call 61 N 2nd '...-.t h2jp3 $16 SIX-ROOM HOUSE LARGE LOT and barn. 2b3 7th Ea.t, Apply B. B. Qulnn, 415 D. F. Walker bldg. l2156 EMPIRE HOTEL. 30 LARGE ROOM 3, baths. South Temple and 1st West, coming com-ing location, noo.OO per mo Houston, Tho Housers. 'Phone 27. h2168 READY MAY 1ST. MAIN ST. OFFICE suite Flrc-proof vault S. L. Secuiitv Trust Co . 32-.".l Main st. Ii2132 B-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 104 NO. Main Rooms can be sublet it desired for enough to pay rent. Ina. 25 L 1st So. hUM WANTED. 100 HOUSES FOR RENT. Tenants furnished free of charge, J N Courtn. y n W. 2nd So Ind.' fone. hl622 FLAT OF 5 ROOMS. BATH AND pantrv, 3 blocks east of Main st. ; Jls Frltach. No. 12 East 2nd South st. hl613 ALL OR PART OF STOREROOM. 26X 100 feet, with or without basement- Inquire In-quire m West 2nd South et. hl9i 36 FLORAL AVE. 0 ROOMS. BATH, toilet, cellar, etc . $17 37 W 7th So . 5 rooms, with bath $15 Peterson Real Estato Inv. Co , 209 Atlas Blk 11269 ELEGANT MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE, 514 South State. Inq. premises or tel 2351-K. 4 ROOMS; WATER AND SINK. NO children; 743 Linden ave., 7th East b t. 3rd and 4lh South. h775 20 HOI .ES. ALL PRICES AND LOCA-tlons. LOCA-tlons. Tuttle Bros . 149 Main at. bOj GET THE B. & O- TO MOVE YOU. Both 'phones 355. ho91 OFFICE ROOMS IN DES. NEWS AN-nex; AN-nex; single or en suite Inq, rm. 237. h535 SIX-ROOM. MODERN. WELL FUR-nlshed FUR-nlshed 570 South Slate. g2C40 FIVE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, also barn for rent, cheap. 576 S. Main. g2615 LARGE LIGHT BASEMENT. STEAM heat and light, ground floor, office apace ir desired Rent $15. 46 E. 80. Temple. g2720 MODERN. NINE-ROOM DWELLING; North bench, would rent for term of years, unfurnished. 52 Commercial Blk. g2673 A DRUG SI'OReT ELEGANT LUL'A-Uon; LUL'A-Uon; corner of 1st West ond South Temple, Tem-ple, Emplro block. $40 Houston Real Estate Es-tate Investment Co.. 251 Main REAL ESTATE AGENTS ALL PA-tronlze PA-tronlze Iheso columns and ao do the people peo-ple looking for houses. We bring tho two together. Tho Tribune columns advertise ad-vertise more houses ihun ull the other ua-pers ua-pers combined. TWO LARGE ROOMS $6 INQUIRE ?5 Apple at. h2319 SEVEN AND EIGHT ROOMS AND one very large 8-room modern house wui Btenro heat. All cloae In. Jaa. K. Shaw, under Walker Bros ' bank. ol9 YOUNG & FOWLER, 32 MAIN 6T. 6-room cellar, barn W 2nd So.. $li). 6 room brick modern, E. 1st 80., $25. 2 ROOMS. lNejLlKE No. 8 BARROW'S court 61533 8-ltM MODERN TERRACE. NO. 272 E 2nd 8outh. 445 A. H. Derge, 161 S Main , gl5S6 J12.50. FOUR ROOM HOUSE, $10.00, three-room house. 77,2 W. 2nl So st. FURNITURE PACKED FOR ship. ping, cut rates, expert packers of china bric-a-brac, furniture, etc Redman Van and Storage Co. "Phono 555. V& 7-ROOM FRAME, BATH. 7TH SO 1ST West. hie90 A 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 1N-qulre 1N-qulre 254 West 1st North h2C02 TO LEASE. 6-ROOM MODERN BRICK, 4TH ST. $27.00. Homer A Robertson, Main and Ijt South (unde-r Deseret bank). hil6 BUSINESS CHANCE. IF YOU HAVE FROM $100 TO 12000 IN ready money. 1 oan show you how and whi r to employ It so as to make a for-tuno for-tuno In a few years, without risk, in a legitimate business enterprise. I Inv'te the. most rigorous Investigation, and am prepared to submit satisfactory evldonco to convince th. most conservation ,. dres3 D. T, P O box 1372. New York ''lt' 1639 CASH REGISTERS. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS, OS-car OS-car Groshell. sales agent, No. 221 Main 6t Expert cash register repairing. Second-hand registers alwavs In stock. nl5S0 CARPENTER AND JOBBER. HAVE YOUR WORK DONE BY THE Reliable, carpenter ahop, 1X6 W. 1st So giiaa OUTDOOR ADVERTISING. CIRCULARS, SAMPLES. AND 1JODG- 'i!strlL,l,ud J' M- Walden, Bell 'phono lsV-i. iJTg J FOR RENT FURNISHED. LIST FURNISHED AND I NFl R- nlshod rooms and houses with us We can rcn( them s L Rehtal Agcy., 501 D. f Walker Bldg., Bell Phone J078-X. bjj 8 RMS FoR HOUSEKEEPING WITH bath .'12. ;-i5 e ;th So. "8 FURNISHED ROOM FOR LIGHT I.- usi k. epinjr. I'o No Malic NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR light housekeeping at 251 So. State, inquire in-quire 4 Floral ave. Mi ELY Ft.RNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping; 215 W. 5th So. NICELY Fl RNISHED FRONT RMS for housekeeping; Hist floor; 30 So "-jj PLEASANT RMS , LT H KEEPING. Cenvenlent to depota. Inq. 257 W. S. '1 ox 10 OR .MORE Mo 1 . F URN! SHE D rooms Bu:! location) 2 F st. Tel. 11 6-X 1646 2 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOI'SEKEEP- ing. 5 Kendall square. x83 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR i.ghi housekeeping, 3l w 3rd So. j6M 2 OR S NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping 7u West Oth So. 1551 2 Rooms FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP-I Ing. on ground lloor. Iirge porch In front, V( ry desirable, no cnildren. 2 So. Stal 1414 3 FINELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, no hlldren; 436 S 3rd Eat 1375 4 NH'E LARGE ROOMS, E L, WA-ler. WA-ler. neat, cleon, 528 E. 4th South. 1349 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, steam heat, electric light, and use of bath. The Tellurlde, 22 E. Third South. 1 Ktt :: TO l-R MOD FLATS , 9-R. MOD house, looms, board Tel. 933-Y. BINGLB OR EX SUITE ELEPTRIC light; water. 168 West South Temple street In rear. 1202 COSY FRONT' ROOMS; FINEST Location, Lo-cation, tourists welcome. 137 S. . Temple 1 1 ol 4 NICELY Fl RN ROOMS, ELECTRIC light, waiei in house. 627 S. 'West Temple h2545 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; ALL modern Call al 562 South Main; telephone tele-phone 1202-K. FINE FURNISHED ROOM. BTRICT-ly BTRICT-ly modern 320 P. Second East. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH OR without board; 47 So eth West. h759 NEWLY' FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. Close In. 122 West 4th So. h2126 ROOMS. SINGLE Oli EN SUITE. Board If desired 153 W 5th 8outh. hl96a NICELY FURN. ROOMS. MOD.. DE-alrable DE-alrable location 149 So Sth E. hl546 FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD, prlvato family; 40 J st.. Tel, Ind. 2441. g2l30 EVERYBODY WHO MOVES OR wants to moo. first consult Tho Tribunes Trib-unes classified columns Why? Because The Tribune carries more ads. of that kind than all the other papers combined TWO ROOMS. LIGHT HOUSEKEEP-Ing, HOUSEKEEP-Ing, modern conveniences. 135 W Sixth South YOUNG & FOWLER NO. 32 MAIN ST 7-room brick, thoroughly modern completely com-pletely furnished. 1st and Q sts , J35.10 , h!520 FIRST-CLASS SUITE OF ROOMS; private family. Boarders desired. Bell 'phone 1S-7S-Y THE PLEASANTON. NO. 6 KENDALL Bquare; handsomely furnished rooms, modern; closo In. 'Phono 2408-K. z236 THREE MODERN ROOMS FOR housekeeping; no children. 519 So. Oth E 'Phono 219S-Z h.927 SOME BARGAINS"! $9"0 l-rm framo and barn, on Euclid av . $150 down $1800 l-rm . almost new, pr brk . on Park av . cellar, closet pantrv; $150 down $1950 S-rm. home on Uth East- Snap. See us for any sized homo or vacant lot Prltchard & Poe. Mgrs R E Dept Wilson-Sherman Co , 02 W 2nd S Tel. 492 h2i67 CAMPING OUTFITS. SMITH & ADAMS. 55 COMC'L ST. Tents awnlng.i and outflt9 Both Phones 1S7 MOVING AND STORAGE. MITCHELL VAN AND STORAGE CO moving and packing 15 W 2nd So. 16"3 B. & O. STORAGE AND TRANSFER Co.. moving, packing, shipping, largest and best storerooms In city. 'Phones 355, 2nd So. oet. 2nd and 3rd West. h599 KIMBALL'S TRANSFER VANS. MOV-Ing. MOV-Ing. storage and com'c'l hauling 19 VV 1st So 21S8-X. u903 REDMAN VAN AND STORAGE Co., moving, pucklng and shipping Phone 555 Office. 126 and 127 S. Wr. Temple. hl64o CARPET CLEANING. CARPETS CLEANED ON THE FLOOR by compressed air and vacuum; uphola-Ury. uphola-Ury. rugs. beds, etc Satisfaction guaranteed guar-anteed Utah Sanitary Cleaning Co 117 South West Temple. Both phones' C55 hl57T MACHINERY. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MACHIN-try MACHIN-try bought and sold. Largs stock "on bund, consisting of engines, boilers hoists, crushers rolls, pumps. ppe anj lutings, cars and rails, sheet steel, scales air compressor, gaaollne engines, electric elec-tric motors, generators, electric and Mearn healing plants Installed Telephone 1P21-K. J M Swem. 336 South 3rd West fSCS ICE CREAM MANUFACTURER KEELEY CO., MAKERS OF PKRE Ice cream und sherbets, Ice cream brlKS etc : 26i So Main F'ones. 3223 hSSSl SCAVENGER UTAH SCAVENGER CO.. OFFICE S60 So. 8rd E. Bell phones 2610-K and3l33-x I2S9 CITY SCAVENGER CO. OFFICE 137 E. 8th So.; 'phono 2346-Z and Ind. 3079 hl227 FLUFF-RUG WORKS. RUGS MADE AND CARPETS ?Uf n?.SL 236 W' fi' Temple. 'Phone 1209-X. 1 nd 1209 STEAM CARPET CLEANING. WE CALL FOR. TAKE UP. STEAM clean ond relay your carpets on short no-cea.orl!L'ur,s no-cea.orl!L'ur,s 3Uam Carpet Works. 853 E 9th South, 'phonea 1006 Guaranteed M263 SALT LAKE STEAM CARPET cleaning works; cold blast feather renovating, reno-vating, work guaranteed. Cor. 8th West and So. Temple. Emyr Eynon, Prop - Ren Tel 2019, Ind , 1110. UTAH STEAM CARPET AND WALL Paper cleaning. 34 Richards st. Tel. 1787- K 1 tin SECRET SOCIETIES. LYND8 CHAPTER NO. 1 -,:iMS.; will hold a spi 1 lal met ling for nltmtio 1 at 7 M sharp this (Frldai I svenlng - leit-lng leit-lng members cordially Invited By order of the worthy matron. -,noc-r BIRDIE S NIPPER MARY G. WRIGHT. Secretary Lv9 WASATCH LODGE. NO. 1, F. ANDA M. will hold a regular meeting thl" (Fri- dejo evening, May 12. at 8 0 cloeK Business cf Importance will b pro-sent.-.! a full attendance Is desired. By order of the W M a J low E. Secretary. A. A. fl. RITE THE FOUR CO-ORDt note bodies of tho A. A B. IiH.of "JJ Masonry hold stated meetlnga the tnira Thursday In each month at tho MMonlo hall corner West Templo and Socona South, sojourning brethren lnvltea. SIDNEY W. BADCON 32 cleg W M Jordan Lodge of Perfection i W M. James Lowes Chapter of Roso Croix No 1. tI WALTER SCOTT. K. C C. H-. Wise Master. PR A O RHODES. K C C. H-. J'ommXnde-r Salt Lake Council of Koaosn N 1 WTLLIAM I LYNCH. deg. M of K Utah Consistory No. L CHRISTOPHER DIEHL 33 deg.. Registrar of All the Bodies UTAH CHAPTER NO. 1, R- A. M -Stated convocation first W -jdnesdsj 1 n eoch month at Masonic hall. Companions cordially Invited TT IOSEPH G. BTWATER H. P. MOSES PHILLIPS. Secretary. "ai AROENTA LODGE NO 3 F. ,onl A. M At Masonic hall first XJT Tuesday of each month Members r0f SiStcr lodges and sojourning brethren Invited FRANK B SHERWOOD. V M-MOSES M-MOSES C PHILLIPS Secretory WASATCH LODGE NO. 1. V, AND A. M. Masonic hall second Friday each month Members of sister lodges and so journing urethren :n goon sumoo- vlted W .1 BARRETTE. W. M-A. M-A. J LOWE. Secretary MT MORI AH LODGE NO 2, F. AND A. M. Masonic hall second Monday escn month. Members of alstcr lodges and sojourning so-journing members In good standing Invited In-vited WILLIAM M RASH. W. M. CHRISTOPHER DIEHL. Secretary EL KALAH TEMPLE, A. A. O. N M. S. Third Wednesday of each month Masonic Ma-sonic hnll at 8 p. m. All nobles bojourn-Ing bojourn-Ing Invited J M MARRIOTT. Potentate. T W. P1NKERTON, Recorder L O. O. F. FIDELITY LODGE NO 17. I. O. O F . meeta every Wednesday night at 8 o'clock. I. O. O F. temple. Visitors welcome W E LIVINGSTON. N. G. J C SMITH. Secretary I O. O F TEMPLE DIRECTORY. Subordinate lodges meet as follows: Utah lodge No. 1. Thursday. Salt Lake lodge No 2, Friday. Jordan lodgo No. 8. Monday. Rldgh y lodge No 9, Thursday. Enterprise lodge No. 15, Wednesday. Fidelity lodgo No. 17. Wednesday. Mystic lodge No 22, Monday. ENCAMPMENTS. Oqulrrh encampment No 1. second and fourth Tuesdays Golden Rule encampment No. 2, first and third Tuesdays. REBEKAH LODGES Naomi Rebekah lodge No. 1, second and fourth Saturdays. Miriam Rebekah lodge No. 5. first and third Saturdays. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. WOODBINE CIRCLE NO. 41 MEETS every 1 uesuay, o o ciuck, ai 1. u ej. r hall SILVER MAPLE CIRCLE NO. 108 meets every Friday night at I. O. O F. hall FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA. EVERGREEN LODGE NO. 151 MEETS 2nd and 4th Mondavs at I O O. F temple tem-ple B W.-MAYO, F. M. 8 CHALK FR. Secretary box 1068- KN7GHTS OF PYTHIAS. CALANTHE MYRTLE LODOfS H L every' Monday, K. of P. hall C. C BAKER, C. C C E HOLM AN, K. of R 8. LINCOLN LODGE NO. 23. K. OF P meets every Saturday evening, 8 c'clockl K of P hall ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO X Every Thursday evening, K. of P hall. KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. K O. T. M.-SALT LAKE TENT NO 2 Every Thursday. I O. O. F hall. Visiting Visit-ing Knights InUted. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES SALT LAKE CITY HIVE NO. 4 meets every first ond third Monday. 8 o. m . I O.O F. hall FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. SALT LAKE AERIE NO 67 EVERY Friday, 8 p m., A O U. W. hall. FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD. SE?v,? H-LY LOUQE NlFTRST and third Tuesday. 8 p. m , A. O. U W hall. ROYAL ARCANUM. L COUNCIL. 1517, 2ND AND 4TH Thursday, Jennings block t TrrE2RGE 0 ORR- Regent E. L. JONES. Secretary. DANISH BROTHERHOOD OF AMER-ICA. AMER-ICA. KAABET LODGE NO. 78. ErERYlST and 3rd Thursday. 1 O O. F. temple. WHERE TO STOP. THE "WORTH," STEAM HEAT HOT and cold baths. 158 E. 2nd So m64 LINCOLN HOUSE. PAUL HE1N andtS50cR Ut 80- -.-raS? WALL PAPER CLEANED. IDEAL PAPER CLEANING CO Prices very reasonable. Best of refer-nnn refer-nnn Phones 140 Godbe-Pltts s LO 1141 KAPLAN CLEANS WALL PAPER. J'eed Tmn .V,,' factlon guaran-tced. guaran-tced. Tel. Bell 1109. ind., 671. hl721 JSLP PAPER AND FRESCOS fvd PrericcUy' No dst Telephone 116o-Y. U E. 3rd South. g597 COLLECTIONS. THE FIDELITY COLLECTION CO 501 Auerbach bldg Both 'phones 607. glTfl MIDWIFE. PRIVATE HOME FOR CONFINE-3rd CONFINE-3rd North, Ben 'phone 661-k. faff WALTER k-lr Conner lmthlsCV? house, lots of Lnd nil bargains. " ls cSi RAN't'K Ppm W RealtyTo" "" Oono to Lea A r o secure burn-. . S3 SJf K& -1 Edgar 8. DaTlIn- W 2nd so, " OCT, , Both 'phonej REE WA9HTNGT0!,, The finest ubdlvl5 i East nnij orh V Mne. grM atmS for sale on t mB "N t'1 see ils f vnTV0 "Hi up-to-date mooernbi.tl M used In ntftnW spnred to make it , mi The o0t frontage, located 0?9 nd Q location TrJS Prlco la icso. and and want nn Al home ul5 You will find it a, adrSSS to show this, sad th m.! for sale A. Rictc? Phon-v 41 ' ,J LIST YOUR PRoFptT wlthW. j . Hainan JV, U must b. sola this 6-toon, modern. i,p-017. as good as new ltP' rooms could bo nnbHi , eas ly There IsafroltJ alth0 upstairs. The (wtT natural woo,, and cell? ho.IPe Tho lot 2VxM Vo worth 14000. but the oncena.nL1 wl" take m i ' A Rlcht-r. 19 We.tljt g HOMER 4 R0EERI TWO OF TRBjj RACE SITES INTHJ tn ano -Ah East iu. front. Short wilk to ti rne,( ;dr.wa))f ,-,1! ti Is a beauty. W in 1 Ing $1C0 per foot fC'-.xif.- feet. BrJfhaa ne,-ir i-.rn r.ast Pri paving ta.x. 1950a I HOMER AOBElrtB Main and 1st South (sfl eret BankxTlT IN BUYING OR 8ELLU Ranck Real Estate Co. B0 Suite 23? P F. Walker VilW YOUNG &FOWLEB. 7-room pressed brick, tAs ern, with furniture compWl GREAT BARGAIN CR1 new, elegant, modem, brktJH trie light, bath Inquire ! South M MEEKS k LT. Real Estate and Loacj, 91 HOl'SE OF F0RTT-TH1B all outside. Owner too o-M business Rooms full H dress T 7. Trlbun. f JUST COMPLETED l-R rlore in. G R ds GroctB HOUSTON REAL E6TB real estate and loan brokSH J15 CASH AND TiO will buy a pair of the cbH southeast part of city. flno residences; good arfF No. 12 East 2nd 8outhjtj C. W. MILLER 5 loan and rental agency. J given to properties placed n 112 W 2nd So. Jm 2eiX10 RODS. 9T0NS ifl house. WS E 1st So1JnquWW WE OCCASIONALLY K gains In real estate. and Trust Co , Securltr 3,C main floor. K PROPERTY OF oe0jB cared for. Bait Lake Meem H YOUNG & FOWLER BUILDING L6T9 Ju K market, in our new Em DIVISION, on 12th E. Also. 1 lot. 1st 3f-,arViAT 1 lot, 2nd and 0 fFTsK r-room mod brte Ar K DY P.D M A3HT0H, fk tate. rentals OT Ns5 SNAPS IN VCASlK lots sill pnrtsof VjcT 'W 7-ROOM HOUSE P?jE 625. u. U. Hls-ey, 500 30-acre tract. HOUtbeMt vide Into smaller tracts w era. Sale or tn!----aL REAL ESTATE R lands K --E Pce GoddardMIufuler house corner ?'' electric llttht nx'X jtSR east front, tor tf K ownor; term?. AodrJ WE SELL HEAL all Tuttle BrosJzJ----5B "TirrliTrNS clW umns carry more tiM the other papers f BaJml are paid for Wh cliL KeepEn mVr.d the arR, W ,natecCal,t 1 WIF Examine titles. f pujKLI AUC"J 'rJSm Main and l5t8 4-ROOM nUKK JiSfB North. Will sell -" |