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Show FIRST IN Koi Interesting Lectur tJ War Corretpflsfl lrt In Korea" m Jlfl t. Interesting lbil-SH llvcred by Itobtirt L DsH r,.i.her il cH - ngregatlc-fltl clWSH was n lecture nell Fcrlh k uf w-"iieH the Ru!:slan-Jpacc', V.Bl bv n-w fact. whIU ll tTB Inipr. so thtiH alrfl UH Mr lunn ir.a.l" no '"IH hut In iht strikingly narratlvo stylo of th H ho narrated events unl H them and in th llfbt ted l"f- v.b m,BSfj draw their own ccaclilSltfBJSJ A splen.lld audlr.re utereoptlcan 1w JeBB tho In s. seen ID thiJSBJJ ctorv f thlr oim -'l?iH tie did the mldnlzbt SSH Jii.uiieo artny In Grt,,BI the hur"ii and men. ,NUX i dr. hurl-.r, and thj SBBJ 11, .. J m i ... unny to ""'J th- K.jrlelz. Just at tCI BSB ,.-r thrown on a 1 1 View ..f I'h klii'J ev.r tUSSBJ ' ter lo kln M,5M b,.,-M of the lrg" 8j"""H v. lib Mi Dunn thai l- liuT an Important part and l.njrnnllni end tnliJ3B more to p. rtry a biiJ nt. which can " '"1X1 lrrmrewlen(!. lb P"B and listener draw hU If Mr Dunn rBid!M annthor, U tha' 'fJJW , . ,.,v uny .3!ffcrent tr her melancholy SM until endurance and fallr. Into lif,r3M complains, b his duty cs USt Ones not neek mrU his weakness. "' |