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Show SUFFERING AT SNYDER. Many Injured Dio From Lack of Shelter Shel-ter and Provisions. HOBART. Okla.. May 11. -Owing to tho general confusion and excitement after the tornado had passed nt Snyder, fire broke out and burned tip all of what remained re-mained of the buildings Upon one of the business blocks So far It ts not been possible to find out whMh or not any bodies n cremated lur It Is highly possible that such Is too case. Woman Pinioned by Scantling An unidentified woman was picked tip dead, having been pinioned to the ground by a scanning which entered her left . and came out through the back of her head CUyenee Donoan ami Miss Nina Fes-Benden Fes-Benden were to have been marrb d last night, but had Just postponed the nuptials until this morning, wh'-n the lot undo struck Both were Instantly killed. Head Severed From Eody. Frederick Crum, a boy of 17. had started to a cellar when a (lying timber struck him and severed his head entirely from his body Debris was carried to tho northeast ns far as Copperton twelve miles, and it n reported that there are more of the fragments of homes at that town and In ihrn Vicinity than are In the tornado path 'it Snvder. About seventy-live le nd of horses and .ajti'- were killed on the town site, a committee was sel to work this morning to remove carcasses. Many Unidentified Dead. The Mayor of Snyder is having much trouble arranging for the burial of the dead Tl fusion Is great, owing to the fact that there sun remains o gnat number of unldi nlllb'd bodies at tho morgue. There la great suffering owing to lack Of provisions and lack of some place to stay AVhat houses remain In tho town are In a bad condition and unsafe f ir habitation, besides there Is not mom enough to care; for the homeless. Bedding Bed-ding and wearing apparel iro both lacking lack-ing 'ind despite the effort to succor the unfortunates they are still In a bad condition. con-dition. Manv of the wounded could not be cared for until ? o'clock this morning, and by that time their wounds were In a .bad condition. Many Wounded Will Die. Dr York of this cltv. who was active In relieving the Buffeting, says that SO per cent, of the wounded will rile The total number of wounded Is now estimated at 150 The number of bodks recovered to date Is eighty-five. Several are yet missing, and It certain that before another an-other dav a dozen moro will be added to the list. A car of provisions, supplies, bedding, etc , was shipped from here this evening nnd a largo crowd wrnt down on the ev nlng train to assist the distressed |