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Show I FUNERAL DIRECTOR. EBER W. HALL. UNDERTAKER, RE-inoved RE-inoved to 225 South West Temple. f7S FLORISTS AND CUT FLOWERS. THE ROSERIE. CUT FLOWERS, foral nrringements. 142 So Main 'phones 46$. c" MONUMENTS AND HEADSTONES. R M'KENZIE. MONUMENTS AND headstones. Largs Block. 421 So. State. MONEY TO LOAN. HAVE YOU BEEN PAYING ATTEN-tlon ATTEN-tlon to vhe recent drals In lor.il realty xHch have been recorded, with outside nnd local capital making Investments In the business districts, and residence prop-erly prop-erly advancing accordingly? It Is About Hmo for you to select a sjto upon whl li lr build a home. If you are planning to 1 slop paying r. rit. Don't put It oft any longer If vou haven't the money. We will conduct the whole transaction for B you buy your lot and advance the money to build your house, and will agree to accept In payment of the lo.n amounts Which WlU not exceed the rent VOU would have to pay open Monday evening. Salt Lake Security and Trust Co., P B McGurrln. president Security Trust bldg . 32-24 South Main Street. uM I MONET TO LOAN ON ALL ARTT-Cles ARTT-Cles of value, nt New York rates of Interest. Inter-est. Undo Sam. So E. 1st So. IF YOU ARE RENTING THE HOUSE vou are living In. you aro obliged to pav your landlord much rent ecr mcnth Borrow the money from us to build a home of your own and pay us what vou am paying in rent for we will agree to accept tho payment of the loan n sums not exceeding the rent you nro obliged to pay. Open Monday evenings. Salt Lake security and Trust Co., E E. McQurrtn, President. 148 CHEAPEST RATES ON FURNITURE pianos, etc.. without removal Room I 8, over Utah National bank h.!3i ON FURNITURE AND ALL KINDS OF chattels. Room 400 Progress Eldg. h2074 6 PER CENT. OUR OWN MONEY. To utilize a surplus of funds wo will, till further notice, loan on Salt Lake In- Islde improved property at five per cent THE HOME TRUST AND SAVINGS CO. Glen Miller. President. fi. S and 10 W. First South. gM26 BOO TO 153,000 ON REAL ESTATE 5 per cent Interest and up. Houston Real Estate Co.. 261 Main elgB CHEAPEST MONET IN CITY ON furniture, pianos, valuables, etc , at rates cheaper than nn one in city. eas terms. Rrom 112 Keith bldg cb3 YOU WILL NOTICE THAT MOST OF tho reputable loan brokers advertise In The Tribune. That is because The Tribune's Trib-une's classified columns are tho largest n ncl hr .1 MORTGAGE LOANS MADE ON FA-vorablc FA-vorablc terms. Frltsch. No. 12 E. 2nd So bli;-3 CN MORTGAGE; No COMMISSION. Pomeroy. 36 W. 1st North. 'Phono DON'T BORROW TROUBLE. UUK-row UUK-row money Salaried men or women accommodated ac-commodated on their note, without mortgage mort-gage or Indorser; easy payments; confidential. con-fidential. Cherry, 407 I. F. Walker bldg el 517 ON ANY PROPERTY, YOU RETAIN possession The Stringer Co.. 70 W 2nd So. ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS EL-rr.er EL-rr.er E Darling & Co.. 4 East 3rd South. fUNO TO $60,000, ONE TO FIVE YEARS, farm or city proDertv. James K. Shavr, ur.oer Waltwd rtm- rank. p5S ON UTAH AND IDAHO FARMS. MIL-ler MIL-ler & Ylele. McCornlck bldg AT LOWEST LIVING RATES, ON pianos, furniture, horses, vehicles: easy terms. F. G. Wood. 149 Main et.. R 210 eTM PRIVATE LOANS. NO REMOVAL; low rate, easy payments. 210 Atlas block SALART LOANS FOR DAYS OR mc3.. easy terr. j-rmp. Credit Co , room 36. 49 S. Main h930 MO 00 TO 110,000.00 TO LOAN ON pianos, furniture or any good collateral Rates easiest in city. Sears. 30S Atlas. h 173 I ANT ALL THE GOOD LOAN'S 1 can secure, no commission, no Eastern company, no tolrri parly; low rite; many optlnn. Rfssel L. Tracy. No 11 K First H South. h401 WHEN' IN NEED OF READY CASH, cce ua. Crescent Loan Co , 63 Hooper blk to DENTISTS. H T'R. A. SCOTT CHAPMAN DENTIST 665-6 6cott-StrevcIl bldg ' Phone 1S51-Y. TO LEASE. 6-ROOM MODERN BRICK. 4TH ST $27.60. Homer fe Robertson. Main and 1st Bouth (under DesL-ret banki. hil6 OPTICIANS. ALEXANDER OPTICAL CO.. ATLAS B blok LOST. LOST A WHITE BROCADED SILK H atole, embroidered. Return to this office J and receive a haudsomo reward. No H value to any ono b.it Owner. tZfffi H BLACK POCRETBOOK WITH MY B name stamped on Inside Hap. Upon re-turn re-turn of same to nie at room 109 oiq merclal bloi k reasonable reward will bo paid and no questions arked. hl'270 KARL A SCHE1IV BETWEEN 4TH AND ..TH EAST ON H South Temile, ladles' pocket book contain ing monej . Return to No. 6 W. First Couth. Reward I SCAVENGER. H CITY SCAVENGER CO.. OFFICE 137 H E. Mh Bo.; 'phono ZU6-Z and Ind. SC79 hi: 27 CAMPING OUTFITS. I SMITH & ADAMS. .V, COMCL ST Tents, awnings and outflLs Both Phones. ' m 1 WANTED. BY EXPERIENCED GROCERY clerk 432 So. 4th E. BY COMPETENT YOUN i LA D Y . e:.re of Invalid going to California or East. Q 3. Tribune. "-) IN THE EASTERN OR SOUTHERN suburbs, a good 4 or 5-room frame cotr tage, 1 to 5 acres of Improve.! land, must be cheap for cash, terms, also, for 5 ares Improved, without cottage Address SIM, Tribune " JAPANESE PORTER AT FRANK-lln's. FRANK-lln's. lOi Main St. IN THE EASTERN OR SOUTHERN suburbs, a good 4 or 5-room frame cottage, cot-tage, 1 to 6 acres of Improved land must be cheap for cash Terms also for acres Improved, without cottage Address S 54, Tribune 'j TENANT, SECOND STORY fl-ROOM flat, with bath. 133 4th East luw SECOND-HAND ROLLER-TOP DESK. Address Q 1. Tribune, " ALL KINDS OF LACES TO MAKE, clean nnd repnlr Mit. Jennie M-Powell. professional lacemaker, 246 w 1st o. io TO BUY GOOD FARM. ABOUT 80 acres near Salt Lake. . Address Jr,n.n Rjeckert. 11th So., bet. Cth and Mn W. lio IF YOU WANT TOUR HOUSE OR lot sold, list now cromar. oj.P. i'"" i flco n:M'" LIVE YOUNG MAN WITH SOME means as partner In clgir factory. IV, B. Milton. Box 261, city. n-u,) WALTER K. PERKINS. REAL Estate, Es-tate, 2fft So. West Temple List oir property with me if you want to BQU. A FARMER. WITH TEM. TO WORK a farm on shares W. 6th So. n-J" A FARMER WITH TEAM TO WORK a farm on shares 2 West oth South. HIGHEST PP.li I. PA I L FOR MEN ca-st-off clothing, hats, shoes. trunKS, valises Send postal 65 Commercial . Bell 'phone 2125-X. n-1JU ALL KINDS SECOND-HAND i-'I-OTH-Ing, trunks, values: bt prices paid .3 Commercial st. Reply by postal card. e!6 LADY WISHES TO BORROW $1400. good security. Addrc-se S 27 Tribune. HIGHEST PRICE FOR SND-HAND H H goods. Western Furn. Co . -,n.d-na" store; 'phones. Bell 1?J4-Y, Ind 162u glSLJ TO RENT OR BUY. BARBER SHOP, or good location to start one Addr-' O 3o, Tribune. 5 GREAT WESTERN IRON & METAL Co . dealers In scrap iron, metals, rub-bers, rub-bers, bottles rugs. etc. Carloads a specialty spe-cialty 230-240 So. 1st West. Phone lnd 1821, Lell HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR IRON, brass, rags, bcttlee. rubber, copper, etc. Utah Jur.k Co . 63 E. Hh So. 'Phono 222 z307 A LITTLE AD. UNDER THIS HEAD attracts a wonderful amount of attention. It is because The Tribune is tim recognised recog-nised want nd medium of Salt Lako Llty SECOND-HAND FURNITURE AND stoves. Matsen. 201 State. 'Phono 2123-K. hi! I HOUSEHOLD GOODS OF ALL Inscriptions In-scriptions Western Furn Co 2nd Hand Store. 'Phones: Ind., 162i, Bell. 1734-Y. M272 HAVE LARGE BODY OF HIGH-grado HIGH-grado ore; want money to make shipment Address J 69. Tribune M48 WANTED AGENTS. CANVASSERS HOUSEHOLD SPE-clalty, SPE-clalty, sells on sight Good profit Call between 1 and 2 and 6 and S p m 111 E 2nd gouth. M215 WANTED SITUATION. FIRST-CLASS GRC4 BRY CLERK; capable of managing store; best city references ref-erences Address Q 5, Tribune. 1150 ICE CREAM MANUFACTURER. KEELET CO., MAKERS OF PURE Ice crorm and sherbets. Ice cream bricks, etc; 26 So. Main. Fones, 3223. h::l ATTORNEYS. J E DARMER. LAWYER, OFFICES 1S-19 Commercial block. 'Phono 949-Z. w2749 ACCORDION PLEATING. SUNBURST AND ACCORDION 1 pleating Mrs. Jennens, 259 Third East. Bell 'Phone 3047-K. b452 HOUSE CLEANING. IDEAL PAPER CLEANING CO. Prices very reasonable. Best of references refer-ences Both 'phones lio. Godbe-Plits Drug Co. 1141 WALL PAPER CLEANING A SPE-clally. SPE-clally. Leave address at Smith Drug Co. Both 'Phones 23S. glSta MINING BROKER. WILLIAM H. ALEXANDER. 617 AND SIS Atlas block hlG27 CARPENTER AND JOBBER. HAVE YOUR WORK DONE BY THE Rellablu carpenter shoi;, lib W. 1st So. gUBi TYPEWRITERS. SALT LAKE TYPEWRITER Exchange, Ex-change, 02 W 2nd So Dealers in all typewriters. Buy. sell, rent, exchange and repair Machines shipped anywhere In the intcrmountaln louniiv ., .!, or payments. Rents $2.00 to $1.00 per month. Savo $2". On to $60 00. Full line of supplies nnd parts State a gente for the Blli kensderfer Yisl-ble. Yisl-ble. Weight 6 lbs , price $.35.00 and $50 00. Correspondent e solicited g263 PERSONAL. IN BUYING OR SELLING SEE THE Ranck Real Estate Co. Both 'phones 2011. Suit- 232 D F. Walker Bldg h463 YOUNG & FOWLER. NO 32 MAIN ST 7-roorn pressed brick thoroughly modern, mod-ern, with furniture complete. 1st st $3750 hi 521 MACHINERY. NEW AND SECOND-HAND MACHIN-try MACHIN-try bought and sold. Large slock on hand, consisting of engines, boilers r.olbts, crushers, rolls, pumps, plpo and fittings, cur and raila, sheet Itei I, scale, air Compressors gasoline engines, electric elec-tric rrotors. gi-neratore. electric and ttenm heating plants installed Telephone 1121-K. J M. Swem. 330 South 3rd West f9W WANTED HELP. A YOUNG MAN TO DO ASSAYING and other work, stato salary and reference. refer-ence. P O. box 1025. Hi", EXPERIENCED LADY PARTNER lor vaudeville act; enclose Ktamp for re-ply re-ply Harry Deltt. room 11, 2608 Lincoln &VO., Ogden, Utah. H24 STENOGRAPHER with BOMB Experience Ex-perience In general ofllco work. Inquire 131 W. 2nd So 125 R RIGHT WOMAN FOR good sal-arled sal-arled position Address Q 4, Tribune. 1140 GOOD COOK AND SECOND GIRL 48 G street GIRL FOR LIGHT jli.il Sl'.U'nRK Apply 67. 5th etreet WANT ONE EXPERIENCED CABI-net CABI-net -maker; steady work 1 X. L Furniture Furni-ture House. '1 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. R E McConahav, N. Wr. cor. lUh E anl 2nd So. BEST PLACES FOR GIRLS AT MRS Oleon s emp office, 174 E. 2nd So. 171 YOUNG LADIES, BETWEEN THE ages of is and 25, who are desirous of obtaining ob-taining positions with 0 largo firm In this cliy. no experlenco necessary; salary paid fn.ni the start. Address "Manager.'' P. O. box 690 h2l62 A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- wora; ii is. jri ao. uoi A GOOD SHOEMAKER. AT HC So Main. hit2S 10 BENCH HANDS, 1 STICKER HAND. 1 general machine hand Inquire Sierra Nevada Lumber Co.. 35 So 3rd WesL h2217 1ST-GLASS COOK, GOOD WAGES 260 E. So Temple. h2175 GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEW'K small family; 47 E 2nd South. IF YOU WANT HELP. CONSULT THE Tribune ads None of them ure printed free. AN EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN-eral GEN-eral housework, small family, pood wage?. 9G5 F-ast Brlgham. hl952 YOUNG W OMAN FOR GENERAL hoLsework; small family; good wages 421 E 4th So LADIES TO MAKE SOFA PILLOWS at home, $6 00 dozen Inclose stamp for eample nnd particulars Material free. Address Royal Exchange. Dept. 234. Cincinnati, Cin-cinnati, O STEADY. RELIABLE MARRIED man about 25 years of age. for delivery wagon Address S 16, Tribune. hl846 A COMPETENT GIRL TO COOK AND H. 1 1 p. r, -r : 1 1 housework in small fumlly Apply Ap-ply at 666 Brlgham st. hl61 MEN TO LEARN BARBER TRADE; special rates to limited number of students, stu-dents, 8 weeks completes; expenses made while learning; call or write for particulars particu-lars Moler Barber College. 62 E. lt So. st hinu STROCK'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Hotel, restaurant anil household help. 'Headquarters fur laborers. 45 W 2nd So. 'Phones 464. e742 THESE ADS ARE ALL PAID FOR, and therefore come from tho best people peo-ple Tho 'Tribune does not print free want nds in order to make a showing ) CASH REGISTERS. NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS. OS-car OS-car Groshell. sales agent, No. 2J1 Main st. Expert cash register repairing. Second-hand registers always In otork. nlfiN COLLECTIONS THE FIDELITY COLLECTION CO . SOI Auerbach hlJg Both 'phones 07 gl721 TYPEWRITERS. WE RENT ALL MAKES TYFF.-rltcr TYFF.-rltcr Exchange. 62 W. 2nd South. d451 ENGRAVERS AND DESIGNERS. ETCHINGS. HALF-TONES AND CUTS Dc Bouzek Engralng Co g2616 SAFES. NEW OR 2ND-HAND. CASH. TRADE or terms. Sorcnsen-Stoutt Co., 48 E 2nd South. B142G PLUMBING AND HEATING. ERSK1NE BROS. PLUMBING AND heating 63 W. 1st So. sL Tel 2021-K AUCTION SALES. LARGE STOCK OF NEW AND SEC- nd hand goods O. K. Furniture Co., 206 South Stale. 'Phones Bell, 104-Z, Ind. 2255. hlS22 C. E OSTERLOH. AUCTIONEER. AT your service. Sell anything, anywhere. Household goods a specialty Address 634 S Main. BICYCLES. THE BEST ONLY. IVER JOHNSON, Rucyclc. National and Indian. Exclusive Exclu-sive agents for Edison Phonographs, records rec-ords and til. inks Send In your mall orders. or-ders. A few second-hand wheels cheap. i !h( apest place In SSlt Lake to buy tires of all kinds Also sporting goods, vcrv cheap 325 S. W Temple. hl9S! WALL PAPER CLEANED. KAPLAN CLEANS WALL PAPER, etc Rooms $1 up; satisfaction guaranteed. guaran-teed. Tel. Bell HOB; Ind.. 671 hl721 WALL PAPER AND FRESCOS cleaned perfectly No dust- Telephone 1165-Y 65 E. 3rd South g.'97 CARPET CLEANING. CARPETS CLEANED ON THE FLOOR by compressed air and vacuum; upholstery uphols-tery rugs. beds, etc Satisfaction guaranteed. guar-anteed. Utah Sanitary Cleaning Co . 117 South West Temple. Both 'phones 66o. hl571 RUMMAGE SALE. RUMMAGE SALE THURSDAY" AT 30 South Main. 10 o'clock. 1149 FLUFF-RUG WORKS. RUGS MADE AND CARPETS cleaned 226 W. S. Temple. 'Phono 12WO' Ind. 1209. 3r MIDWIFE. PRIVATE HOME FOR CONFINE-ment CONFINE-ment capes. Mrs Lizzie Gelslcr. 5 W. 3rd North. Bell phone 561-K. Ii2266 FOR RENT. FOR HOUSEKEEPING. SUITE OF pleasant front rms . ground floor; water in rooms, heart of city. 61 W. S. Temple. FOUR U NFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP-Ing HOUSEKEEP-Ing rooms with summer kitchen; dose In: water and closet Inside Appl 4S Second East street. m THE FOLLOWING ARE SOME OF the bouses on our lint today; 5 rooms, modern ? 5 r onis. modern, close In J 0 rooms, mod , close In 80.0D 8-room modern S'22 S-room modern, close In 40.00 7-room house, mod. close In 30.00 11-room mod., southeast 26,00 B-room mod., close In 5552 P-room mod le.gg 4- 1 com, southwest j;00 5-room, south west a' t-room, southeast 2,fiu For the above see the L N K REAL EST A 1 V. " 2'2 1 1 ! WALKER BLD3 NO 335 SECOND. 7-ROOM, MODERN 2-story brick, $35 00. , No S17 South 5th East st . S-room rood-em, rood-em, with furnace, lawn, shade, etc . $35.00. A. Rlchtcr. 19 West 1st South st. 'F''0" 641. THREE ROOMS, 8UMM ER K-ITCH IS N and cellar, rear 24S So. 9:h East. $S 50 per month '' 2 ROOMS AND SUMMER KITCHEN 44 N 2nd West 18 7-ROOM HOUSE, COR. 4TH E. AND Rth So , papered and painted; $15 per mo. 'Phone. Brll. 71-A, Murray exchange STORE, 145 W. 2ND SO INQU I RE AT premises. tUBU FOR RENT OR SALE. A BARBER shop In Bingham canyon, doing a good business, $35 to $45 per week A barn:-in to the right man Address J H. Johnson, Bingham, Utah. UgW ONE HALF OF COTTAGE; ELEC-trlc ELEC-trlc light, water, cellar r rid luwn, including includ-ing chicken yard. Call 6t N. 2nd est h2-'0o $16 SIX-ROOM HOUSE LARGE LOT nnd barn, 263 7th Bast, Apply B. B Qulnn. 415 D F Walker bldg. h'Jl.- EMPIRE HOTEL. 3") LA KG E K baths. South Temple and 1st West, coming com-ing location; f') per mo Houston. Tho House re Phone 27 haw READY MAY 1ST. MAIN ST. OFFICE suite r. -proof ault S L. Security & Trust Co 82-34 Main st. h2122 S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 104 NO. Main Rooms i an be sublet If desired fur enough to pay rent. Inq 25 E. 1st So. hl731 WANTED. 100 HOUSES FOR RENT Tenants furnished free of charge. J N Courtney, 41 W 2nd So. ind. fone. hlo.2 FLAT OF 6 ROOMS. BATH AND pantry, 3 blocks east of Main st , $18. Good store and basement on East 2nd South; $30. Frltsch. No. 12 East 2nd South st. hiei.S ALL OR PART OF STOREROOM, 25X 100 feet with or without basement. In-quln In-quln UO West 2nd suth st hl COZY. NEWLY-PAPERED THREE-room THREE-room brick, jantry t 1., low lent. - o " 2nd West hl24 36 FLORAL AVE., G ROOMS. BATH, toilet, cellar, etc , $17. 37 W 7th So. 5 rooms, with bath $15 Peterson Real Estate Inv. Co . 203 tlas Blk h2099 ELEGANT MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. 614 South State Inq. premises or tel 2361-K. 4 ROOMS: WATER AND S INK. NO children; 743 Linden ave., 7th East bet 3rd and 4th South. - h775 J) HOUSES ALL PRICES AND LOCA-tlons. LOCA-tlons. Tuttle Bros.. 149 Main st hCOO GET THE B & O To MOVE YOU Both "phones 353 hoOl OFFICE ROOMS IN DES NEWS A)'-nex A)'-nex single or en suite. Inq rm h' SIX-ROOM. MODERN. WELL FUR-nlhed. FUR-nlhed. 670 South State. g26W FIVE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, i also barn for rent, cheap. 070 S Main g2615 8-ROOM THOROUGHLY MODERN residence. 69 Flm streoU Inquire I B Cook. 67 First street. g27o9 LjVRGE LIGHT BASEMENT, STEAM heat and light, ground floor; office spaco ir d sired Rent $15 46 E. So. Temple, gggg MODERN. NINE-ROOM DWELLING; North bench; would rent for term o: years, unfurnished. 02 Commercial Blk. K2673 A DRUG STORE. ELEGANT LOCA-tlon; LOCA-tlon; corner of let West und South Temple, Tem-ple, Empire block, $40. Houston Real Estate Es-tate Investment Co.. 251 Main LEA L ESTATE AGENTS ALL PA-trunizo PA-trunizo theao columns and so do tho people peo-ple looking for houses. We bring tlr two togcthe.. The Tribune columns advertise ad-vertise more houses than all tne other papers pa-pers combined. TWO LARGE ROOMS. $6 INQUIRE 25 Apple st h-il9 btV EN AND EIGHT ROOMS AND one very large S-room modern hou9e win steam heat All close In. Jas. K Shaw, under Walker Bros' hank. al9M YOUNG & FOWLER. 32 MAIN 8T f-rooni, cellar, barn. W 2nd So., $10. 6- rjom brick, modern, E. 1st So., $25. 3 ROOMS INQUIRE NO. 8 BARltOW'S court . g!53.- S-RM MODERN TERRACE. NO 2T2 B, 2nd South. $45 A. R. Derge. 164 S. Main ei5s"ij $12 50, FOUR ROOM HOUSE; $10.00, three-room house. 7C2 W 2nd So. st. FURNITURE PACKED FOR SHIP-ping, SHIP-ping, cut rates, expert packers of china, brle-a-brar furniture, etc Redman Van and Storage Co Phone r,r.5 On--"! 7- ROOM FRAME, BATH; 7TH SO. 1ST West hi 690 A 5-ROOM MODERN HOUSE IN-ijidre IN-ijidre L'.VI W,..,t 1st N..iih h2608 MOVING AND STORAGE MITCHELL VAN AND STORAGE CO. have moved 10 16 W. 2nd So. h76o B & O STORAGE AND TRANSFER Co.; moving, packing, shipping, largest and best storerooms In city 'Phones 2nd Sc. bet 2nd and 3rd West hiSS KIMBALL S TRANSFER VANS. MOV. Ing. storage and com'c'l hauling 19 W 1st So 2188-X. u903 REDMAN VAN AND STORAGE Co.. ( moving packing and shipping 'Fhono 655 Office-, 126 und 127 S V Temple. hl645 WHERE TO STOP. THE 'WORTH." STEAM HEAT. HOT and cold baths 158 E 2nd So. fll64 LINCOLN HOUSE. PAUL HE1N, Prop., 68 E. 1st So., 200 rooms; rates 25c. 36c and 60c gJlii MERCHANT TAILOR. SUITS. $H AND UP: PANTS. $5 AND up Bchllep & Co 63 W 2nd So. UPHOLSTERING. S L. MATTRESS & MFG. CO MOVED to 158 W. ltt South. 'Phones 32v9. 1U510 FOR RENT FURNISHED. B-ROOM HOI SB. FURNISHED, cloeo In $23.00. Inquire 121 w 4th South. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH board; everything modem. 234 s. na ijj 2 NICELY FURN ROOMS FOR housekeeping, modern 217 X 4th So 11 - SIX-ROOM MODERN PRESSED brl. k loltage. excellent location, East side, walking distance. Address Q -. Tribune. 3 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING ground Moor rind 2 rooms second nooi . I,;, (I, nnd el., lights 'Phone 2Ks-X. No. 9 Kendall square. Ui : FRONT RoOls. GROUND FLOOR; housekeeping. $12; also bam. 545 E. 6th S- 2 CLEAN ROOMS FOR HOI SEKEEP-Ing; SEKEEP-Ing; ground floor. 173 W 2nd So. 2 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS F R housekeeping, 229 E 5th So. f 2 ROOMS, GROUND FLOOR. FUR-nlshed FUR-nlshed or unfurnished; no children. 5o BO. Main. v ' ' HOl'SE 5. 6 OR 7 SEVEN ROOMS. 837 3rd East st. Soe Rivers. 140 Main. UB TWO FINE. LARC.E HOUSEKEEI'-Ing HOUSEKEEI'-Ing rooms B73 Bo Main ti-iT tti d v-7 oi i i.-r ) Pl'lOM. WITH beard; every thing modern 234 So. 2nd E C08Y FRONT ROOMS. FINEST LO-cation; LO-cation; tourists welcome 137 S. W. Temple 1101 NT'ELY FURNISHED F.U"N'T rcKim fur housekeeping. 30 So. 'V Temple. I NP-FLY FI RN ROOMS. ELECTRIC light; water In house. 627 S. West Tempbv Nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping at 150 North Main. h2oW TWO NICELY FURN ISH BD ROOMS for light housekeeping 301 West 3rd So lu 1 12 3 ROOMS. FI?RNIS11EI OR UNFUR; nlshed. 36 Seventh East. "lo HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, NEW, modern, with gas range. 165 West Cth Bo. n2SD NICELY FURN Si ITE FOR HOUSE-keeplng. HOUSE-keeplng. 41 N 2nd West. h2to9 3 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. NO children 436 So. 3rd East bjMH NH ELY FURNISHED ROOMS strictly modern; board If desired 127 W. 4th South. b2467 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS . ALL modem. V.I1 at 562 South Main, telephone tele-phone 12CC-K. FINE FU P.MS H ED ROOM STRICT- ly modern. 320 S. Second East. SWELL FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, gas fuel 70 W Oth Bouthg FUUNISHED ROOM, WITH OR without board. 47 So. 6th West h759 1 RSI FLOOR OF MODERN TER-race; TER-race; close in; very desirable Address S 50. Tribune. h255l SEVEN-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, EX-cellent EX-cellent location, partly furnished; possession posses-sion conditioned on purchase furniture; t rms If desired, S SI, Trlhune. h2S2 NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM Clos- In. 12J West 4th So hJ156 ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN SUITE. Board if desired. 153 W 3th South hl9o.i NICELY FURN. ROOMS. MOD. DE-Blrable DE-Blrable location 149 So. Sth E. hl346 3-ROOM. MODERN, FURN FLAT AT C17 South 6th East h353 FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD; prlvuto family; 40 J St.. Tel.. Ind.. 2141. &4130 EVERYBODY WHO MOVES OR wants to move, first consult Tho Tribune's Trib-une's classified columns. Why" Becauso The Tribune carries moro ads. of that kind than ul! the other papers combined SUITE OF ROOMS WITH PRIVATE ImKi and gas cooking rango. 1st floor New Fields, 20 E 1st South. h3S TWO ROOMS. LIGHT HOUSEKEEP-Ing, HOUSEKEEP-Ing, modern con enlenees. 135 W. Sixth South. YOUNG & FOWLER, NO 32 MAIN ST 7-room brick thoroughly modem, completely com-pletely furnished, 1st and Q sts , 235.00 1 1 1520 FIRST-CLASS SUITE OF ROOMS; private family Boarders desired. Bell 'phone 1S6S-Y. COZY, LARGE FRONT ROOM, USE of bath, tor gentleman. 571 So. Main. hl3S3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE KEEP-Ing KEEP-Ing rooms, In modern terrace; also parlor With use of piano 216 West First South hl304 TWO NICE, CLEAN ROOMS FOR light housekeeping. C2S E. 4th South hl365 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, close In; prlate family. 251 E. 2nd So. g!296 THE PLEASANTON. NO. 6 KENDALL square; handsomely furnished rooms, modern; close In. 'Phone 240S-K. z236 THREE MODERN ROOMS FOR housekeeping; no children. 519 So. Cth E. 'Phono -09$-Z h927 LIST YOUR PROPERTY for sale with w J Halloran. 14 W. 8rd 80. h2480 SOME BARGAIN'S. $950 1-rm frame, and barn, on Euclid av ; $150 down. jivid l-rm . almnet new, pr. hrj. oa Park av ; cellar closet pantrv; $150 down $1950 S-rm. home on 11th East Snap. ? , us for any sized home or vacant lot. Prltchard & Poe, Mgrs R. E Dept. Wilson-Sherman Co. 62 W. 2nd S Tel 1,2 1)2167 SPIRITUALISTS. SPENT AN EVENING WITH YOUR 1 i r 1 1 friends; meeting Thursday night Arnold-Dickson, hall -: EaM i hlrd South I1?i SPECIAL TEST MEETING TUESDAY nlp'nt. tell your full name, occupation, and foretell the future, questions answered admission. 10 cents. Arnc-ld-DlcHson hall 263- East Third South. ,50 NO MATTER WHAT Y' 1 WISH TO know, consult Arnold-Dlckson Bros 209 Third South st. Bell phone 2417-K Hours 10 to S dally; 11 to 2 Sundays, h.2554 MRS P. FONTYN, CLAIRVOYANT and (.ranee medium. 267 So W. Temple. g4B STEAM CARPET CLEANING. WE CALL FOR TAKE UP, STEAM cl, an and relay your carpets on short notice no-tice Tnornburg Steam Carpet Works, S53 E Uth South, 'phonco IO06. Guaranteed hl263 SALT LAKE STEAM CARPET cleaning works, cold blast feather renovating, reno-vating, work guaranteed. Cor. Sth West and So Temple Emyr Eynon Prop ; Bell Tel. 2019; Ind.. 1110. g703 UTAH STEAM CARPET AND WALL Taper cleaning. 34 Richards st Tel. 1T:7-K SECRET SOCIETIES. UTAH CHAPTER .NO. 1. fsJtn will hold Its ?tntPd "YTl -at " o clock 1 this (Wednesday) vse,ng at M C. Phillips. Beorstary. . A. A. 8. BITE-THK FOUR vz?m; : i,?vh.,&2JS Thursday In each month at l'i d hall, comer West Tempi, ana 60Uth. Bourne in 1, W M Jnmos Lowes Chiptcr C"'Lkn scott. fyC. c nn .r CHRISTOPHER DIEHL 83 deg., Reclstrar of All tJwBods. UTAH CHAPTER NO yln f true convocation first co' anlon each month at Masonic hall Wi cordially Invited ,Trp n P JOSEPH G. BYWATBK. " MOSES C PHILLIPS. S-cretarj. . XX S-SKr01 iodgncl' burning brethr.,ny.tedp JJ M MOSES C. PHILLIPSSjretary. WASATCH LODGE NO. ,.&ch M Masonic hah second lday ecii Cited W, J BARRBTTE, W A. J. LOWE. Secretory "IvTr MORI AH LODGE NO. 2, W. AND a m Masonic hail second Monday eacn month Members of sister lodS R"'1 !J jourmng members In good sia ndln g m vited WILLIAM M RASH. W. M. CHRISTOPHER 1 IF1HLPe''retary. EL KALA1I TEMPLE, A. A O. N M S Third Wednesday of each month Mnlc hall at 8 P- m. All r.oblcs sojourn ,ng ,nVUOtJ M MARRIOTT. Potentate. T. W- PINKERTON. Recorder I. O O. F. FIDELITY LODGE NO. 17. I. O. O. F-. meets every Wednesday night at S o clock. I 0.0. F. temple, visitors welcome W. E LIVINGSTON, N u. T C. SMITH. Secretary I O O. F TEMPLE DIRECTORY: Subordinate lodges meet as follows. Utah lodge No. 1. ThursdaS Salt Iake. lodgo No. 2. 1 rlday. Jordan lodg No 3. Monday Rldgley lodge No 9 Thursday Ent'-rprlse , ,.-. : No 15. Wednesday. Fidelity lodgo No. 17. Wednesday. Mystic ludg,. No 22 Monday. ENCAMPMENTS o.-pilrrh encampment No. 1. second ana fourth Tuesdays. Golden Rule encampment No. nrsi and third Tuesdays. REHEKAII Li DGES. Naomi Rebekah lodge No. L second and fourth Saturdays. . Miriam Rebekah lodgo No. C. first and third Saturdays WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. WOODBINE CIRCLE NO. 41 MEETS every Tuesday. 8 o'clock, at L O. O F. hall SILVER MAPLE CIRCLE NO 108 meets cery Friday night at I. O. O. F. hall. FRATERNAL UNION OF AMERICA. EVERGREEN LODGE NO. 151 MEETS 2nd and 4th Mondas at I O. O. F temple tem-ple B. W. MAYO, F M. S CHALKER, Secretary, box 1C6S. KNIGHTS OF rYTIIIAS. CALANTHE MYRTLE LODGr NOl I, every Monday. K. of P hall. C C. BAKER, C. C C. E. HOLMAN. K. of R S LINCOLN LODGE NO. 23. K. OF P . meets every Saturday evening, 8 o'clock, K of P. hall. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. 3. Ever;. Thursday evening K. of p. hall KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES. K. O T M SALT LAKE TENT NO. 2. Every Thursday, I O. O. F. ball. Visiting Visit-ing Knights Invited. LADIES OF THE MACCABEES SALT LAKE CITY HIVE NO 4 meets every first and third Monday, S p. m , I. O. O. F hall FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES. SALT LAKE AERIE NO. 67, EVERY Friday, 8 p. m., A. O. U. W hall. FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD. SEGO LILY LODGE NO. 252. FIRST nnd third Tuesday, S p m , A. O. U W. hall. nuiAi, AIVUAn UJU. S L COUNCIL, 1517. 2ND AND 4TH Thursday, Jennings block. GEORGE O. ORR. RegenL E. L JONES. Secretary. DANISH BROTHERHOOD OF AMER ICA. HAABET LODGE NO."EERyiST ami 3rd Thursday, I. O O F temple. BOARD AND ROOMS. THOROUGHLY CLEANED front rooms, single or en suite; private family x- ,n' nU 134 B or 'phone" F I " RNISHED FRONT ROOM LIGHT ind bath: board If deslr.d. .',7 W Jnd No Tel. .'701. ind. uK FRONT ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT b' 'id ' 1 1 So M; In ind 'phone 3V 1 it ;: FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND ROOM 56 W . st Fourth South PLEASANT ROOMS WITH BOARD -for gentlemen; private famll $4,50 ner week. 00 East 1st North. 'Phono 20o" . h2514 PLEASANT ROOMS AND BOARD and bath 730 E. 3rd So. Phone 23S5-K h2272 THE CULMER. HEALTHY Loi'A-tlon Loi'A-tlon new management. 15s N. Main Ind Phone 22SO. , ' hc. ROOMS AND EXCELLENT TABLE servlco at 211 E. 4th So. Both 'phones h2129 GOOD BiiARD AND Room FOR GK" J 20, Tribune. j 5y? NICELY FURNlbHED ROoMS.'n15 good board, closo In 224 W. 1st South Phono 11S7-K " l THE ADVERTISERS Under thn head In The Tribune aro likely 5 be the sssuin brf erVnrTrne " - adt lifSM-8, 25? UH WITHOUT BOARD First Bo L" f-telWCCn Brl.'hum and t- irst h. and btate Ht. a 1314 HAY, COAL AND GRAIN. HARVEY' & CO lin xv aJ , Bell 'phono 102-2 Ind0 mi S" "fig, r.N nil fast kZTW , H rnut be Hold m?imm. The rooms a,,. arK 'u' t na,fl rooms could he fln ilfU 1 h h n frcm . "wjlj ... .he upstairs TheXuMl .1 and .SilMH 1 lot ;-vxii. r;'ir "pisW once nnd will take m?" N1 I A. Rlchter. 19 We8t ,M V TWO OF THE FINpjri. 1 1 a t: sites 1 x -nrerSBl 4th -.nd ",th Ea.vt B, front Short walk to trnJIH m, nt '.id. -walk all th ' V I Ing J100 p. r foot IJ '.,xlfi5 fe-trBrtchatn M ncr Bth East Pries uJH pi. .ing tax jvin "iase HOMER & ROBERTViv L P Main and lt South f-ret Hank) V A ? I E ELL AR &7fTw BARGAINS FoR IIOMEwtJL M' N FY TALKS HER?W louse ;.r l.ild n:id pal4fo We have a handsome ryaWP -reMsed irl k eottnge on Ut ILSH Hardwood flnUli. i ,; t ,,f inr:,iW trees, ete Built for a homc.Hj . ft itv -inrl mint sell it ltW mortgage saliiI AVe hn, nnd a rre di rn pressed brick home xwf location, r'n northeast bncb.B finish throughout, large, airy nM in, nted ! .---rr.' r,, h..T--es muvt go it once, aiJK in '.;. rri, (! will fmtm' I to '.-II acd iibi Sep us at once If you want 1 all modern home. A M KELLVR & ' o, eiu r. F E I WASHINGTON T?ujML The finest subdh Islon In the caJ 4th East and loth South. RoB1 line, graded street?, fine sbadeHp for :ile on terms to suit TOSB tr, r,.(- us If vou w.ini to b'jy K lot lloFFMAN r.i:0S.,QT,jH GREAT BARGAIN CHEAP! new, elegnnt, modern, brlct tt trie light, bath Inquire 2J 9 South. B MEEKS & LYNCaJI Real Estate and Loans, 30 Aaflj HOUSE OF FoRTY-THRBgS sll outside. Owner too old UH husineM.j Rfonn full Must dreys T 7, Tribune. ' 1 JUST COMPLETED. VRM. Mfl In r do Groot, '!'. Mk "HOUSTON REAL ESTATBbT real estate and loan brokers. EH J J.-, CASH AND 27.50 PE1 A will buy a pair of the chnleeKlsfl southeast ia:t of rltv. BeuiHSI fine resldeno-'S. cooil car settlSB No 12 Fn.st 2nd South St ' C, Vv MILLER. REAL 1 loan and rental agency. Persoslll given to properties placed In SJ . 112 W 2nd So. 2ViX10 RODS. STONE AMP house. 00S E 1st So. Inquire sflj WE OCCASIONALLY HATj gain? in r-;il estate Salt LHS and Trust Co., Security and fc main floor. PROPERTY OF N0N-B21 cared for. Salt Lako Security k YOUNG & FOWLER NO. SS BI I LP ING LOTS Just plug m irk, t. lu our new EAST BIN DIVISION, or. 12th E. and Sth I Abo. 1 lot, 1st So andl'ttal 1 lot. 2nd and O sts.. i 6- rcom mod brPk. North bBI S4xU'. 2nd So and 3rd E. rtlj EDWARD M ASHT0N. Kl tate. rentals. 301 News BldrJ SNAPS LN? VACANT j lots, all part.-- of eitj SaJt Lltt ment ''.-,. r W 2n I So 7- ROOM HOUSE IN PARK 11 625. U. U. Hlekey, 000 McCoalj YOUNG & FOWLER. NO. 30-acre tract southeast, e.osJ vide Into smaller tracts to suit ers. Sole or trade. REAL ESTATE BARGAINS. I R. lands. E. J Wyllls, 15 Y. ! ' . . . . . . , ,M nmmt See Godd.ird, under WaU WHEN YOU BUY OR SELlT Keep in mind tho fact that j We make correct abstract!. , Guarantee agai:.--t j:! errors II Examine titles. , Attend all details of P''"1! The Homer Abstracts Main and 1st So., under D NICE S-ROOM. 2-STpRYjl house, corner lot. 2 car lines. 3 electric light fixtures Jfl fast front, for sale at a sacriM owner; terms. AdressZJLTiSI HERE'S CLOSE iNSNfl V 4th So . neat 6-r hricS, walk tn M.ln st . 13"'. r JJ , ,,rn.T ..n 1st st . brick cot. 1 ' ..... ,. at l-r-. s on 3rd worth $lf..i; take cither at I L Mo. S r. furnace, bar". place, worth S5500; owner sasl J45-jO, or e en less k ,.r..lt,.c, r.-rr.om. ne.'SLl WE SELL REaITeSTB all. Tuttle IWn .UlJJZZl THE TRIBUNE CLASflJjj umi.o e-irr-, nioic r.-.U c tho other papers combine . are paid for Why? has the call for this cs o9 FOR SALE M.I3CELLAM LEYS A M-iLI'SALE AJgj candv business inclu-RPC affl -!!- In th- best o J about $ir0 hii'lnMS .BSal ,, . Bon for selling. l ''nrot ustj , bargain that will n0,oflj therefore, avail v hefore It to too 1? M THE SNIM 2'bbOKJI -"-'Wd'p "ValksbJ . ' rji GOOD DRIVING HORS&J "TnIO SiTgTe irl for broughtm or '",c)01ev" Pn.E 'Bm rly at stable. 474 n m WILL SELL FOR ber-ili-l tr .p: I " pllnicr. 1 w..li. ihe "rl,'k' - J 'l-hones lJZJ-ZjA MO-roG JV'-J.Srvff" once. Call J3-W, |