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Show Poor Variety Cherries in Salt Lake Market Best Fruit Is Sent East, and Zion Has to Take tho Seconds. Sec-onds. Tho quality of cherrleo which aro reselling resell-ing S-mU l-i I:o Is far fr..tn porfect nnd the quantity llmit.-d. llrnvrvrr with the pn Bent QuaJIty It Is doubtful whether tho demand -in exceed the supply Tho best cherries, according to tlx conumlaelon houses, are bc-ini; sent ISast, and tho poor.-r variety roaches Snlt I-ik- This lrult can b- obtained In most of tho stores at two pounds f.ir -i quarter. Strawberries are still ir cents a box Tho only now vegetable is cauliflower which for 1 time whs absent from tho market This sells at LX cents a pound. Salt Lakers seem fond of shad roo. An example of this fact Is that during the past week ono llsh house alone has sold 42.". pounds to customers. Fresh mackerel nnd salmon sal-mon liavo Just been received. There Is moro of a lull on the fish market now than for many weeks, which Is accounted for by the fact that Lent Is over. Quo-tutlons: Quo-tutlons: Wholesale Quotations. Hay. Hraln and Straw--Oat straw, per bale S0o; alfalfa, 110.00; timothy, per ton, baled. 113.604914. 00; wheat per bushel, 90r90c; corn, per cwt $13."; corn, cracked. L40i oats. 11.60, rolled oats $1 .75. bailey rolled. 61.35fiTl.40, flour, bskers- No. 1. $2.3: Hour, straight graie. $2 4" Hour, high patent 62.600100; rye. J2.C0; graham flour. 62.6003.70; eornnieal, 81702.00, bran. $1 00: bran and shorts, Jl 10. Meats rressed beef, per pound, 5t46c; dreeeod vel, i-t pound, Be; areeeed lamb, 9c; dressed hogs, 7!;c; ll.. $4 0"i per cwt.. pork loins. 11c per pound; mutton, 7,3c. mincemeat. mince-meat. 69c; spring lambs, each, 83. 2R. Poultry Drcwc-l hens. 17c; frozen broilers. 21c, turkeys, frozen, 224c . fresh. 23c; roasters, ISc. Fruits Panta Paula lemons, per box $3 50; bananas, per bunch, 61.754i3.60; dates, per pound. 7c. oranges, 82.503 73 per box. pineapple. pine-apple. 64.00 per dozen grape fruit. 64.00 per box. lime. $2 ,00 a hundred strawberries, $173; California cherries, $1.50 per box Veg.-tables. California head lottucv 4c per dozen; parsnips, $1.00 cwt. , yellow onions, 3o per pound; vegetable marrow, 60a a dozen; California cabbage, per cwl, $2.50; potatoes, per cwt , COc, turnips, beet! and carrots, per cwt , $1.15; green onions p.-r dozen. 20c. I'toh lettuce. 23c, cauliflower per pound. lOllc; pios, lOo per pound; cucumbers ft 7".; Plorlda tomatoes, per crate. J-, : ... Miiippl l- ni.i-toes. ni.i-toes. $6 00 per box. Dairy Products Putter per pound. 23c, cheese, per pound. 12c. eggs, per case $4 75; comb honey, per crate, $2.75; Sweltzer cheese, per pound, l6c, llmburger cheese, jer pound 17c cream brick cheese, per pound, 18c; Kdam cheese, per dozen $12.00. Flh.-r Salmon. 13-gl6c, Chlnck salmon. He halibut. 11c. striped bsss. per pound. 17c. soles per pound. 11c, flounders, per pound, lie California Cali-fornia smelts, per pound. 13c; catfish. 13c: perc h, per round, 10c; lobsters, per pound, 15c; oyster. New Tork count, 81.60 per 100; e-l.vtM. e-l.vtM. $2.25 per gallon; odflnh, l?9c; whltel.h. 15.-; rojtern co.1flsh. 15o per pound; klppred salmon, 15o per pound; smoked halibut. ISo por vund; smokod halibut cubes, 15c per pound; shad, 12c per iound. pike, Mo per pound; crabs. $2.60 a dozen. Retail Quotations. Meats. Prime ribs. l"4c; porterhouse, & 22c; porlt. 17 'c: mutton chops. 10Cfl5c; leg. 15c; lamb, 15iT20c per p?und; veol, 18'd20c; veal loaf. SOc; spring lamb. $1.2301. 50 pr quarter Poultry Dressed hens, 20c broilers. 2rc; fresh turkeys, 27-c. ducks, 20c. roast springs. ?2c. Fruits. Lemons, per dozen. 20fi25c: oranges, per dozen. 2050c; bananas, per dozen, lB6j80o grftpe fruit, per dozen, $1.001-50; pieplant, . -c per ound ; pineapples, 33o apiece: California strawlerrles. 13o per box; California cherries, two pounds for 23c. --g tables. Oyster plant. 3c a bunch; parsnips, 2c a peck; potatoes, per peck, 13c. new potato, ln'alac a pound; green onions, ?.c , .ispar-agus, t'tuh, VK a pound, carrots. :Oc a peck. Ic-ltuce, 5510c; spinach, 5c a ixjund; California French artichokes. 10616c each; gTeen Ktas, 20c per found, green beans, 2"c per pound; Vtah radishes, 5c a bunch; cucumbers, cu-cumbers, 20c eucb Ctah hot house primlny, Ch; a bunch, California new cabbage, per pound. 5c. 1'tah radishes, live bunches for 10c: fresh tomatoes, per pound, 30c; mushrooms, 20fif25c per pound; cauliflower. 20c a pound Dairy Products. Butter, per pound, 30c; chceie. 20c; eggs, per dozen, 20c; fancy cheese per pound. 25c. comb honey, per comb, 15c; strained honey, per pound, 15o Swiss cheeeo, per pound. 40c; llmburger cheese, per pound, fcOc; cream brick cheese, 2Jc; Edam cheese, $1.25 each. Fish. Salmon. 17Wfcc; halibut. 15c; etrlped bun.. 224c. coclflsh, 16c, perah lZ'v. whlt'--flsh, 20c; lobsters. I'Vjc; sturgeon. 15c; select oysters. 6f,e a quart; catfish. 15o per pound; shal, UK4)Ua per pound; herring 15c por pound; kippered salmon 2"c per iound: smoked salmon 20c per iound; smoked halibut hali-but cubes. 2vc por pound; klngflsh. two pounds for 25c; banncuda, 13c per pound; yollowtall. 20c per pound. Stock Market Letters. Jam's A. Pollock & Co., stock and grain brokers, C West Second South stroot. make public the following letters on tho stock market mar-ket Ilutton. New York, says: "There was a moro confident feeling expressed by rommls-Ion-house p-np. tn the floor of the ezenailg todoy, which gnv sufllilent enthuslaMm to cause somo little buying by this element, nnd In vlow of there bolng but little pressure to s.dl K'-curltlf-s, this fn.-tor cause a general covering movement which at Intervals Imparted Impart-ed tho appearance of strength. Transactions were on a limited s.al. and the clone was at recessions from tho bc.t figures made." T. A Mrlntyro A: Co.. New York, ea : The general market mudo B further good recovery today. n sentiment woo stimulated by the etcndlneBS of the foreign markets and various other favorable Influences Money was a drug OO tho mnrkot here, with call loans Offered in abundance at 2'i Mr cent. The market inn off qulto sharply In thn closing hour under un-der this Polling Tho best opinion we can advance i that it would be bott.-r to adhere to tbo position of sraljeT for moderate turns " Dick Bros., Now 1 ork, say Market continued con-tinued Its reaction today and, In splto of persistent per-sistent soiling for both accounts, wan quite llrm. Tho day's news was not Importunt but sentiment become more bullish as the market ret-lHted pressure Noteworthy advances were RiadS bjf Now York Central and other Vander-bllt Vander-bllt stocks on th news that Northwestern "III gl. fuIim rlptlon rights worth about 17 per ..ot. Atlantic Coast Lino was also In this category. The closings showed moat Mocks with fractional not gains " 1-og.m i- Bryan. Now York, : "Through most of the session prices showed an advancing ad-vancing tondenc, and the selling In tho lait hour. In most caws, wiping out the early gains and bringing the market back to a parity par-ity with the cIono of yesterday, seems to us llic prollt-taklng Market displays lss nervousness ner-vousness and seems to promise a reasonably tut-.- trading affair at the moment." Grain and Piovi9ions. CHICAGO, May 2 A liboral decrease in the world's visible supply had a strengthening effect OH the wheat market here today. Tailing off In primary receipts re-ceipts bJbo tended to advance prices At tho close July wheat wax up fyc. Corn Is up 4' .' ""I" show 11 gain "f -Vt'i-c, and provisions ;ir- a shndo to 12',ic higher. The wheat market had a llrm undertone the greater part of the session. Under tho influence of higher prices at Liverpool tho market ..p.-n..l ilrm with July up "Vc at V,'..- to Sc For a time pit ira.l-ers ira.l-ers were qulto free sellers, predictions. Of rain oyer the wheat belt in general being responsible for th- greater part ic the selling pressure. The best demand was from .shorts. After .Jul;. m-i. -..1.1 off to JcJThC offerings dwindled and a linn tone again devi 1-oped. 1-oped. As trading progressed the firmness changed t.. decided strength. A powerful factor '.-..is a .1 r.-a - ..t i.Wi.oo hush. Is In the world'H aallable stocks l.a-,t v.-ar thert was an Increase oX about a million bushels Total primary receipts were less than for the corresponding clay a year ago This fact had much to do with late bull-. iHh sontlment. In addition advices were received claiming damage hy rust In T.-xns and Oklahoma The highest point on July was reached Just btlore tho close, when ihi price touched &4r The market finished strong with July at JvfSo '.'loaranccs of wheat and flour woro equal to !V!,0rt0 bushels. Primary receipts were 205,400 bushels, compared with Z1S 10) a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago Chi-cago reported receipts of 1W cars, against 311 car In t week and 101 cars a car ago An extremely smnll movement caused active covering by shorts In the corn pit today, resulting In a strong market. July opened VMW4c higher at hjm?i16Sc. boui between ic and 47M.C and closed at 1674c Ty-'. al receipts were Trt cars with 2 Of contract gra le Trading in the. oats pit was dull the entire day, but the tone sras iirm. July opened unchanged :it J:S,c. sold up to 2$4 and closed at 29Va29V4C Provisions w.-r. iirm on smaller receipts r.f hogs At the- close Julv pork -wa.s up it i!2i , lard was a shade highoi at 6T.23y4jlSl7.26 rlb w.-r.- up l-'-j- al 17.17 Bsumated receipts for tomorrow Wheat, 20 cars; com. 20 cars, oats. 28 cars; hogs. 80,000 head. RANOB OF THE LBADIKQ FUTURBfl. Articles. Open High. Low. Clost Wheat. No I llav s: N P".', 1 Tulv R.m M 82 S " September TP' So 79t4 Corn. No, 2 May 47's 4R4 47i 4 July 47'k 415 10 September 4fi 47 4C r, Oats No 2 May 28 29H 2S; tt-H Julv . ... tt 4 i 2IM September ....... 28 28 21' &k Mess Pork-May Pork-May 11 77W 11 S2', U." 11 60 July 12.07't 12. 16 12. 071!, 12 !:', Lard-May Lard-May 7 0714 7 074 7.nj 7.05 July 7.2.', 7 23 7 22'i 7 (6 September .. . ....7 57i 7 10 7 37, 7.40 Short ltlbs May . . 7i-2 fl f7i e S71, 74 Julv 7.15 7.174 1 U 7.17'- September 7 31 7.40 7.37'i 7 37.. ASH QT'i rTATIONS. Cash quotations were as follows Flour, easy; No 2 spring wheat. WVfjlOc; No 3, 7i 9V. N' 2 red. r'i',n4. . No. 2 com. 4'.",. No. 2 yellow. 50V.C No 2 oats 29j2J4c; No 3 white. 814061p; No 2 rye, 73i,c; good feeding barley, n'dl'V, fair tO choice malting 44tf47c; No. 1 flax aeed, 81 28; No 1 Northwestern North-western 81.89; prime timothy seed. 82 90; m"n pork, per barrel. Jll. SOfa 11,88 lard per ion pounds. $7 OS'f;7.07,i:; short Hbs sides (loose) 85 S7V4JS7.O0; short clear sides tboxed), 86-S"W 67.00; whisky, basis of high wines, $1 23. clover, contract grade, 113.00. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Articles. rtecnts. ShlptS. Flour, barrels 22.200 17 200 Wheat bushels W.Of.i 111.100 Corn bushels 76.600 R07,Ei0 Oats, bushels 163.SOO 130. ooo Re. bush. -Is l.ooo 4.500 Parley, bushele 6.000 11.400 PRODVCE EXCHANGE. On the produce exchange today the butter market was weak, creameries, 80v8to; dairies, 1S-&22C effs, firm, at mark . a. In. lude 16T16Hc; firsts. l'itS-16vsc: prime firsts. 17c. extras, IS'jc cheese, weok, l8)469184b Coast Grain. SAN FRANCISCO, May 2 Wheat Steadv. May 1 43, t,a; December, 81 23 bid, H.88K asked. Hurley -Steady . May, 81.14 bid. $115 askei . December. K6Tc. Available Supply Chrtnges. NEW YORK. May 2 Special coble and telegraphic communications received h Prnd-atreot's Prnd-atreot's show the following chung-s In avo liable li-able suppllen as compared with last arcouni . Wheat I nited States and Canada, east of the Rockies, decreased 2.1.', 000 bushels, sflont for and In Europe-, Increased 600,000 bushels, total supply decrtoaed l.s-iS.OOO bushel Corn united States and t'anadn. cast of the Rockies, decreased 8,140,000 bushels Oats United States rind f'anada, east of the Rockies, decreased 755.000 bushel. Tho leading Increases repeated this week are: 122,000 bushels at the fhlcag-o private e'o-vators e'o-vators and &7.000 bushels at Kast St. Louis. The lesdintt decreases are: 20.0"0 bushels in Manitoba and 110.000 bushels at Louisville. Butter nnd Eggs. NEW YORK. May ?. Mutter Steady . street price, extra creamery. 2&t26Sc. Chees Unchanged. Erits steady i Western storage selections, ISc. firsts. 17tc St. Louis Wool Mnrket. ST. LOUIS May t Wool Strong, medium grades combing and clothing. 25t.'c; light tine. 20-J21C; heavy fnpi j 7jf i jc-. tub washed, 3i'&3?,c. |