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Show DELINQUENT NOTICE. Joo Rowers Mining company. Principal plaos of business, Salt Lnkc City, T'tuh. There are delliujucnt upon thf following ch scribed stork, on account of assessment levied on the 2Sth day of March. l;, the tevernl amounts set oppo.itn ihc nnmr-s of th- respective shareholders as follows: No. Cert. Shares Ain't. SIS J. H Bean 300 $1.50 1,431 J. 11 Bean H .07 1,878 C. 1". Brubaker 1.000 r,00 2.G32 E M. West 1 000 S.00 2.713 Jan CrelRhton 1,000 6.00 2,S5fi JrrB. Ci-flghton 600 2.60 And. in accordance with law and order r,;" Hi., hoar I uf 1 1 r t , . r . l -1 1 mi ih-2Mh ih-2Mh day of March. 1906, n many .shares of each parcel of t.tM-k as mav be necessary neces-sary will he sold at No. -IS South Main street. Salt Lake City, Utah, 00 the 80th day of May. 1906, at the luuir ( 2 o'clock p. m.. to pay delinquent assessmsht there, on, toKptner'wItfa ths costs of advertising advertis-ing and expense of sale. A. J GUNNELL. Secretary. |