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Show jlfB SELL RAPIDLY. M Tonite Company at Work. JBELEP. Ma:, 2.-The . , o( 1 W which v Hi control the sale Wk 'U V' "11,1- ll,lh!tt;iM of Salt Lake I fcrUd,t0r- " W. H. Cn,. J IPubUo Auction. jKr,9-hW,r "."sald b sonn ""? hr ,,U' I" ' '''' r''"i andio. Opportunities will lti. APf'0t,K'-' I"""--h:serS ,,, y brill h?8. s a'"l I eRfIM. P ;,El,v"n '"Ending pur- mT?K? In '-"lnes Every O fVJa,1t 10 Prevent the lots p "ices for Lots 'Franlfl0tH ,n lhe railroad 4 't,. . 3 fro,n lo 1500 utyive feat by 140 feet. with streets uniformly eighty feet wide, and alleys running through the center of each block twenty feel wide." A great throng attended the auction of lots In Pioneer Heights, near I.i Vegas, at 1S2 South Broadway, yesterday yester-day morning. Representatives of the Pioneer Investment and Trust company, having the lots for sale, were compelled to adjourn the auction to a large hall at lf" North Broadway Many Lots Sold. Two hundred lots were sold, ranging from 60 to $12". and In a short time the company realized In the neighborhood of $10,oan. Many corner lots were sold for ISt each, though Inside lots sop) for almost Hi" saroo price. Spirited hid ling characterized the auction Most of the purchasers had never hen In Las Vegas, but took thdr chances. A few bought several lots together to-gether in orif1 Moi k. Some already had their transportation, Intending to leavo on the first regular train from I.os Angeles An-geles Monda .light. Lots Sold Rapidly. "It Is astonishing how the lots sold said Fieri a Rosenfeld set retary of the company. "Pioneer Heights Is about Hghf blocks from the depot Oil the Salt Lake line If we had continued th aU( -tion wc could have sold more, but the sale will now be continued In tho office of the company In the Grant building. Many of the purchasers who bought lots today are contemplating engaging In business in the new railroad town." |