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Show THIRD MAN IDENTIFIED. Portland Police Believe Ono of Trio Is Diamond Thief. PORTUND, Or., May :. The police, believe be-lieve they have, Identlrted tho third of tho trio now under arr. st In this city for having robbed the Portland hotel rathskeller The man. who gavo his namo as G II llnnlon. Is thought to be Hermsn Delhni. Herman Delhm Is SSid to bo a young but dangerou-t diamond thief The police Mate that he Is supposed to bo the thief who recently robbed a prominent Ixs Angeles hostelry of 9O0 Another of the trio, arrested under the name Of Wllllnm Kane but whom the police l-e-llevo Is William Barrett, Is thought to bo th man who attempted to stenl a $10,000 bag of gold from a San Francisco bank In September li-t. |