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Show SITUATION IN CRETE IS GRAVE Prince George Appeals k Powers, 1 Force Will Be Employed to Maintain the Status Quo. Brigands Tnke Advantage of Desired Union With Greece to Pillnge' and PluDder. ROME, May 2. A report from Crete, which wishes to unite with Greece, says the situation In thnt Inland is very grave, the Instirroe-tlon having taken the character charac-ter of brigand methods', with theft, murder. mur-der. Incendiarism and outrages upon women Asks Powers to Interfere. Tho local force bolng qulto Inadequate to copo With t;ho situation Inelcoel, elht gendarmes have already been killed Prince George himself has nskeel Italy and another protective power te adopt energetic measures and wend a battalion each to check the insurrection, which only nominally has for its object union of tho Island with Greece. Decide to Send Troops. Tho representatives e.f the protective powers have decided to use force to maintain main-tain the status quo |