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Show xierr i tie Ttl8 K;nd Yo'J Havfl Al" Bouf 9igr uUMa TEA American imports of tea h;ivc increased but little in forty years ; so much poor tea. Your Stocct mum your money If you don'l bl Schilhn;' Lot . A Hopeless Fight gj It is as impossible to conquer the king of 5 ''f-j Vl diseases Contagious Blood Poison with Mer- iaON jStSanm eury and Potash as it would be to conquer the ' fy m& king of the forest in a hand-to-hand encounter, (C? as thousands who have had their health ruined I iWJ and lives blighted through the use of tliesc min- Jk-v fy Vi'-A' m!' crals will testify. They took the treatment faith- L . ' U fully, only to find when it was left off, the dis- JJfilfSM ease returned with more power, combined with s35Ww the awful effects of these minerals, such as mercurial rheumatism, necrosis of the bones, salivation, inflammation of the stomach and bowels, etc. When the virus of Contagious Blood Poison enters the blood it quickly contaminates con-taminates every drop of that vital fluid, and every muscle, nerve, tissue and bone becomes affected, and soon the foul symptoms of sore mouth and throat, copper-colored blotches, falling hair and eyebrows, swollen glands, sores, etc., make their appearance. Mercury and Potash can only cover up these evidences for awhile; they cannot cure the disease. S. S. S. has for many years been rccogniz.cd as a specific for Contagious Blood Poison a perfect antidote for the deadly virus that is so far-reaching in its effects on the system. sys-tem. S. S. S. does not hide or mask the disease, but so thoroughly and ! completely cures it that no signs are ever seen again. I aVU aVl m S S. S while eradicating the poison of the disease i fc drive ''' harmful mineral treat- frfrlffi ment. A reward of offered for proof t1iat vS S- S- conrais a mineral ingredient of any kind. Treatise with instructions for home treatment and any advice wished without charge- YHE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO,, ATLANTA, GA. Next Time You Go East BE SURE AND USE THE Union Pacific and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Line THE ROUTE OF THE Overland Limited THROUGH CARS TO CHICAGO. I CLAUDE S. WILLIAYiS, Commercial Agent j 106 WEST 2ND SOUTH ST., SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH CALIFORNIA REGULAR SERVICE OPENS MAY 1st, 1005. $30 to Los Angeles AND RETURN. Ninety-day limit, with stop-overs. ; May. 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 10th 11th, 12th, 13tli and 14th. 3 SOLID VESTIBULES PASSENGER TRAIN will leav 9 Palt Lake Citv daily, s:::o p m. Pullinan Drawing Kooiu :nid ( ibst rval ion Sleepers, Dining Cars, Chair ( Japsj etc. I SHORTEST AND QUICKEST route to Southern Califor nia. Secure your reservations Nv . For tirkets or furcher information, call on or write J L. MOORE, District Passenger Agent, IT Wesi Second South I Street. MIL t For Women's Pains R H S i ?nou be taken all the year round, by every woman who nft'ors H I V vy WINS I il Hill II 11 Mnhks 1 I OF VflKlflJltheFunciions 1 H Sold by all Druggists in $1.00 Bottles I NO MORE FLOODING a few doses of this marvelous pain cure and strength-t i ik will iiu'u.k'h put s viik,rsKynf wfJ!(SrdIiiEl,h aner"lh' you! suffering, regulate all irregularities, relieve pain and cure the B W dwie'for me u'hat our best doctors CaUSe Of yOUl' disease. B fT dp;,,r i,:;r.'a;,U!n k is a safe and certain cure for female disease, headache, backache, dizziness, B H but death, i had failing of the womb, cramps, falling of the womb, weakening losses, etc. Trv it. tSM irregular penods. floxiiiig, eU. Car- ' Jjfl jH r.-l;-' 't , ani J'nJi ';v'"v' reitoredack WRITE US A LETTER freely and Irankly. In strictest confidence, telling us all your symptoms and HI iffi to Koyj health, My liusband joins troubles. We will send free advice (in plain sealed envelope) , how lo cure them. Address: Ladled Hffl Kiijc in praising this blessed remedy." Advisory Dept., The Chattanooga Medicine Co.. Chattanooga, Tenn. I E5TABLI5hiED H ONE" PRICE' TO ALL NZVER UNDER50LD H The White Goods Sale I The Lace Sale, and j I Dress Goods Sale I Are so Great and Bargains so big that words fall to even glvo any idea t -. of the stupendous values to be had. and you are mlsylngithe golden buy- r-ing r-ing opportunity of the year if you don't attend. v- THIS GREAT CUT IN PRICES I On Our Peerless Stock of & ' White Goods, Laces I and Dress Goods I Was mad'' for a sp ifV purpose to which, every consideration of cost I and loss was made BUDBervlent. The tremendous selling of the past 2 I dayg has brought the goal of our hopes in sight. It. therefore, behooves belated buyers to take prompt advantage of the opportunities open to I i min wmi hiiimh iiiiiiiiii iwiii ii iwiiii.iiimjMMLxmm I I Thought We 'Mk I I Couldn't Do !t J I But Wc Did. We Bfejii I I Made Them Pay. SpLjT if vrafl only for $16.50, l.tit the H rr-1 V w ! I'rug company ill w'Vj - ,, ply ould not t the money v.- i&ZJx. pot It. but it wna only our long jtrt0 y tperlenoe In handling such i I Does anj m .i 9 Wt ' "' ' " u" make bad JrMvr J&' debts good. if you lenlly want Tfirft 4$-' fl ' 1 1 " ' ''in i . ZQ- ' v, iiii p "uni-wm I THE MERCHANtTpROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION I i SCIENTIFIC COLLECTIONS OF BAD-DEBTS. B jl GENERAL OFFICES S g Top Floor Commercial Nat l. Bunk Bldg. Salt Takc City. ft FRANCIS O LUKE, General Manager. Sumo People Don't Like H f Salt Cake Brewing gompany 1 I A Rose by any other name -would smell T" y s sweet but no Boer of any other name II would taste so good as the Salt Lake City V Brewing' Company's M "American I A Beauty" I tmitfmhf&? KENTUCKY LIQUOR COMPANY, ('"AluV' RetaU Distributers. j kJBBKN 'Phones 5331. I AGR6ER Dealers will please address fmi.m Sali Cake iiy Brewing o. I I S tTt"B J MRITZ' G?neral Mnn-iger. &k Msl fire H |