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Show WOULD HOLD CRUISER. China Is Using Every Effort to Prevent Pre-vent Askold Leaving. WASHINGTON. May 2 China has Informed In-formed the United States that sho Is pslng every effort to prevent tho departure depar-ture from her waters of tho Russian cruiser Askold and the Russian toipedo-hoat toipedo-hoat now Interned tit Shanghai. Tho communication from Peking was t-ansmltted to the State department to-duv to-duv bv Sir ("ben 1 ling Idling Cheng, the Chinese Minister, and will be communicated communi-cated to the Japanese legation hero by . ting Secretary Loomls. to whom the japan '-se Mlnlsl r recently expr.-s.-d cn- 1. 1 n "about the reported preparations for s-a which were said to be in progress aboard Iho Russian warships. |