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Show UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COM-PANY. COM-PANY. Special Meeting of Stockholders To ilio Stockholder of the L'nlon I'aclflo Railroad COmpanj Notlco Is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of Union Pacific Pa-cific Railroad company will bo hold at the oltlco of the company, at Salt Lak City. In the State of Utah, on tho 6th day of slay, 1906, at 12 o'clock noon, for tho purposu of considering and acting upon a proposed amendment of tho Articles of ncuriioratlon of ald company, Increasing Its preferred capital stock by the amount Of 1100,000,000, and of authorizing the Ij'sue und use of such addttlonul stock and of taking all sultablo action In that behalf in the premises, Tho books for tho transfer of stock (both common and preferred) will be closed for tho purpose of th? meeting at S o'clock p. m. On tho 19th day of April, 1&06, and will bo reopened at In o'clock a. m. on tho 6th day of May. 1905 ( order of the Bonid of Directors ALEX, MILLAR. Secretary, j |