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Show U. OF. U. STUDENTS SCORE A BIG HIT ' A crowd that packed the Museum hall lo its limit turned out last evening to witness a jolly crowd of University students stu-dents present Shakespcaro's "Midsummer Night's Dream" a.s It used to bo presented In the day of the great dramatist. Shakespeare was certainly Interpreted. No part was left untouched, no mystery unexplained. Those parts which refer to great masters (schoolmasters) were especially espe-cially elucidated and were not laid asldo until thoy had boon vlowcd from every possible standpoint and in every imaginable imagina-ble light. The'stage was ono imported from England Eng-land especially for tho occasion. Thcro was no curtain or side exits. When tho player finished reciting his lines he simply sim-ply foil on his Htomach and rolled under tho suspended draperies. Thcro was no delay caused by the changing of magnificent magnifi-cent scenery At the end of each act tltc stage manager appeared before the footlights foot-lights and brought to vlow a largo placard on which was. printed the placo of tho scone. The costumes were equally worthy of mention. Hopkins, the Queen of tho Fairies, was clad In a stiff white shirt and a knee skirt made of fine gauze. Thomas was adorned with a morning gown, such as is worn by a laundry girl. Casey Hamilton, Ham-ilton, with his white tights, swallow-tall coat and 'stovepipe hat, was a sight fit for tho gods. Marshall looked like a girl of sweet sixteen who was about to board a train for Saltalr beach. Tucker looked like a Scotch knight ready to skip off to the tall pines. Harry Mooro. Dalo Pitt and many other characters appeared to great advantage In gnrbs of green, yellow and nlnk. Clad In such coatumes and appearing on such a stage, who will deny that these great actors were not fitted to clearly expose ex-pose Shakespeare? One of the moat remarkable re-markable scenes was the duel between Pitt and Strobel. The latter, whllo attempting at-tempting to seek safety In lllght, laid low the side curtains and exposed the dressing-rooms. In another seeno Johnson and Thomas stabled themselves and Immediately Immedi-ately proceeded to inaugurate a resurrection resurrec-tion In order to get off the stage. Othor scenes worthv of mention were Fuzzy Mooro's Initial appearance and Tucker's effort to fall off the stage. Tho play was followed by a muslcale, which was conducted by "Bumper" Johnson. John-son. Tho souss wore full of clever and cntchy expressions which were given at tho professors' expense. After tho musicale the students and their guests proceeded to enjoy tho pleasures pleas-ures of a dance |