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Show Wind River . lleservt fo. Open Indians Agrreo -to .Retire- Prom,, a -trillion and. a Half Acres of Land. Special to The Tribuno. W-VSfilNGTON, D. C.-.Iay G.-.MaJ. James McLaughlin of the Indian bureau is preparing his report re-port on the treaty recently Jiegotialod 'by him between the United. States and .650 Shoshone" and Arapahoe Indians occupying the Wind River reservation In Wyoming, whereby 1,4S'J.0U0 acres will be thrown open to settlement. The Indians agToe to rctiro from one million and a half .acres and take up their domiciles upon an area covering about SOO.000 acres. Those: who may, settle in the Wind River reservation are to pay at the following fol-lowing rales, and make final payment within eight years: $1.50 per acre for .all lands taken within first two years; $1.25 par acre after three years and all remaining unsold after three years to be disposed of by the Socreiarj- of' the Interior at 51 per acre, and, should any lands remain after expiration of eight , years, they shall be placed on sale for any amount they can bring. The proceeds from iho sale of the lands will be held by the United Statew for the purpose of creating a fund out of which $50 per capita Is to be paid to each Indian of a tribe or tribes. This obligation having- been paid, subsequent moneys received from th sale will be held by the Government for the following follow-ing purposes- Irrigating lands retained by Indians, purchase of stock and $50.-000 $50.-000 for school purposes. Including $50 per capita, payment of Irrigation fund, , purchasing stock, and money for school purposes, it is estimated, will call for about J33S.O00. It Is expected that a considerably larger sum than thl. will be realized from the sale of the lands to be opened to settlement and the surplus sur-plus is to be deposited In the United States treasury to create a "general welfare fund." which will be disbursed by the Secretary of the Interior for the benefit of the Indians at his discretion. |