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Show MINERS COMPLETE. , CONVENTION WORK Elect Officers and Pass Resolutions-Will Resolutions-Will Meet in Salt Lako in October Again, t ELECTION of officers for the ensuing six months and the: passage of resolutions reso-lutions of. sympathy wjth strikers of Colorado and Carbon county constituted consti-tuted thc business transacted yesterday by thw State convention of tho Western Federation Fed-eration of Miners, nulde from work of a purely routine character. .t thc close of the afternoon scfHlon thc convention adjourned, ad-journed, tho next meeting to be held in this city on Tuesday, Octooer 4lh. The new rosier of ofilcorn Is as follows: A. W. Charter, president; Frank Erick-son, Erick-son, vlco-presldent; J. P. I.angford, socre-tary-trciisurer; Daniel Baxter, Thomas FacL-y, T. Vf. Splan. D. J. Russell and Robert Works, member of executive board. Tho committer appointed to take chargo of the Minors' Union day celebration to be held Jn this cltv on Jinm 13 In compoocd of E. F. Boyle. Frank Erlckson. D. J. Rus-fcII. Rus-fcII. Jxiul p.obrtI and J. P. Langford. Tho resolutions In regard to tho Carbon county Utah) trouble are as follows. "'After hearing tho reports from some of fiur brothers from tho coal field p In Carbon county nnd the full statement from Mothr" Jones, and, "Vhireni, Tho I'uih FiipI company, with the aid of the Governor of The 6t?.ti. :tnd the Stato militia, have on many occa-slonH occa-slonH Alolntfd the lav.-; and "Whcrea.s, Many of our brothers have had to suffer Imprisonment and In -nany cnjien have Peen their families mistreated and driven from their homes, and, "Whcrcns. Tho nctlonn of some of the county orflclols hs.ve been sanctioned by the Statfl authorities! to aiTC-st and place In bullpens mnny of our brothers under false pretenses: and, "Whereas. Even sympathisers with our cause were ordered out of the county; therefore be it "Rcnolvcd. That wo. the delegates of tho Utah State union. Western Federation of MlncrB. glv- to them all our aid, morally and financially, to help them out of their struggle and win the battle for liberty." The Colorado fight between mlncru nnd laborers on one aide and the citizen and mine-owners' orKanlzatlonn on the othor was treated In tho following language: "On reviewing the situation In Colorado, the struggle In which thousands of our brothers aro Implicated to tight the Citizens' Citi-zens' Alliance and Mine-Owners' association, associa-tion, and, 'Whereas, Said alliance and Mine-Owners association has all tho support of thc government of thc Btato. and. "Whereas, The abolition of law to deprive de-prive our brothers of the rights of citizens of America has been adopted by said corporation, cor-poration, and. 'Whereas, Many of our brothers have been deprived of the pleamire of giving their support to, or seeing their loved ones, but have been unjusllj driven froni their homes, and, "Whereas, Their children and wives have been refused tho prlvllogo of walking walk-ing on the public roads by the authorltv and cowardb action of Gov. Peabodv anil the militlu, be it "Reolvod, That we will stand bv our brothers and give them all the poV.-.iblo i.vs.ni c.i.u wii.tiiwi.il .iiu, IW IU-IJJ 1MB Drotn- crs in Colorado win tho battle that thov are fighting for Justice and humnnltv. and help thm to have their revenge at the bnU lot-box." Copies of tho resolutions are to be forwarded for-warded to tho strikers in whoso behalf thoT were adopted. |