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Show Vermont Tragedy Like Bender Crime Three lien Supposed to Have Been Silled by Train "Were Murdered. RUTLAND, Vt., May G. Attaches of the. SherlfTH office have unearthed ovldencc which they believe will provo that three men who wcro supposed to havo been killed by trains of tho Rutland railroad were robbed apd murdered In a roadhouBO on the. outskirts of the city and their bodies placed on the railroad tracks by the murderers. In pome respects the case rcsomblcs that of tho notorious Bender family years ago In Kansas. SInco tho finding of the body of Joseph Murray on the railroad tracks near tho house last June, the Sheriff's dopnrtment has been working on ;i murdor theory A nolo found near tho body caused them to put ai-Idu the Idea that Murray was killed by a train, but they never made much progress on tho case until within a few days. It Is now thought certain that Murray was killed for a fow dollars and that his murderers wjll Bhortly bs placed under arrest. Stories of wild orgies which havo taken place In tho rondhouso and which woro followed by tho disappearance, of iho mon who until recently It was thought hiul left the country, are now being Investigated, Investi-gated, but the police say thoy will only bo able to charge ono murder, that Of Murray, against the persons" thoy suspect |