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Show JM ltd young ladles' suits. 5l2.f.O It Pays to be particular in Teas. Utah people are particular. par-ticular. They always drink Tree Tea, 1 1 ,i T ls j R I I H IMPORTED BY I . - riJJiiP F - SAH FRANCISCO. r I A L HALF POUND J J Hard t,o quit, COFFEE? NOT IF YOU USE POSTUM i FOOD COFFEE jjrnnuAtEAsoN." SATURDAY VALUES ! TO TAKE THE TOWN BY STORM. THESE, ON SALE ALL DAY. Notion Specials. 2om"s10ld.?c.8.8.!.n? JO Hooks and Eyes. 2 .A 25c Celluloid Sanitary JfUf cards for 'Puff Combs lur Adamantine Pins, C -rf 2r,c Shell Side Combs, . ,- papers for .5r, per pair 'Or 1 rCa ec'a' a'e New mm lif or Wen, Women, Boys, Girls ' V 1,10c Per Pair. These are values -worth talking about. They arc not 12VsC stockings - advertised at 11c, but 15c. 16 2-3c and some 20c values, on sale for one H day only at 10c. This sounds big, but If you come you'll surely buy a 1 haif a dozen at a clip, all reliable, excellently made hosiery, fast black and stainless, and all sizes. I Special attractions today in CHILDREN'S DRESSES. An unusually special event to supply the youngsters -with swell spring" and summer dresses. Several lots for today only at j HALF PRICE. MATERIALS. Chambray. ginghams (plain, corded, striped, chocked and plaid), chc- viots. piques, galateas, mercerized cottons, linen stripes, grass linens, g dUcks (plain, .dotted or striped). , I STYLES. I Blouse, busier brown, -with or -without sailor c611nrs, skirts, gath- 1 ercd, pleated or plain kilt. - .COLORS. SIZES TO FIT, AGES 5 TO All desirable shades of-blue, brown, 16 S3. 00 Dresses- d -ij g red. green and gray, in solid color, cut ...pI.oU stripes, checks or plaids. TRIMMINGS. ?1cS?...$2.00 I Soutache Braid (narrow or wide), but- tons, fbur-in-hand ties, cord around S4.75 Dresses neck and with whistles attached, an- cut to pjZ.OD chor ornaments, fancy, white or colored .' , washable braids and strap of self cloth S5.50 Diesses (T fj or cloth of some contrasting color. cut to J J J THE FOLLOWING ON SALE TONIGHT ONLY, 7 TO 10 P.M. ' TOILET ARTICLES TONIGHT ONLY. f 5c Hard Water Soap, t 'f ' cake s I & 25c Talcum Powders, choice of . Kirk's. Colgate's Bradloj-'s - -g s sf. or Roger & Gallets' : .-: JIO , Pozzonl's Dove Powder, all tints, 25c regular, , tr'2 ffi ' tonight ". idUs 25c Ladies' Neckwear, t TJ? 4. Tonight Only 13 WClllS 3 NOTE A PATR OF PEARL OR TURQUOISE STOCK PINS FREE TONIGHT WITH EACH OF THESE COLLARS They are made of lawns and piques, some lace trimmed with tab ends, fagot stitching and contrasting colored bindings. j Big Specials for Today Only l I BIG VALUES IN SUITS. j I A large vnriety of this season's Suits, Unit sold regularly up to' t I 15, for two days only F Ff p your choice for .)D O MILLINERY SPECIALS. Largrj variety Trimmed Hats, made -of good ma- QP tcrials and very stylish; value up to ?G, for. . p)eOO- 1 Child's Trimmed Hats in large assortment of rf '"to JJ 1 trimmings and colors,, value t6 ?1, for J) LiIsi O A school Hat for tlid girls that is worth fully lj PA 1 Today only... OUC 1 C;CIAL SALE TODAY ON -BELTS- j i 1 ll PURlfY-FLAVOR :;,:" ) 1 i j ,j ;v THESE THREE REQUISITES MAKE;. -l ' ' (J 'l j l . I j "the American gentleman's . " . ' 1 1 I l '- FRED. J. ICIESEL & CO., ill I ' BiCn' Ulah SATURDAY and MONDAY SPECIALS ; $2.25 Ladies' Kid Pat, Tip Military Heel Blucher Oxford. Lrfdics' -Kid. Pat. Tip", Cuban. Heel, Oxford. ; $3;00' Ladies' Kid. Stock Tip, LXV. heel, light sole, Dress Shoe, No. 110. Ask to see this. $3-5 Foster. Ladles' Walking and Dress Shoes. "Nuf Sed." The Moore Shoe Co. 258 So. Main SI. SIGN OF THE BIG SHOE. SSSISSFor Kidney t 1 iSllkiSra Cures in f iwWSW URINARY I ? Each Capsule S"T ? i Btumro of counterfeit jt fjg&&tM MEPJ AND WOMEN MUtf In 1 u C JrOC dUohnrHca.luflttmmeitloDi, uKPff OouuittJ i IrrlUtlooi or ulcoratloQi f flow noi lo ilrleiir. of muoons niembranef. PmtibU CooLm1o Palnlcia, and not astrln WSb1THEEVWSCHHI0ALCO. cont orpolionous. CMCIHKATI.0.9SH Sold bj DrnreUtO, D.B.1. 3Cy or cent Id plain wrapper, 'NflVmth fwHHml br txproi, prepaid, for HRESftT-lj 1.0X or3boUUa82.75. CSaKS'Ar Circular tent.oa roquoit. Finest and best equipped office In tho ffl State, having all tho very latest lm- I S proved methods for painless dentistry. H Teeth extracted absolutely without H pain by odentlf methods used by ua n I Teeth without plates . JS.00 H Full set of teeth GO) I Gok' crowns, 22 k 55-00 Gold Fillings $1 00 up B Silver Fillings 50c up All work done by oporator of experl- once and ability and guaranteed first N class. No charge for painless extrac- N tlon when teeth aro ordered. If your H old plato don't stick, you will appm-1 elate ono that positively will. Lady U attendant. Hours S to 8; Sunday 10 to 12. Our reference, your neighbor. Boston Dental Parlors, I 126 MjVIN STET. I s'Oarmcnluarantecd'ttho Makers" k CHICAGO. X Buy Your Up-to-Date I Clothing at I M. H. I 205 So. Main, i 10 E. 2nd So. 1 ; Agents for the Cele- 1 brated Kuppenheimsr Guaranteed Clothing. s IJfy M.mufacturcr of H s and dealer 1 n ' Jewelry and dla- 1 monda and other precious stones, fl We pay particular attention to flrat-class watch repairing. Are I well prepared to do all work In S that lino, ns we carr a full ao- I sortrnent of material.. I 259SO. MAIN ST, j pwsapeasaai YOUNG, MIDDLE-I MIDDLE-I f I 1 I AGED AND ELDER. 31 ' 11 LY. If you are scxual- i i I wM . 1 ly weak, no matter 9 I i m hH I h frora what cause; un doff do-ff Itfl 1 ul It I velopd; havo stricture. tsffiMEaiwi varlo jcole, cto MY PERFECT APPLIANt-E will euro you. , No drugs or electricity: 7K.000 cured, and developed. 10 DAYS' TRIAL. Send for Xrco booklet. Sent sealed, G'jarnntecd. Writ today. R. C. Emmet, Jtfj Tabo. BloclCt Djinv.sr. Colo. . "; ' The AmericaB j ; 1 J',1 Silver Trass J J H IS ONXT ONE OF THE MANY h GOOD KINDS WE CABRY. nlp'ilH y WE'RE SOLE STATE AGENTS j J FOB THIS PERFECT THUSS; I ' )l iH i THE ONE THAT NEVER J J j MOVES. LIGHT, COOL, EASY . J 8 TO WEAR, WITH NO HIP OR j , H I BACK PRESSURE. IT RE- TAINS THE SEVEREST Un'l 1 HERNIA. EXPERIENCED fjH PEOPLE TO FIT THESE J TBTJSSES, AND YOU KNOW ' "! ;fH PROPER ADJUSTMENT ' j i MEANS EVERYTHING. j j Where the Cars i Jl top. . " , , ',( . . J 'i Garden Hose i : I That Will J 'We'vo bought' 10,000 feet d Ti ( !' 4 of garden boeo for this sea- ,-, lrm IIH son's demands and wo ore yji Jpt ', bo euro of Its ryjollty we , H . IIH r have our privato brand on ,',v'., It, This means we guaran- ' J 1 PH 4L. too-tlio hoso to stand wear y ' 'f HpH ijP and tear and water pros- I j 'I euro. This hoso Is ail new, f,, j, , IfpH & every foot of It Just fresh , ljy from factory. Sizes . i lillB (C inch to Inch; 3 to 7 ply. Jv " I . iH Jr Cotton, llo and 12o per - k ilH foot. 4L I ,( Rubber, llo to 16c per or I '( 'HHH 'A foot. & BrubaRcr-Campbell S , y 'C Hardvare Company f ; i f 27-20 W. 3rd South. $ ' !,! Thono 1637 K. J I f, i 1 Sweaty Feet Are Dangerons "i .(! ' 1 As well as disagreeable. ' r I j ll Foot Powder, pU CURES your rect to stay cured. Sweaty. i . i odorous or clammy feet; also corna, bun- ' , I IH Ions and chllbimns positively cured by , , RE-NO-2JAY l'OOT POWDER. Wo will . ,1 . I.H advlBo you free of charge-as to your case, f'H end W cents to tho Re-No-May Propani-- HH Hon Co.. Dept. T. C2S0 Pago avc.. St. Louis. . , li1 ' Mo., for a box of this wonderful curatlva ( MH Pslimpioo for tho asking and 10 cents to i"l!:jH cover postage. 'P.tl Representatives wanted ovorywhere. t jnJ. ( 1 fH 1! N'H ..mc ( ,in.HH $50,000 FREE '' jH Send 50o to thc Louisiana Purchase -J- ,f rH Souvenir Coin Co.. Frisco building, St. . !i i , Louis, and receive souvenir com of 1 j M admittance. Nearest kuc.hs to actual I attendanco at fair will receive ?50.000 ' 'i n1 f ' 't1! in j II ! |