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Show T JLboitjt town! 'VjA HERI5 are all mannors of telling I a good town," remarked a tour-J tour-J 1st at the Knulsford. "but thero is one sign that is unfailing, In my judgment. Just above bore, on tho other side of tho street. Is a store with a lot of fine, old-fashioned second-hand furnlturo and fixtures in front and in tho windows. Thero Is a mahogany gcc-rotary, gcc-rotary, some brass andirons and othor such things on exhibition and for salo. This means that the.ro are a lot oi well-to-do people here, ones that would bo agreeable neighbors and w;hom you would llko to know. There is a certain sign In thl. I cannot go into details to reason rea-son tho matter out, as may seem necessary neces-sary for evory ono to comprehend. buL I havo been around a groat deal, and a town that will support healthy-looking second-hand stores which keep a stock of pood furniture furnlturo .that has only been laid asldn bocauso It is out of date, and not because the owner wanted to realro somo ready cash on It Is n good town." a ii u "This matter of dally visits of tho Barbagc wagons Is a thing that I bellcvo overy ono should call to the attention of Council," remarked a Salt Lake woman. "I have had tho garbage that has accumulated ac-cumulated at our home carried to the front, where It would remain for several days Of course, tho decayable matter would soon become noisome. The Hies would collect around tho vessel and tho mess become a nuisance. T think that so far as the dccayablo matter is concorned It should be collected cvrs-y day. Tho Council should authorize the sanitary department de-partment to employ enough men and teams to visit every part of tho city dally during tho greater part of tho year." Or? Dr. Wilcox says he has visited the Isolation Iso-lation hospital ("pesthouso") dally, by telephone, and has often prescribed for the patients detained thero In that manner. man-ner. What a wonderful thing this telephone Is becoming, anywny! First thing tho peoplo know, theso doc- ! 1 f tors whoso nraclicf h.-w ?),,,. s $ that it cannoL bt Sue ndo to In XL" old way win bc setting Vro wi bont, novlng your vermiform LpcKS Hverlng mothers by loIenWn" frnS? i leather-covered rocWft h their 1 jrhr0!1 or t,,c,,'l""' column han na3 1 If thero Is uny law preventing th -i U "Ot other's chlekenr . f&mJ , hli I ophor has Hubmlttcd thly solution of i if vexatious question: ,on or ! I f 30UI; "snhors' ben are troublopnS I And Meal ncrosn the why. loumoI!,'" I bmv .,cliyouE un?Ty aaoH rise, bul J i'lx a place for them to Inv ' HJ f ' 1 ) The Shoo Retailor hiij-k thor. ., different heights, with V many dlrfe I names, to tho military heel Thn ,c: all want' to know X t lice0 U guide to tho.s.. Whn want to bp rlS 1 tho subject of heels, remembrr thr. I owing; IT,, t0 1W Inchefi a he,. Is aCJ E "P, to Inches It Is a Cuban ata that It Is a Spanish heel. When "it To I above two Inches It la a Caatll Ian if French heels ningc from 1 to 2 inch I uaually-and aro callpd Louis XV ti J Du Barry heel runs from 2 to 3 hichei I and qirito a few womon wear It. A Salt Laker has observed that thn I who have lived In this city ft" mm fo years almost Invariably Wp to tlie ii ff rathor than to the right, when on t' , streets, and that drivers of vehicles "t th vt-rao this and keep to the right w J cSSy. aCma l llaV b"e" raa! I Just why pedestrians and ho?e $ drlvo should have a contrary nile of bir i ing out of tho way in meeting othcrd? I not explained by any rule of rcason.MC' Tho following from a letter of a nron!' r.ent Kansan to a friend recltlnp oni feelings when first before a big audlejili ..V eood .to kuen from the public: JK I found It Impossible lo recognize own voice. It seemed to be the volcelVJa somo drunken stranger, and it crncWll an squeaked and then became srtfll after which It took on the faInotto scorned to me that my mouth was "linSl with 8omo indexible material, and thd ono corner of It was seeking, by nrvolr jerk. to hang Itself over my oft ca'jJ The people in tho audk-nre looked quc'i Somo had four or five pairs of even T focus of some were square, and oth V wero oblong, and others round, llk? : ? full moon. I had a desperate foar that- I stopped talking for a minute, in ord to do somo thinking, theso people wou i all run away; my pk wobbled, and' t felt that if I tried to change the poj tlon my hands were in I would fnlT( the stage, I would have given JICOO i have been out of the trouble, and after1 ? was all over and tho bewildered aiitllen' ' had gone away, I would havo glvcnf llko sum to havo been able to call the back and got up and say some thin C which had occurred to my mind after th bad left. The man who haari senso enough to know that an audlencqi J a dangerous thing has not sense enouj i to make a public speaker. I don't fc V Hove thero Is a good public speaker llvli who is not afraid of his audience, and'h fear is necessary." ft One of Salt Lake's enthusiastic flsha men has handed these lines lo tho 3It About Town, with a request that thoyjl reprinted for tho pleoauro of others wl may appreciate them as he says ho dt Tho author Is not given. "If you find yoursolf a-feellug' ft That you'd like to plok a fight: M If you find you're not n-sleepln' Wt An' you hardly oat a bite, 1? If your head Just keeps a-throbbin'j? At a mile-a-mlnute rate, You have got It; quit your workln'a An' begin a-dlggln' halt." J |