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Show 1 FOUR HOME RUNS MADE AT SPOKANE Miners and Indians Use Heavy-Sticks Heavy-Sticks and Four Balls Clear tho Fence Butte Is Beaton. Special to Tho Tribune. 4 SPOICAN'E. Wnsh.. May IS. Ladles' day wort an on? day for tho Miners, although they played a consistent, hard gnmo from the start nnd never gavo up tho ship, taking a run in tho last inning. But the Indians took Bandelln'B measure early in the gaino and pounded him severely. In tho batting Carnoy was tho strong man, lining out two home runs and hitting for a double Just for good measure. Tho other features of tho gamo wcrc Frary's steal of homo whllo tho Butta players wero disputing a decision and Rellly's doublo play, unassisted, ln tho ninth. Ecor: SPOKANE. AB. R. BIL PO. A. E. (T'crrls. s.s r 1 1 1 3 2 Murdock. c.f 4 1 1 2 0 0 Rockcnflold, 2b o 1 ' 2 2 C 2 Carney, r.f 5 2 3 110 Fntry. l.f 4 3 3 1 0 1 Rcllly, 3b 3 110 10 Holland, lb 4 .0 1 12 1 0 Slnnloy, c 3 0 2 3 2 0 Hogg, p 4 0 1 2 3 0 Totals 37 9 lo 27 17 C BUTTE. AB. R. BIL PO. A. B. Spencer, l.f 4 0 0 '1 1 0 Ward, 2b 10 13 3 1 HoffiriOistor, 3b 4 0 12 5 1 Shaffer, lb'. 41 1 0 10 1 0 Wllmot, r.f 3 -1 1 :t 0 ' 0 Runkle, h.s 4 ( 0 1 1 2 0 McIIale, c.f 4 0 1 2 0 1 Swlndolls, c 3 112 0 0 Bandelin, p 4 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 31 3 6 21 13 3 Score by innings: Spokano 012 010 41-9 Butte 010 100 0103 Earned runs, Spokano 4, Butte 2. Homo runs, Carnoy 2, Swindells. Rockcnfleld. Three-base hit. Wllmot. Two-baso hits, Ward, Carney. Rockonflcld. Sacrltlco lilts, Rcllly, Stnnley. Stolon bases. Frary, Ferris. Fer-ris. Struck out, by Hogg 2, by Bandelin 2. Bases on balls, off Hogg 2. off Bandelin 1. Left on bases, Spokane 4, Butte 5. Double plays, Rellly (unassisted), Ward to Shaffer. Tlmo of game, 1 hour 3o minutes. Umpire, Sharp. Attendance, KO. |