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Show BIG SWINDLING SCHEME NIPPED A wholesale- transportation swindle on the Denver & Rio Grande was nipped In the bud yesterday with the arrest of Edwin li. Scott, says the Denver Republican of Tuesday. Scott was arrested by Detectives LoomTs and Jones aa he was coming out of the printing establishment of. Alexander & Meyer at 022 Eighteenth street, whore he had 500 bogus paswjes printed. Scott is a telegraph operator. Ho confessed all to Captain of Detectives Connor. Scott called last week at' the printing establishment and. giving his name ns McCormick, he presented ns copy one of the blue printed slips which are issued is-sued to employees for transportation. He said he was acting for J. B. Andrews, An-drews, secretary of the road. Suspicion on the part 6f the printers laid bare the intended swindle. They telephoned to the office of President Jeffery and learned that no one had been invested with authority to havo any passes printed. As samples Scott had secured two of the passes bei'ore he was discovered, and these he made out in favor of Mr. and Mrs. A. Sievert. calling for transportation trans-portation from Denver to Monte Vista, These passes were countersigned with the forged signature of J. B. Andrews. An-drews. S. K. Hooper, general passenger passen-ger agent for the Rio Grande, placed detectives on the case and the arrests followed. Infatuation for Mrs. Sievert is said to have bpen largely responsible for Scott's action. Ho said to Capt. Connor Con-nor that ho had undertaken the scheme at her solicitation. She lives with her family at 2130 Franklin street, and is said to have asked Scott for transportation transpor-tation under the impression that ho was a bona fide representative of the railroad. Among papers found on Scott was a letter apparently written by hims?lf to himself. Sighed by J. B. Andrews its apologized for not sending the passes beforehand. Letters were found in Scott's possession posses-sion which lead the police to believe he was on intimate terms with many women wo-men In Denver. Railroad Notes. J. G. Doolittle, general agent for the Frisco system, left town last night for a few days' 'trip down the road. E. S. Blair, general agent for the Great Northern in San Francisco, has returned to the coast. It Is rumored that when the official announcornc-nt of the changes In the traffic department of the Oregon Short Line is made at the beginning of next month, some changes in rates, sugar rates in particular, will be published. What shape those changes will take has not been stated, but it in believed that they will be on the whole beneficial to the shipper. Work has been commenced by the engineers en-gineers of the San Pedro. Los .Angeles & Salt Lake road on a line of artesian wells across the desert in Nevada. |