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Show 4- "WEATHER, RECORD. Weather for today, partly cloudy and colder. Yestcrdny's record at the local offlco of the weather burenu; Maximum temperature, 79 degrees; minimum mini-mum temperature. 62 decrees; mean temperature, tem-perature, 70 degrees, which Is 11 degrees above the normal. Accumulated excess or deficiency of tcmpernturo since the first of the month, ncnt'. Accumulated deficiency of tcmpcraturo slnco January 1, .0 degrees. Total precipitation from 6 p. m. to C n. m.. none. Accumulated excosn of precipitation since the first of January, .35 inch. . Other Points. Tcmp't'r K 3 c? I I ? f i ' : r ! : : a Denver' cc u .WjPt. Cloudy Grand Junction C5 C4 .00 Pt. Cloudy Holena 74 40 .MICIoudy. J'ocatello 7G 54 ,00'Pt. Cloudv Modena S2 CO .00'Cloar. Winnemucca .. 72 -12 .OOlcioudy. R. J. HYATT, Section Director. Temperatures Elsewhere. Chicago '. jo Kansas City '. , 5$ I.nnder ....... 72 Los Angeles j.ii. 70 Omaha ,.. 1,,, f Portland &3 San Ktn nclsco.,, , 60 Spokano 72 St. Louis &s St. Paul 66 |