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Show TETR0 CUTS OUT PACE N IN STOCK MARKET The day on the mining exchange closed with the salo of 0505 shares of stock for $3102.38; and while trading was light, conditions were generally firm. Montana of Tonopah was In active demand de-mand about 51.63, with much to denote the appearance of another piece of spending money from that source in June, while Victoria of Tintlc, In which there has been some energetic curb trading trad-ing for some time, found a market up to 51.17i with but few offerings at any figure. Tetro, upon whose form the snorts have beer, dancing for some days, seized the bits in Its teeth during tho afternoon, and shot up Ihe pike to 32 cents, while Yankee Con. found a customer cus-tomer at 36 cents, with Star Con. receding re-ceding to 13 cents. The trading In Daly Wc3t was confined to fiye shares at 522.50, wllIo Con. Mercur changed hands at 31 cents, the day closing on the following market: ' . I A. M. P. M. 1 Bid. IAakcd.ll Did. lAskcd. AJax ... 10 .ll--i .12 .15 Alice If! 15 ........ Bul-B 1.00 1.G0 1.00 1.G0 E-Llb 12 .13tt .12 .134 Carlsa 07 .08 . 07V4 -OS Century 75V -70 .7G .79 Creole .35 Con. Mer. 2? .32 32 Daly 2.07 2.-10 2.12 2.-10 Daly-J 4.05 1.50 1.10 4.50 Daly-W. .... C2.35 22.75' 22.32 22.75 Emerald 02 E. & B. B 50 1.0) .50 1.00 Galena .. 02 Grand Cen... -1.60 j 4.C5 4. CO 4.G7 Horn Sliver 75 , Joo B 09i OOSi Llttlo Chief.. .01 .01 .01 .01 Low. Mam... .15 .19 .10 .10 La Reino 04 .01 .ft Mammoth 1.00 1.00 Manhattan 3-1G S-16 May Day 04 .01 .W .04$; Martha W... .00 .01 01 4 Mont. T 1.18 165 l.C3 1.C3 New York... .03 .00 00 Ontario 3.50 3.25 4.50 Petro 02 .07 Rich-Ana 01 .00i .01 R.-Homo .... 50 50 Sunshine W 00 Swansea 17 17 So Swan. .. .03 02 Sacram. .U?i 14 .15 Sll. King 51.50 54.50 51.C0 54.00 Star Con 13 .13i .13 .13 Sll. Shield 02 .02 02 Tetro 2-) .3014 .29 .31 United 3 19.75 19.62 20.25 Undo S. C... .17 .19 .17 .13?! Wabash 02 i Yankco C 35 )..: 31 .36 MORNING SALES. Daly Wcat. 5 at 522.60. Star Con., 1000 at 13Mc. Totro, 2500 at 29c. Shares sold, 3505. Selling valuo. J9S2.50. AFTERNOON SALES. Montana-Tonopah, 100 at Jl.G3x; 200 at 1.6S; -00 at 31.63, fli ai" rnn rm rit i : riO-nt 12c. sollor thlrty days. Yankee Con., 500 at 3$c: 100 at pCo. Shares sold, 2000. Soiling value, OPEN BOARD. Blue Jay Extension. 1000 at l-16c. Con Mercur, SCO at 31c Tetro, CC0 at 31c; 000 at 31c: 1400 at 32c. Victoria, 100 at $1.15; 100 at $U7. Shares sold, 4000. Selling valuo, $U21.SS. . San Francisco Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. May 18, Tho official closing quotations for mining stocks today to-day were as follows t Andos 5 -IS Mexican 1.75 Belcher 31 Occidental C. .. .79 Best & B 1-45 Ophlr 5.37 Bullion OS Overman 29 Caledonia 65 Polos! IS Challcngo Con.. .20 Savago 32 Chollar 18 Scorpion 10 Confidence 1.10 Seg, Belcher .OS Con. C. & Va. 1.C5 Sierra Nevada .. .13 Con. Imperial .. .02 Silver JI1I1 55 Crown Point .. .21 Union Con 00 Excheaucr 30 Utah Con 07 Gould & C 2S Yellow J 21 Halo & Nor. CO St. Louis 09 Justice 10-v NEW YORK MINING STOCKS. Adams Con. ...'.S .30 Little Chief OT. Allco 30 Ontario 3.W Brccca 10. Ophir -5.W Brunswick C. .. .07 Phoenix rOS Com. Tunnel .. .10 Potoal 13 Con. Cal. & Va.. 1.55 Savage ... .30 Horn Silver .... 1.30 Sierra Nevada . ,41 Iron Silver .... l.EOi Small Hopes .. ,15 Leadvlllo C 02 Standard 2.00 BOSTON MINING STOCKS-Adventure STOCKS-Adventure ,.5 1.70 Mohawk .... 39,62 Allouez 4.00 M, C. & C. 4,62 Amul -19.03 Old Dom 12.00 Am. Zinc .. 9 50 Osceola ..... CO.OO Atlantic .... 7.50 Parrot 21.00 Bingham .... 20 50 Quincy 80.01 C. & H. 45&glCO.0O Shannon .... 7.07 Centennial .. 19-25 Tamarack .v 90,00 Copper R. ., 42.25 Trinity 3.87 Daly West.. 23.00 U, S. MI 15.87 Dom, Coal .. 61.60 17. S. Oil .. 0.00 Franklin .... 7.50. Utah 33.37 Grancy ... . 3.37 Victoria .... 3.00 lalo Royalo 6.25 Winona 6.00 Maa8. Ml. ., 3.00 Wolverine .. 70.00 Mich 4 00 |