Show WOMEN HAVE DELICATE TASTE Somo Who Earn a Livelihood by Sampling Banquet Dishes The Held In which the women ot the present day may roam Is not circumscribed circum-scribed by any particular bounds Whatever they find to do that offers u paeans of employing their lime or replenishing re-plenishing their purses they attempt I and generally successfully The latest and In lame respects the most curloui I Held for their activities has recently been opened In New York and Is a direct Importation from London It IK that of dinnertasting the gastronomic gastro-nomic expert being employed at elaborate elab-orate banquets and dinners to taste each dish before it goes to table The idea Is tmdoubtedly to be attributed at-tributed to the desire on the part of the fashionable world to Increase the luxury of living The menu must not only bo elaborate but It must he as palatable and In all respects as perfect per-fect as modern experience can make It says the Philadelphia North American Ameri-can Of course hitherto the dinner lastern duties have been performed by the cook but as the cook Is often better lilted to prepare the dishes than to produce the exact flavors demanded by the guests time dinner tasters services ser-vices were called In merely to supplement supple-ment the work of the cook and of course without any Idea of supplanting supplant-ing it Often a dish can be Improved by the Injection of the various flavors and condiments known to the culinary art and when ouch are required or when the dish can bear a little sweetening 01 thickening or thinning as the case may be iL Is the duty of the expert to suggest It to the cook The pay varies with tho character of the feast as well as with the extent ex-tent of the work to he done The occupation Is followed mainly by cooks who have lost much of their cuimlnfT as far as the preparation of the cooking itself goes but whose experience ex-perience Is extremely valuable In the new capacity which they can now nil Many of the smart set who have now become reduced In circumstances are also to be found employed In thu new work and as there Is I really no manual labor nnectod > with It it IB not half so uncongenial aa it might on first thought appear and even a woman of culture finds little in it oC which she might fool ashamed l |