Show RELIEF FOR WEST INDIES The Sultan of Turkey has contributed 20000 francs to the Martinique relief fund lt Cornelius N Bliss national I treasurer of tlc West Indian relief fund said yesterday the total so far received was 37a 07 Andrew Carnegie has sent 1000 and Queen Alexandra 500 to the Mansion Man-sion House West Indian relief fundf which now amounts to 17000 The flank of France and other financial finan-cial I concerns are OI1nlnb I fsubBcription lists In aid of the Martinique fund This Bank of England has contributed iiOO loJtrlhttct to the Bank of Frances relief fund In most of the cathedral I tcwnu In France masses have been celebrated forth for-th repose of the souls of those who perished These ceremonies have been accompanied by much pomp leading to large collections Most of the touns and communes throughout France ale actively at work raising Martinique relief funds The Government Is placing collection boxes In ail the poslolllces The total relief fund has reached 150000 francs The total number of bodies burled on the I Island oC SL Vincent to dale Is J300 III hospitals 130 All Immediate wants are now supplied Generous aid received from neighboring colonies Nine of the best sugar estates arc damaged laul aged seriously |