Show DOUBLE GRIND IN COURT Judges Booth and iKTcCarty on the Bench tit Provo Cuiious Case TRIBUNE BUREAU I Knight Block I Provo May 17 A double grInd was on In the Fourth Judicial District court today with Judges Booth and MuCnrty on the bench Judgo McCarty heard argument for the reopening of the case of Stanley S Conk lln va Oliver P Drlggs A rehearing was granted upon dffondant paying the costs of plaintiff on the future hearing Includ lInt foO atlornoys fcc Judgo Booth vas busily occupied with nilnrr CUPOK in probate A new suit has born tiled in the case of Ernst 1 UK vs Llewellyn which makes thc I defendants wife Florence Mubol Llcw illyii a defcndanl In thu case On June 1 II I I 1W1 I Lk ellyn gave Erastus a fearful beating i t which resulted In a damage suit for SCOo Thc > case cnmc up January 25t hand h-and the Jury gave a verdict for SOJ Ju the meantime icwcllyn I transferred all his jiroporly to his wife which proeoud IllS blocked the collection of Ito Judgment Judg-ment After Mrs Llewellyn was made tho possessor of nIl her husbands property prop-erty she decided to seek a divorce Tho divorce suit Is now pending in thin court With Mrs l LlowHlyn made a defendant In tho damage suit the plaintiff 13rastus axllccts to collect the Judgment |